Tuesday, August 13, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fv Ford sticks with philosophy he held while in Congress WASHINGTON (A) - Gerald Ford enters the White House favoring revenue-sharing, a high level of military spending, na- tional health insurance and Nixon-style foreign policy. He opposes busing, a tax cut now, economic controls and amnesty for draft evaders. He says inflation is world pub- lic enemy No. 1, a threat to peace and order as well as the pocketbook. THESE ARE clues to the man's political beliefs drawn from his recent public state- ments. Most of them were made as Richard Nixon's spokesman, but they are no different from the philosophy he expressed in 25 years in the House of Repre- sentatives. Ford favors optimism and compromise. He became minor- ity leader in the House, where give-and-take is a way of life. "In all those years, side was all wrong and the other side 100 per cent right," he once said. Since he was picked to be vice president last October, he has traveled the country speak- ing and being interviewed, in many ways as though he were campaigning for office. HERE IS a sampler of his statements during that time: -On 'foreign policy: "Presi- dent Nixon has innovated and carried forward a bold and cou- rageous foreign policy that his- tory will credit in due perspec- tive." June 4. -World trade: "One great re- sponsibility is the need to seek a more open and equitable world trading system. Another is to assure a fair chance in the world's markets . . . Trade is essential to consolidate the great strides that we have made in the last five years toward a new world partnership." July 6. -Isolationism: "T h e r e has been a tendency of our people to turn inward . . . but I can- not imagine that we will with- draw from the world." July 1. -Military spending: "There are forces in Congress that want to gut it, cut 'it, reduce it-at the wrong time." June S. -Arms reductions: "It is es- sential to maintain adequate force levels and a technological lead while negotiations continue . . . If negotiations fail and the Soviet Union seeks military ad- vantage, the United States must be prepared to increase its forces quickly and effectively." Feb. 11. -Inflation: ". . . World's pub- lic enemy No. 1. Unless some- thing is done, the cancer of inflation could prove fatal - - - A major threat to our free economy and our form of gov- ernment." Opposed any tax cut and encouraged individuals to curb buying of scarce goods. April 26. -Economic controls: "Tem- porarily, they were helpful, but they proved, as they have m the past, to be no long-range solution." April 26. "I am opposed to the rnono- lithic government which claims to have all the answers. I prefer to rely on the decision-making power of 211 million Americans, exercising their choices in the market place, and the ability of industry to respond to their needs." Jan. 8. -Big oil: "Let me here just briefly affirm the administra- tion's belief in the absolute ne- cessity' of reasonable profits." Jan. 31. "Some consideration should be given to some reasonable roll- back on domestic crude prices." Jan. 26. -Revenue sharing: "Be pre- pared to fight for it-revenue sharing." May 24. -National health insurane: "If we do nothing to provide national health insurance . . . we are issuing an invit Ition to those favoring outright sociali- zation of medicine." June 25. -Busing: "I feel very strong- ly that to deal with integ: sted schools by busing is very super- ficial and very counterprodiuc- tive . . . When individuals can move and live where they wint to. That's the basic way to deal with the problem." July 2i. -Amnesty: "Unconditional blanket amnesty to anyone who illegally evaded or fled military service is wrong." Aug. 5. --Marijuana: "I am not yet convinced we ought to legalize marijuana. My children keep telling me that marijuana is no worse than drinking a rnar- tini or a scotch and soda.". Jan. 10. -Newspapers: "I ... read the sports page first, 'cause you got a 50-50 chance of being right on the sports page. When you read the front page, the odds are a little tougher." Jan. 10. -.Reporters: "They are seek- ers after truth. They are moti- vated by the same emotions tt'at inspire the rest of us-love of country and dedication to what's right." Nov. 5, 1973. -On the possibility of becom- ing President: "I think I've had a reasonable training ground and I have no fear . . . I'll do the best with the background I have and I have no apologies for it." May 6. -On Nixon: "I believe the President is completely innocent of all charges, and will remain in office and complete his term." June 111. "There just isn't any evi- dence." June 14. "I still believe the President is innocent of any impeachable offese" Aug. 5. "I intend to respectfully de- cline to discuss impeachmen: matters in public." Later the same day, after Nixon said new tapes would be damaging. .-Executive privilege: "Exe- cutive privilege is most often used in opposition to the public interest." 