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August 10, 1974 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-10

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Page Ten


Saturday, August 10, 1974

Suit filed against Gill

co totned tom Poo U
-Wrote miscellaneous SGC
checks for $4.497 without per-
mission and for which no ac-
counting has been made;
-Used Mtllin's apparently
forged signature in August 1973
to open the Ypsilanti bank ac-
count in SG("s name, and trans-

ferred $1800 from SGC's valid
NBT account into the illicit Yp-
silanti account and immediately
withdrew the same amount for
personal use;
-Wrote checks dated from
May to December 1973 on the
NBT account for $4,859 without
proper authorization;

Connally denies
milk fund charges

isnlons Umia Pee -U
where in Texas, where Connally
is he;id of a louston law firm
that is among the nation's lar-
Conattr is charged with ac-
cepting to $5,000 payments
friim Associated Milk Producers
Inc., a Texas-based dairy-farm
er cooperative that is the no-
tion's largest. in retortn for help-
ing persuade President Nixon
to hike milk price supports in
lIe also is charged with lying
to a Watergate grand jury on
two occasions and cinspiring il-
legally to obstruct justice by
covering up the alleged bribes.
CONNAIlY has cotisistently
denied taking the money, IIe
his testified that it was ttfered
to him as a political fund, not
as a bribe, and that he refused
to take it.
Coniallys one-time friend,
Jake Jacobsen, a former White
House aide to President Lyndon
Johnson, pleaded guilty Wednes-

Lay to giving Connally the two
Jactbsen once swore Connally
refused the money, but has
changed his story and is expect-
ed to be the star prosecution
witness against Connally at
ANOTIIER rtilk - producer of-
ficial, former general manager
Harold 5. Nelson, has -also
pleaded guilty to authorizing
the Jacobsen payment for Con-
nally, but apparently has no
lirst-hand knowledge of whether
Cotnnally actually took the
1tormer co-np lobbyist Bob
lilly has testified, under a
g r a n t of immunity, that
he gave Jacobsen money al-
legedly for Connally.
Leaving the courthouse on
Friday, Connally was met by an
old law-school roommate and
former business partner, Rep.
J. J. Pickle (D-Tex.) Pickle
kissed Connally's wife on the

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-Made over 500 personal long
distance calls at a total ex-
pense of $550 for SGC and now
has a Council desk valued at
-Signed unauthorized checks
for $1,117 in SGC funds at the
Ann Arbor Bank;
-Told Mullin on January 10,
1974 - the date of his resigna-
tion - "I don't have to account
to yiu for anything' when ques-
tioned about use of funds.
-Has repeatedly refused to
explain any of the above dis-
crepencies, and has declined to
provide original copies of checks
and bank statements, forcing
Mullin to order potostatic
copies from the banks.
the suit suggests Gill and at
least one associate spent hun-
dreds of dollars of SGC money,
exploited the Council's long dis-
tance lines to make literally
hundreds of calls to New York,
Chicago, South Bend, and other
cities and consciously attempted
to hide their activities from SGC
Sandberg said last March that
the charges against Gill stem
from Mullin's accidental dis-
covery of her signature - in
someone else's handwvriting-on
an SGC form last February.
Gill resigned under fire last
Ford sworn
in as 38th
(Continued from Page 1)
Cabinet and key aides, telling
them that greatness comes in
times of trouble, not triumph,
and that defeat can be a be-
ginning, not an end.
Then Nixon, his wife, daugh-
ter Tricia and son-in-law Ed-
ward Cox, boarded a heli:opter
for a five-hour journey to Cali-
fornia and seclusion at San
BY THE TIME they arrived,
Ford was well into his first
day's business at the White
House Nixon surrendered. He
summoned ambassadors from
59 nations, sent message to for-
eign ministers around the world,
to assure them that U.S. foreign
policy remains basically un-
In Moscow, the Soviet govern-
ment emphasized that the
change in leadership will not
alter the policy of detente.
Ford arranged to address a
join tsession of House and Sen-
ate at 9 p.m. EDT Monday.
HE APPOINTED Jerald ter-
Horst, a veteran Washington
newsman and career - long
friend, to be White House press
TerHorst said the new Presi-
dent considers the selection of
a new vice president to be of
top priority, He said Ford told
congressional leaders he hopes
to name a nominee within a
week or 10 days,
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RICHARD NIXON gives a final "thumbs up" to his staff
during his farewell yesterday before leaving Washington for
AP Photo
Nixon leaves D.C.
for California

(Continued fromnPage1)
About 200 friends greeted
Nixon, his wife and their
daughter and son-in-law, Tricia
and Edward Cox, at the helipad
outside his villa here - which
no longer will be called the
Western White House.
THE NIXONS went to their
home alone,
To his co-workers at the
White House, Nixon said that
when things go wrong, when a
man suffers defeat, some think
that all is ended-
"Not true," he said. "It's on-
ly a beginning always. The
young must know it, the old
must know it. They must always
sustain it because the greatness
comes not when things go al-
ways good for you, but the
greatness comes when you real-
ly take your knocks - -,
He counseled: "We want you

to be proud of what you've
done. We want you to continue
to serve in government if that
is your wish. Always give your
best. Never get discouraged.
Never be petty. Always remem-
ber, others may hate you. Those
who hate you don't win unless
you hate them, And then you
destroy yourself."
Nixon said "we leave with
high hopes, in good spirits and
deep humility."
His face, and that of his
daughters and their husbands
who flanked him during his 20
minute valedictory, mirrored
sadness. Tears came to Nixon's
eyes as they did to many in
the audience.
Afterward he strode across
the South lawn of the White
House as he did so many times
before, to a waiting helicopter
that lifted him to Andrews Air
Force base for the flight home.

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CREEP to pay Dems
in Watergate lawsuits

President Richard Nixon's re-
election committee has agreed
to pay the Democrats $775,000
to settle a damage suit, a
spokesman for the Democratic
National Committee said yester-
The settlement is the final
result of an exchange of dam-
age suits by officials of the
Committee for the Re-election
of the President and the Demo-
cratic committee in the wake
of the original Watergate break-
Maurice Stans, once chairman
of the financial side of the re-
election committee, filed the
first suit last September, accus-
ing former Democratic National
Committee chairman Lawrence

O'Brien of "falsely and malici-
ously" committing c r i m i n a I
O'Brien had spoken out on the
June 17, 1972 break-in by seven
men paid from re-election com-
mittee funds,
In subsequent countersuits,
O'Brien and current party chair-
man Robert Strauss asked $6.4
million in damages.
Vince Clephas, a spokesman
for the Democrats, indicated a
few administration details re-
main to be cleared up, but said
the $775,000 amount is firm,
Although the suits were feed
in the names of Strauss, O'Brien
and the Association of State
Democratic Chairman, all of
the money will go to the Demo-
cratic National Committee.

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