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August 10, 1974 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-08-10

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Page Two


In the news this morning

A United Nations plane crashed in Syria
yesterday killing all nine persons aboard, of-
ficials said. Syrian authorities said the crash
occurred during a fight between an Israeli
warplane and Syrian defenses. But the Israeli
command said none of its planes was in the
region when the Syrians said the U. N. plane
went down. The Syrians said the clash occur-
red during Israeli raids on areas alleged to be
guerrilla bases on the western foothills of Mt.
Hermon. Syria, Lebanon and Israel converge
on the area, known as Arkoub.
DACCA, Bangladesh - Floods and cholera
have killed at least 2,000 persons in Bangla-
desh in the last five weeks, Relief Minister
Abdul Momin said yesterday. He told news-
men the disaster affected over 30 million per-
sons. According to official sources, crops on
10 million acres of land were ruined. Nineteen
thousand educational institutions and over half
a million houses were badly damaged.
WASIINGTON - Richard Nixon's lawyers
disclosed yesterd ay that 14 minutes are miss-
ing from a Watergate tape recording submit-
ted to U. S. District Judge John Sirica. The

gap occurred because a tape reel "ran out
after approximately the first 14 minutes of
this conversation" between Nixon and Charles
Colson on March 21, 1973, according to docu-
ments submitted to the court. The telephone
conversation between Nixon and Colson, then
a special White House counsel, occurred on
the same day that John Dean warned Nixon
that the Watergate cover-up had become a
cancer threatening the presidency.
OLYMPIA, Wash. - The State Supreme
Court today suspended John Ehrlichman from
the practice of law because of his federal con-
spiracy conviction. Ehrlichman, former Presi-
dent Nixon's top domestic adviser, was con-
victed in federal district court in Washing-
ton, D. C., July 31 in connection with the
breakin at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psy-
chiatrist. The court ordered the suspension un-
til final disposition of disciplinary proceedings
which are expected from the Washington State
Bar Association.
It'll be partly sunny today with a high in the
low 80's. Tonight the forecast is for mostly
cloudy skies with a chance of showers. The low
will be in the low 60's. More showers are ex-
pected on Sunday.

Daily Official Bulletin
Saturday, August 10
Day Calendar
Mosic Sch.: Fifth Annual Me-
dieval Festivul. Recital Hall & Gar-
den, 10:30 am-spm.; Carillon, Bur-
ton Tower, il-noon; Madri Klein,
tronmbse & .sipaooeui Cady Mu-
sic Rm., Stearns Hadg., 2:30 pm.;
Mary Anne Satin, cello, Recital
Hall. 8 pm.
sunday, August 11
Muic lsch.: Fifth Annual Medie-
sal Festival, Recital Hall, 10:30 am-
8 pm.: Dwight Andrews, clarinet &
sax., Recital Hall; Herman Taylor,
organ, Hilt Aod.; zothtat 8pm.
TV Ctr.: Poets Talking, Galway
Iinnell, wwJ TV, channel 4, noon.
Monday, August 12'
. WUOM: Panel discussion, "Infla-

tion and the Economy," with Rep.
Henry Reuss, Chmn., Joint Econ,
Subcommittee, & Andrew Brim-
mer, Sr. member, Bd. of Govs., Fed.
Reserve System, 9:40 am.
SACUA.: Meeting, 4079 Ad. Bldg.,
? pm.
uisic Sch.: Carilloneur, Hudson
tjdd, Burton Tower, 7-8 pm.; Bar-
bara Eline, trumpet, Recital Hall,
8 pm.
Carer Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, Phone 764-7460
Hughes Aircraft Co. offers fel-
lowAaips for: Masters, Engr. & Dctrt.
Degrees. Fields: Elect., Aerospace &
Mech. Engrg; Comp. Set., Physies &
MathBenef its: alary, acad.se-
penses, etc.
Burroughs Corp.: Offers a formal
Cooperative Educ. Prgrm, for cands.
enrolled in graduate Lib. set.
prgrm.,Wora in New Center area of
Dsetroit, have excellent GPA and
one semester of lib. courses com-

