WIednesdoy, August 14, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Chavez still battling Teamsters KEENE, Calif. iP)-The trials of Cesar Chavez go on. In the spring of 1972, he hoped to begin concentrating on philosophical as- pects of "La Causa," the cause of im- proving the lives of field hands that his United Farm Workers of America then dominated. HE WOULD let ranch committees of working members solve union-grower conflicts, even renegotiating historic table grape contracts due to expire the next year, Chavez told an interviewer. He began regular seminars for work- ers at La Paz, the union's headquarters in this central California town, to "raise their consciousness, create brotherhood, a dedication to the struggle and a com- mitment to nonviolence." Chavez even dreamed of eventually cooperating for better crop prices with small farmers, whom he considered "glorified farm workers with a mort- gage. If they organized for better prices, it becomes our interest." A YEAR LATER, his hopes vanished as the UFW was jolted back into a struggle to survive as a union, a battle Chavez thought he had won with the successful grape boycott and strike of the 1960s. By early this year Chaves had been stripped of most of his union's member- ship. From 250 pacts covering 55,000 workers in 1972 the union shrank to 20 contracts representing about 12,000 work- ers. Only one California table grape pact is left. Growers, who struggled to avoid any unionization before capitulating to Cha- vez in 1970, swung sharply to the Team- sters when contracts expired last year. Today, according to organizer James Hanson, the Teamsters have about 306 contracts in the 13 Western states cover- ing a potential 80,000 workers during peak summer harvest. CHAVEZ BELIEVES his union will prevail, and UFW organizers are ne- gotiating with several growers. There is picketing of table grape and fruit ranches and strawberry fields, and Cha- vez has been waging a sagging nation- wide boycott of non-UFW California table grapes and iceberg lettuce. But the Teamsters, who concentrated the past two years on ousting the UFW from the vineyards and adding farm workers to their ranks, are confident their successes will continue. Wages are not a significant issue. The Teamsters' latest contract calls for a $2.52 an hour minimum, one cent more than the UFW's lone table grape pact. MOST OF Chavez' trouble stems from allegations of poor administration of hir- ing halls the UFW set up to break the power of some unscrupulous labor con- tractors. Chavez concedes the validity of some charges but says the problems See CHAVEZ, Page 9 Chavez Floodwaters With no human hand to tend them, cattle nibble at foodstock in the oter compound of a homestead in flooded ganj, a sub-division of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Recently health authorities rushed 201 medical volunteers ani of cholera vaccine to Mymensingh following reports of an out break of the disease due to the massive flooding in Authorities said they were running short of medical supplies. Congressiona eaders sen VP suggestions to Ford Gill won't face criminal charge Bentley says IBy JEFF SORENSEN Student Government Council (SG(C) Attorney Thomas Bentley told The Daily yesterday that he has "no plans" to file criminal charges against controversial former Council President Lee Gill for alleged misuse of nearly $16,000 in SGC funds. Gill, who was Council president from May 1973 to January 1974, is presently being sued for $15,834 by incumbent SGC President Carl Sandburg. The legal ac- tion, filed last week in Washtenaw Cir- suit Court, charges Gill opened accounts at five local banks without authoriza- tion and spent or failed to vouch for-- huge sum of SGC money. "THIS IS strictly a civil suit," Bent. ley said. "We're mainly interested in restitution of the funds . . and an accounting of all financial transactions. "It's quite possible that some of the money will be legitimately accounted for by Gill-but since he has all the rec- AP Pito ords, we can't be sure," he added. Nevertheless, "No hearing date can be set until Gill is served (with a copy of the suit and a summons) . . . and Kishore- someone must be sent to find him first," d batches Bentley explained. the area. The SGC attorney declined to com- ment on what efforts Council has made so far to locate Gill, who left Ann Arbor last winter after resigning as SGC president. IF CRIMINAL charges were pressed against Gill, however, the task of find- ing him would be up to the police-but SGC officers appear reluctant to take stch action. Nevertheless, when a similar suit was filed against Gill last March for $7,000 by the Council, Sandburg said, "There ie presenta- is no question in my mind that this ias (R-Md.), case is solid." Hansen (R- SGC officials have never denied the Rockefeller implication that the charges in the SGC's complaint contain ample evidence for criminal prosecution. meanwhile, Gill presently resides in Chicago and lush, saying is employed by the Illinois State Depart- from Texas, ment of Corrections, according to de. and oil com. partment supervisor Gary Abrahams. tll fits the GILL'S LAST known home address, according to the plaintiffs, was at the 1k has been St. Clair Hotel in Chicago, but the but added hotel's manager said Gill checked out some two months ago and left no for- that there warding address. roters." Bentley said theres a definite pos- t much en- sibility that Gill will return to Ann Arbor if he is served, but added that rvatives for if he then refuses to appear, the court may render a "d e f a ult judgment" against Gill, WASHINGTON (MP)-Senate and House someone. Republicans sent President Ford their recommendations for vice president yes- thenomir terday, as speculation continued to cen- House an ter on former New York Gov. Nelson abling lb Rockefeller and GOP Chairman George and Sent Bush. Committe House Republican Leader John Rhodes vestigatio of Arizona and his Senate counterpart, recess. Sen. Hugh Scott, of Pennsylvania hand- ed over stacks of 121 and 33 envelopes FORMA respectively to two presidential aides. begin ink As Rho MEANWHILE, a Ford associate said over, he the selection process "is still at a very favored b preliminary stage" with the President appeared yet to determine the standards he will apply in choosing a vice president. Scott,h feller wa The associate said he doesn't expect included a decision "until the end of the week, water (R at the earliest," adding Ford may wait until early next week before nominating TWO 0 sional leaders have been told nee will be selected before the id Senate recess Aug. 23, en- e House Judiciary Committee ate Rules and Administration e to 1 a u n c h preliminary in- ns on the nominee during the AL confirmation hearings would September. des handed the House choices declined to say w h o m he but said Rockefeller and Bush to be the favorites. iowever, reiterated that Rocke- s his first choice but said he Bush and Sen. Barry Gold- -Ariz.) on his list. ITHER GOP senators brought their envelopes in during th tion. Both Sen. Charles Mathi a GOP liberal, and Clifford Wyo.), a conservative, said was on their list. Sen. John Tower (R-Tex.), reiterated his support for B the former House member I United Nations ambassadorr pany executive "pretty wi bill." Tower said most of the tI about Rockefeller and Bush "The fact of the matter is are more candidates than v ie said he didn't detect thusiasm among GOP conse Rockefeller. See FORD, Page 8 See BENTLEY, Page 8