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August 10, 1974 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-08-10

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Soturday, August 10, 1974


Page Seven

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'JUNE 1972: THE WATERGATE BREAK-IN. Responding to a security guard's midnight call, Washington police arrested seven men for breaking into and burglar-
izing the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the lavish Watergate complex. Soon it was learned that all seven were paid agents of Nixon's re-election
committee. The apartment complex lent its name to the ensuing scandals.

AP Photo
distration buckled this week under a wave of pressure
ther than face doom in the impeachment process, Nixon
ision Wednesday, this untypical photograph of Nixon

AP Photo
JANUARY 1974: The President, flanked by his newly-appointed vice president, dwelled on the energy
crisis and foreign policy matters in his State of the Union address. Already there was speculation that
Gerald Ford would have to replace Nixon before the next State of the Union speech.

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