Tuesday, May 14, 1974
Page Thirteen
Tuesday, May 14, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen
'U' not participant
in merit aid trend
Rape reclassification proposed
Rising costs of higher educa-
tion may be hurting low-income
students in more w.Rys than one,
A recent study by the Chronicle
of Higher Education showed
that more scholarships are now
being offered on the basis of
merit alone. Rather than lose
good students to cheaper state
schools, many private universi-
ties and colleges compete by
offering "no-need" grants.
Although some state schools
are responding with similar
merit awards, University ad-
ministrators say assistance here
is still based heavily on demon-
strated need. Thomas Butts, di-
rector of the Office of Financial
Aid, sees the new trend as un-
fortunate. He claims that some
the University will not suffer
from the competition of merit
grants at other institutions.
"W'd estimate the cost of ed-
ucation for a freshman here
next year to be about $3,200.
That's still a couple of thous-
and dollars less than it will cost
to go to many private schools,"
Butts says.
HE GOES ON to explain that
middle income students are not
shut off from aid. His office con-
siders a number of factors in
awarding money, including fam-
ily income, number of children
in college, family size and un-
usual expenses. On the basis of
all factors, Butts claims that
many middle income students
do qualify for help.
At present, from 25 to 30 per
Help may be on the way for
rape victims. New legislation
that would change the legal
clasification of rape has been
introduced in the state senate by
Sen. Gary Byker (R-Hudson-
ville) and a similar bill h as
been introduced in the s t a t e
House by Edgar Geerlings (R-
Twin Lake).
The bill is an attempt to help
rape victims to prosecute suc-
cessfully for the crime. It is
based on a proposal by the
Michigan Woman's Task Force
on Rape, recommending classi-
fication of rape as a crime of
violence rather than a sexual
offense. The bill also provides
for male rape victims.
"HOPEFULLY," says Byker,
"this bill will give victims
enough boost in morale to more
readily report rape. It will act
as a deterrent to the assailant
in attacking a woman."
Byker also said that he hopes
that his bill will help to change
the current public opinion of
rape in this country.
"We must educate the pub-
lic," he continued, "to realize
that the injustices thrown at
women are inhuman. Rape is
not a crime of passion, it is a
crime of violence."
THE BILL would establish
four degrees of sexual assault,
ranging from first to fourth, de-
pending upon the amount of vio-
lence and coercion committed.
The proposed legislation would
eliminate the requirement that a
rape victim must "resist to the
utmost" or e- .Ae to nrCK
secute the assailant at all.
The bill also prohibits the de-
fense attorney or the person
charged with rape from inquir-
ing about previous sexual activ-
ity of the rape victim.
"We think," said Geerlings,
"that this bill will definitely in-
crease the number of convic-
students may be tricked into at- cent of University students do
tending schools on the basis of get aid of some kind. This year
money alone. alone, the Office of Financial
"WHAT'S REALLY important Aid paid out nearly $24 million.A e
is for the student to pick the Butts reports that so far his of-
school which has the right pro- fice has been able to keep up
gram for him or her. The dollar with inflation thanks to increas-
sign on it shouldn't be that big es in the amount of money cc-m-
of a problem," he says. ing from both private and go\-
Butts contends, however, that ernment sources.
Upwardly mobile families notru
more motivated, study shows CasSifed
Our Head Carrier
awaits your calls
every morning
Tuesday through Friday-9-11 a.m.
The major reason some fam-
ilies move up the ladder of eco-
nomic success and others fall
into poverty or hard times has
little to do with how motivated,
hard working, or thrifty they
are - and a great deal to do
with changes in the composition
of the family and decisions
about who works and who does
That is among the concl's-
ions of a recent study of in-
come change conducted by Uni-
versity's Institute for Social Re-
THE STUDY was the first re-
search effort to follow a nation-
wide sample of American fam-
ilies over a period of several
years and search for the causes
of the changing economic f o r-
tunes. Over 5,000 families were
interviewed concerning their
background, attitudes, behavior,
and elements of their social and
economic environments.
While some families undoubt-
edly benefit when the b r e a d-
winner works long and hard or
earns a promotion or wage in-
crease, the overall pattern of
changes in economic fortune is
dominated by such "normal" oc-
currences as the arrival and de-
parture of children, marriage,
divorce, retirement, and family
members joining or leaving the
labor force, the study revealed.
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