TE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, August 14, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Up from nowhere IT WOULD BE INACCURATE to say that Gerald Ford's Congresional address Monday night left me any- thing like hopeful or elated-our politics are diametric- ally opposed, as often as not, so there was little common ground there to rejoice on -but I did feel something life relief because of the tone of his speech. Ford took mostIt folksy, popular stands on domestic issues that his predecessor fudged and ducked: modest support for public education (where the Nixon adminis- tration spent not one cent for schools); comprehensive health insurance. (which the previous president held out with one hand and beat back with the other); interna- tional discussion of food and fuel needs; tough appraisal of budget management; beating down inflation; and Candor, Honesty, Integrity, and more Candor. On the other hand, Ford's international stance - with one prominent exception, his reaffirmation of the Paris Agreement and his wish for a rapid compromise settlement in Cambodia (for which read: withdrawal with pomp and circumstance)- fairly reeks of rabid nationalism and manifest destiny; but at the same time, his foreign policy, like his domestic, appears to be con- strained by the same four principles: "communication, conciliation, compromise, and cooperation." Only time will tell. THE SWEETEST THING about Ford's speech was its lack of hype He used first person singular conditional where Nixon used the royal we. He radiated no sense of paranoia about r-mster/punster cabals lurking behind his back, just wai' nz to snicker. And he seemed to un- derstand that he ""d succeeded to a job and not a niche in some shrine called "history" or "democracy" or "the free world." If his first presentation to Congress as president is any indication, Gerald Ford may be the sort of caretaker executive who can let the nation, and the world, back away from the Plain of Armageddon, to heal and go on. -MARNIE HEYN Partition madness THE TURKISH PARTITION demand has deadlocked Geneva peace talks at a delicate moment and threa- tens to engulf Cyprus in full-scale war. Turkey's "final compromise" establishing six auto- nomous Turkish enclaves there is not a viable peace solu- tion. Partitioned Vietnam, Palestine, Ireland and Korea are testimony enough. Drawing the barbed wire line over Cyprus will merely force Greek and Turkish natives to their Troodos Mountain arms caches: guerrilla bands will incessantly dispute hamlets: large populations will be displaced: and nainfully slow Greek-Turk Integration efforts - which recent foreign intervention has inter- rupted -- will stop forever. Turkey, of course, is negotiating from a position of strength. With 40.000 troops poised to occupy the rest of Cyprus and the Greeks helplessly watching, Ankara can afford to wring concessions from Athens. But Turkey had better halt while they are ahead, for they cannot expect the new Greek government to pay for the junta's mistakes. Greece. after shedding the onpressive regime, can tap a powerful source of resurgent nationalism if a war occurs. If Turks continue expanding their island beach- head, Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis can no longer afford to sit back. Now is the time for him to bet- ter his nation's bargaining position by seeking military advantages in European Turkey. The two nations and the island are like Pandora's box, ready to pop open at any moment. ROTH SIDES WERE foolhardy in postponing Geneva talks for 48 hours. If national pride prevents Foreign Ministers Mavros and Gunes from negotiating, the is- land situation may slip out of control. Therefore. the nations must resume talks and main- tain more flexible bargaining positions. The partition issue is non-negotiable, unrealistic, and should be aban-_ doned by Turkey. -BILL HEENAN Letters to the Daily indignation To The Daily: MICHAEL Wilson's "review" of LOVE AND ANARCHY is the most sophomoric and insensi- tive piece of criticism The Daily has ever published. Those of us who have seen the film and recognize it as a brilliant and beautiful statement of the ultimate destructiveness of the macho violence ideal that so- ciety imposes were left stun- ned by his idiotic statement that the film is "Italian porno- graphy." His comment that Tonic in "momentarily detour- ed" from his assassination mis- sion by a "pretty streetwalk- er" is equalled in stupidity only by his averring that the film is "a sort of Day of the Jackal takeoff. The only conclusions we can draw from such an incredibly asinine piece of work are that Wilson is thirteen years old or younger, or that he did not see the film but wrote his review from a press packet (generous- ly laced with stills from the bordello scenes), or that he's a half-swit, in which case he should be gently farmed out ,o an appropriate place. The arts page is not an appropriate place. If you can't find a per- son of intelligence to review a film, for God's sake, let it go un-reviewed. It is insulting to be presented with criticism from a little boy whose arousal at the sight of naked breasts covers his perception of the film as a whole with bodily fluids. -Pamela I Diana Ste August 2 Erbe Wiener eer repression To The Daily: THE ANN ARBOR Tenants Union condemns the Univer- sity's anonymous proposals for controlling student organiza- tions by restrictingttheir access to University facilities. Because these rules are vague, political- ly discriminatory and an in- fringement of the freedom of association, they violate our constitutional rights as citizens of the United States and of te State of Michigan. One rule would have groups deposit all their funds with the University to be eligible to hold fund-raisers with University fa- cilities. Another requires them