12:00 2 11 Pebbles and Bamm
4 13 Jetsons
7 24 Movie
"Nanny and the Professor and
the Phantom of the Circns"
9 Frank D AngeHni
50 Movie
"Creature from the Haunted
Sea." (1961)
57 Electric Company
12:30 2 11 Fat Albert
4 13 Go
9 Sunday Mest
56 Sesame Street
57 Sesame Street
1:00 2. 11 Children's Film Festival
4 Lidsville
7 24 American Bandstand
13 mogan's Heroes
20 natman
1:30 4 At the Zoo
9 Country Canada
13 Putt Putt Gaif
20 Batman
30 57 Pro Tennis
50 Movie Pro Tennis
1:00 2 Movie
"The Daydreamer." (1966)
4 13 Baseball Pre-Game Show
7 Dating Game
9 Canadian National Tennis
11 Marie
"Operation Double Cross."
(French; 1965)
20 Nanny and the Professor
24 Limits of Man
2:15 4 13 Baseball
2:30 7 Lone Ranger
20 Burke's Law
24 World of Survival
2:45 50 Movie
"Knockout." (1941)
3:00 7 NFL Championship Games
24 Car and Track
3:30 2 Movie
"Mad Monster Party." (1968)
7 24 Wide World of Sports
20 Movie
"The Lady is Willing." (1942)
4:00 9 Greatest Sports Legends
11 Hollywood Squares
50 Movie-Drama
"Crash Dive," (1943)
4:30 9 Reach for the Top
1t Porter Wagoner
5:00 4 Mr. Magoo
2 24 PGA Championship
920 Wrestling
1t Hark Owens.
13 Hogan's Heroes
5:30 2 Dusty's Trail
4 Sale of the Century
11 Police Surgeon
13 Untamed World
30 Electric Company
56 Rukeyser
57 Lilias, Yoga and You
6:00 2 4, 1113 News
S Tarzan
20 Movie
"My Sister Eileen." (1942)
30 University Forum
50 Star Trek
56 Stokowski Rehearses
57 Festival Films
6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom Brokaw
7 24 Reasoner Report
11 CBS News-Dan Rather
30 57 Video Visionaries
7:00 2 CBS News-Dan Rather
4 George Pierrot
7 Town Meeting
9 Police Surgeon
June,JUly, Aug. t

Volume LXXxIV, No. 60-s
Saturday, August 10, 1974
is edited and managed by stuaents
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a i I y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
S11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign)

Saturdoy,'August 10, 1974
around -A'
WCBN-FM presents at 3 p.m.
Alternative Forum: "The need
for an Asian -American Advo-
cate at the University", a dis-
cussion with Bill Wei and other
Asian-American students at the
Universitv, WCBN is 89.5 on
your radio dial,
f3 50 Lawrence Welk
24 Wrestling
30 You Owe It To Yourself
56 Renoir
57 Wood County Fair H15g0-
7:30 2Wild, Wild World of
4 Johnny Mann's Stand 7p
and Cheer
7 World of survival
9 Beverly HilbiHes
30 Fossil Affair
56 Masterpiece Theatre
8:00 2 11 All in the Family
4 13 Movie
7 24 Partrilge Faiy
S Myrna Lorri Show
20 Movie
"Night of the Blood Beast."
30 Carrascolendas
50 That Good Ole Nashville
8:30 2 11 M*A*S*B
7 24 Movie
"Hoston, We've Gt a Pea-
9 CBC Sunday Heports
30 57 Great American Dream
50 Merv Griffin
56 Fanfare
9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore
9:30 2 11 Bob Newhart
4 13 Movie
"Movin' On,"
20 Temple Baptist Church
30 56 57 Hollywood Tele-
vision Theatre
10:00 ? Engelhert Humperdink in
7 24 Owen Marshall
S Play's the Thing
11 Barnaby Jones
20 Seven Hundred Club
50 Lou Gordon
11:00 2 4 7 9 11 13 News
24 ABC News
11:15 7 ABC News
9 A Look Back
24 Don Kirshner's Rock
11:30 2 Movie
"Day of the Wolves." (1971)
4 Johnny Carson
7 Movie
"Slay Ride." (1972)
9 Movie
"Remember the Nght." (1940)
11 Movie
"Dance of Death." (French,
13 Movie
"The Brides of Dracula." (En-
glish; 1960)
50 Movie
"Beast from launted Cave."
1:00 4 Saturday Rock
13 News
1:30 2 Movie
"Death Kiss." (1933)
7 Movie
"Fallow the Sun." (1951)
11 News
3:00 2 What's My Line?
3:30 2 News
7 Collage
4:00 7 News

r7-. i

A Celebralon of the Women We Are
An Oriqinal Theatre Piece Created & Assembled by a
Women's Workshao for Both Women and Men
AUG. 1, 2, 3 & AUG. 8,9, 10 (Matipee 2 P.M.)
$1.25 8:00 P.M.
RATES CALL 763-1172 DAILY 5-7 P.M.

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