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August 14, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-14

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Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 62-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 14, 1974

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Congress acts
on President's
suggestions to
cool inflation

WASHINGTON (A') - Congress acted
quickly yesterday to get legislation
moving in response to President Ford's
call for efforts to cool the inflation.
And at the White House, a spokes-
man said that the economic summit
meeting which Ford mentioned in his
address to Congress Monday night prob-
ably will be held in several weeks.
IN THE SENATE, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen
(D-Tex.) introduced legislation to create
a five-member Cost of Living Task
Force to serve as a public interest
watchdog on the fight against inflation.
Key Democrats endorsed the proposal,
and Bentsen told a news conference that
Ford promised to have his economic
advisers study the proposal by the end
of the day.
Ford had suggested a revival of the
Cost of Living Council, with power to
monitor wage and price abuses, but with
no controls.
IN THE HOUSE, Rep. Wright Pat-
man (D-Tex.), chairman of the House
Banking Committee, announced - that
hearings on a bill to revive the council
will begin today. Hearings on a similar
bill will begin tomorrow before the

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
"You deserve a break ...
Not much is left of Nichol's House on Maynard St. after bulldozers attacked
the structure yesterday to make way for a new McDonalds. The future home
of the "Big Mac" was a controversial subject this past year, when residents
and merchants petitioned and demonstrated against City Council's action to
make way for the new fast food outlet. Found among the ruins of the old
house yesterday was a wooden makeshift cross, labeled "Rest in Pieces."

Kennedy still owes money-
for '70 Senate campaign
WASHINGTON ()-Sen. Edward Ken- expenses of a lavish fund raising dinner cause he didn't want to appear to be
nedy (D-Mass.) has filed a tardy cam- at Kennedy's home in McLean, Va., last raising money for the 1972 presidential
paign finance report saying he still 'February. The affair featured a heated campaign. Further delay was caused in
owes $10,020.71 on his 1970 Senate cam- tent, an orchestra, chartered limousines, 1973 because of a family crisis when the
paign. $767 worth of decorations and $382 for senator's 12-year-old son Teddy con-
The report was filed more than two mementos. tracted bone cancer and lost a leg.
years late. A spokesman for Kennedy Almost all of the money raised in 1974 "FINALLY, HE SAID 'Letts get this
said the campaign treasurer had mis- was produced by that dinner. thing off our necks'," Shaw recalled.
interpreted the federal campaign finance The Kennedy campaign committee has The fund raising dinner followed.
law that took effect in 1972, and believed the cumbersome title of "Committee to Shaw said he hadn't been aware that
erroneously that no federal reports were Re-elect Senator Edward M. Kennedy the new law required him to file re-
required. - United States Senator '70." ports with the Senate. He said he had
THE SPOKESMAN, Richard Drayne, UNDER THE LAW that took effect filed all required reports with the secre-
said periodic finance reports had been April 7, 1972, it was required to file a tary of state in Massachusetts.
filed with the Massachusetts secretary registration statement with the secretary After the fund-raiser at Kennedy's
of state, as required by state law, and of the Senate giving the names of of- home, the committee paid off $10,433.40
that no deception had been intended. ficers and other information. It was in interest and principal to R. P. Fitz-
He denied that Kennedy is raising also required to file periodic reports of gerald, president of Boston's Harbor Na-
money for a possible run for the White receipts and expenditures starting in tional Bank; $9,963.85 to Gerald Doherty,
House in 1976. 1972. a Boston lawyer and close Kennedy as-
The report said Kennedy had raised But it was not until last Friday that sociate, and $9,788.75 to H. Hoffman of
$2,800 in 1972, $500 in 1973, and $38,101.23 the committee filed its registration re- Boston, another Kennedy friend.
so far in 1974. All but $2,000 of that has port and its first finance report with Shaw said that he recalled paying off
been spent, according to the report, the Senate. a fourth debt, to an unnamed doctor,
mostly to pay off debts from the 1970 Senate officials stamped the report but the report made no mention of this.
campaign. with the words "late filing," and "no- The report showed contributions of
ONE DEBT of $10,020.71 remains, tice of error or ommission has been $2,800 from New York public relations
awed to John Campbell of Bridgewater, sent." man Raymond O'Connell in 1972, $500
Mass., a Kennedy friend who is presi- The treasurer of the Kennedy Com- from businessman Eric Frey of Wind-
dent of radio station WPLM, Plymouth, mittee, Clifford J. Shaw, said in a tele- ham, N.H. in 1973, and donations of
Mass. phone interview that Kennedy had wait- $1,000 from several persons, mostly from
Some of the money was used to pay ed years to pay off his Senate debt be-. Massachusetts,

Senate Banking Committee.
In at least one area, however, the
much heralded "honeymoon" with Con-
gress appeared to be running into some
Sen. John McClelland (D-Ark.) an-
nounced that the Senate defense appro-
priations subcommittee has s 1 a s h e d
some $5.59 billion from the Pentagon
McCLELLAN, chairman of the Appro-
priations Committee, said the $81.9 bil-
lion budget being recommended by the
subcommittee represents a 5.9 per cent
cut from the budget requested by for-
mer President Nixon.
It represents a cut of $1.3 billion below
theg amount voted by the House.
"We have gone over each and every
item in this bill and made every effort
to set a funding level . . . that would
maintain our defense capability and yet
be realistically aligned with the present
state of our economy and fiscal affairs,"
McClellan said.
IN HIS SPEECH to a joint session of
Congress Monday night, Ford said that
he hopes to balance the federal budget
in fiscal year 1976, but will resist large
cuts in the Pentagon budget.
"This bill will not please everyone,"
McClellan told the Senate. "Some would
want to cut more, others would like to
add to what we have done. But the bill
represents our best judgement is to-
day's perspective."
McClellan said the bill will be con-
sidered by the full Appropriations Com-
mittee on Friday.
These were other developments:
-Ford met with AFL-CIO President
George Meany and said he hoped the
45-minute meeting would help him "es-
tablish good relations with the AFL-CIO
and a great labor leader."
Ford's meeting with Meany, which the
President characterized as a "very
friendly and a very constructive discus-
sion," was significant since his admin-
istration will need the support of labor
in its drive to curb inflation.
-Ford also attended to foreign policy
matters, conferring with Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger and preparing for
a "working luncheon" meeting with
visiting Egyptian Foreign Minister Is-
mail Fahmy at the White House today.
-Atty. Gen. William Saxbe said he
told Ford that it is up to special Water-
gate prosecutors to decide whether to
bring criminal charges against former
President Richard Nixon. Saxbe said
Ford made no direct response at their
hour-long meeting.
Later, questioned about Ford consider-
ing the question of immunity, pardon
or clemency for Nixon in the Watergate
matter, Press Secretary Jerald terHorst
told newsmen he was not aware that
the question had come up with Ford.

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