to "have sufficient funds on de- posit with the University to meet their obligations" - wich might mean their obligatior's to the University, but may w e II1 mean their alleged obligations to outside creditors. And ano- ther rule limits the use of the proceeds of fund-raisers to tax- exempt organizations, or a "substantial segment" (what- ever that means) of students or staff, or to accomplish a "law- ful and legitimate University- related purpose" (as defined by University bureaucracy). These rules are unconstitu- tionally vague because the pro- visions concerning the deposit are ambiguous, and expressions like "substantial segment" and "legitimate University-related purpose" might mean anything. They are politically discrimina- tory because groups are allow- ed to devote funds to purpos en that are "University-related," but not to equally lawful pur- poses that are not University- related. And they abridge the rights of citizens to freely as- semble, associate and make use of public property - not only becauseall their money is hlId hostage for their good behavior, but because of the threat of the University serving as an extra- legal collection agency for out- side interests. THE RULES are instruments of political repression. Wi t h them the Administration would starve into submission the rad- ical and progressive groups who rely on popular rather than corporate and governmental sources of funds. We demand' that the Administra tract, or the Rege these illegal and n rules. And we dema their anonymous identify themselves a responsibility for them. --Ann Arbor T Union July 24 To The Daily: AT A TIME whe apathy runs rampant elated to discovert people in Ann Arbor concerned with thet the oppressed. Farmworkers in Michigan walked of1 berry fields last Th 21) in protest of low poor living conditi weekend an emerg went out asking peo ate food and money, grant workers. The groups responded ir by donating money of food: Canterbury Saint Mary's Studen Friends Meeting Hot jadores de la Raza Fruit Coop., Vegiet House Coop., Do Dro International Market of this outpour of fin moral support, the fa continued to strike grower substantially their wages. WHEN THE food livered on Sunday, workers celebrated thanking every gene The people who p strawberries will ha more money to livet courage to keep str -Friends of thi workers To The Daily: THE Honorable Pi Thomassen of the 15 Court entered a d subject case on Nov 1973. It appears Judg sen took meticulous arranging to preve fendent from exerc right to appeal his ation r e - home at 11 p.m. on the eighth nts reject day of the ten day time limi- nnecessary tation to handadeliver the pre- and that pared appeal and to convey to author(s) the defendent the message from nd assume Judge Thomassen that the ten proposing day limitation had been set aside. Tenants The following morning, a Fri- day, defendent appeared at Dis- trict Court where Judge Thom- assen informed his chief clerk, Ardis Williams, that there was thanks no possibility that defense coun- cil Flory could have misunder- stood the mesage he had car- n political ried to defendent's home the , we were previous evening. Judge that some Thomassen finally came out of r are still his office and personally assur- plight of ed defendent as to the accur- acy of his message and that the Keeler, order could not issue. The fol- the straw- lowing day at 10 a.m. the Sher- tursday (6- iff's Officers arrived. wages and ans. This IF THE reader requires more ency c r y information to enable him to ple to don- consider the possibility t h a t to the mi- three young Ann Arbor lawyers: following Henry, Thomassen, and Flory mmediately conspired to deny due process, and bags then we ask the reader to pond- H o u s e, er the question of how the case t Chapel, became exclusively Judge ise, Traba- Thomassen's when the ether , People's District Judge, S. D. Elden had Coop, Vail done all of the preliminary re- p Inn, and search. . Because The following questions can- ancial and not be left unanswered: rmworkers I. Why was defendent n o t until the granted a jury trial desplte increased timely filing of fee? 2. Why did Judge Thomassen demand that James Flory be was de- brought back into the case as the farm- Defense Council against t h e 1 M a s s, wishes of the defendent? erous soul. 3. Why was the trial held ick y our with less than onehoarano'ice? ye a little on and the 4. Why was it even changed 'from a pretrial to a trial? uggling. 5. Why did Defense Council he Farm- James Flory bring the prepar- ed appeal to defendent's home rather than file it with the Cir- -us- cuit Court? 6. Why was responsible for sending a legal aid lawyer to eter G. V. enter his name in the record 5th District as Defense Council without can- ecision on sent of defendent? - Why was vember 15, hermotivated to pursue the a- te Thomas: terests of the Plaintiff? scare in 7. Why were the papers sign- nt the de- ed at the Judge's home? ising his 8. Why was the moritrium decision. ignored? It seems Judge Thomassen simply exploited the coincidence that defense council J a m e s Flory was negotiating w i h plaintiff's council (City Council- man Robert Henry) for the po- sition of Assistant City Attorn- ey. Defense Council, James Flory, came to defendent's The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to anyone who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. INVESTIGATION of this case would reveal that Plaintiff's council, City Councilman Ro- bert Henry, had such influence as to send a court officer (Ben- nett) to defendent's home to terrorize the defendent's fam- ily even before the case had begun. Perry Bullard, your position on the judiciary committee sitn- ply does not allow you to look in the other direction - your Harvard Law School days with James Flory notwithstanding. -Allen O'Brien April 26