1963, reaffirmed dur- ing confirmation hearing, Nov. 2, 1973. -On granting clemency for Nixon: "If I took an oath of office to carry out the law of the land, I wotuid certainly live up to that oath . . . If the law's violated, I think anybody in public office has to carry out his responsibility." Jan. 10. -The Committee to Re-Elect the President. "Never again must Americans allow an arro- gant, elite guard of political adolescents like CREEP to by- pass the regular party organi- zation and dictate the terms of a national election." March 30. -H o n e s t y in government: "The more people we have who believe in and practice truth and honesty in their dealings with others, the fewer problems we will have in government." June 14. "No moti'ation, none what- soever, justifies the doing of evil . . . We have shuddered under the weight of the ham- mer blows that fall ttpon a nation w h e n high-placed indi- viduals engage in wrongdoing in the mistaken belief that the end justifies the means." June 17. -Running in 1976: "1 have said many times that I have no intention of being a candidate for any particular office in 1976." Feb. 18. "I am very definitely ruling myself out as a presidential candidate . . . in '76 and for any time thereafter." Nov. 26, 1973. -Pessimism: "I will not per- mit the doomsayers itto on ttit a self-fulfilling prisphesy -f de- feat and despair .. . Our great est threat ctomes from no for- eiwa foe btt from those at hime who seek to imose the p)er of neotit e thinking." Jute 3. -Oil being deacribed as a plodder: "Yon know, tte-e's the old storr of the tortoise and the hare." Jan. 10. -Domestic life: "I'm a 1-usy cook. B-it I really enjoy doitg dishes." Jan. 10. -Formal titles: "In in'imate situations, why, I do like to have people still call me Jerry and I'm still a little unaccus- tomed to people saying Mr. Vice President." Jan. 10. MORTGAGE MONEY NOW AVAILABLE AT ROUNDTREE OAKS with only 5% down ...HURRY! Fa mom rinformotns cll slesmen 769-1700 434-4475 PRESIDENT GERALD FORD works at his desk in the White House Oval Office. Ford, during his 25 years in the House of Representatives and as vice president, favored optimism and com- promise in working out legislative problems. Ford has opportunity to build strength By CARL P. LEUBSDORF AP News Analysis WASHINGTON MP-President Ford will have two early chances to show whether he takes the task of building a strengthened national Republi- can party more seriously than his two GOP predecessors. The first will come when he picks a vice president, the sec- ond in his approach to Novem- ber's midterm elections. FOR ALL of their own per- sonal success at the polls, neith- er Dwight Eisenhower nor Rich- ard Nixon paid much attention to restoring the national Repub- lican dominance that-prevailed before F r a n k Ii n Roosevelt's election to the presidency in 1932. Eisenhower, the war hero turned statesman, had little in- terest: Nikoi a party man all his life, became more and more interested In hiseown political fortunes exclusively. Gne of the legacies ofthe,1972 campaign, besides the scandal, that ultimately drove him from office, was the bitterness in the GOP over the President's failure to help bring other Republicans in on his coattails. SEN. ROBERT DOLE of Kan- sas, the 1972 GOP chairman, has said he felt like an outsider at Nixon's victory celebration. GOP lawmakers always felt Nixon could have saved several senators who suffered narrow defeats. But Ford demonstrated in his long congressional tenure and his brief spell as vice president a devotion to follow Republicans that could spell brighter GOP days ahead. His major task, in recent months, has been 'to help Re- publican candidates, part of a broader effort to giye leadership to the' party . at a time the na- tional adminjstration was floun- dering. SOME EFFORTS this fall in behalf of Republicans seem in- evitable, and an extended.Ford honeymoon could be a big boost to GOP candidates. Before that, however, Ford must pick his No. 2 man, and the choice will tell much about his views on the party. In the past, Ford has talked of the need to broaden the GOP. base, a view that led him to help liberal Republicans as well as conservatives and to suggest in 1968 that Nixon choose a liberal running mate. Such a view now would ap- pear to dictate the choice of a party moderate, either an es- tablished figure such as Nelson Rockefeller or a younger Re- publican such as Gov Daniel E v a n s of Washington, Sen. Mark Hatfield of Oregon or Sen. Edward Brooke of Massachu- setts. Many GOP liberals fear a great chance would be wasted if Ford picked a fellow con- servative, such as Sen. Barry Goldwater or Gov. Ronald Rea- gan, especially since the choice must be approved by the Demoa- cratic-controlled Congress, rath- er than a conservatively based GOP National Convention. transcendental meditation as taught by MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI " Provides deep rest - as a preparation for a dynamic activity'" Introductory Lecture, - TONIGHT-August 13 , Henderson Room Michigan League " for additional information cull 76 -8255