TE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, August 8, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Detroit casts the die THE DETROIT SCHOOL system boxing match is over for the moment. Ringside Referee Mayor Coleman Young happily cals it a draw, raising the arms of the Detroit Federation of Teachers (DFT) and the Detroit School Board. DFT manager Mary Ellen Riordan glee- fully waves her champion's hard-sought teacher con- tract; and the Board's manager Aubrey McCutcheon heaves a sigh of relief after his boxer had successfully fended off two years of repeated pay hike jabs until now. Naturally, Detroit should be jubilant over the com- promise contract which Board and DFT negotiators hag- gled over all summer, and the Federation finally rati- fied Monday: an 8 per cent pay hike for teachers; class sizes reduced; a new teacher accountability proposal; and the controversial teacher residency requirements placed under binding arbitration. But the prizefighters missed one BIG catch which may send them back into the ring. ALL HINGED ON Tuesday's millage vote. It was a fore- gone conclusion to many Detroit leaders that voters would approve it. and the school board acted accordingly. Carelessly slotting $16.5 million of themillage's expected $28.5 million revenue for the contract's class size pro- vision and other non-contract issues close to teachers' hearts, the Board risked too much. Chief School Board negotiator McCutcheon, Union President Riordan and Mayor unfortunately misjudged voters intentions, for the millage proposal-the seventh in two years-was handily defeated 97,044 to 71,637. Ultimately, the Detroit School Board must renege on class size reduction and other issues. Justifiably, the teachers will protest any cutbacks as the Board uses their famous "don't look at us; we don't control the purse strings" tactics to conceal the reckless gamble. The familiar pattern could repeat itself: the teach- ers will strike before being bogged down by McCutcheon's bludgeoning. More importantly, students will suffer from academic neglect. TEACHERS, Board members, and other Detroit citizens must realize what was at stake in Tuesday's elec- tion. If the schools close this fall, the school board's rash actions and the "uncooperative" electorate are to blame. Meanwhile, the School Board had better come up with other alternatives to the KO'd millage-and fast. -BILL HEENAN Stop buying the war THIS WEEK, THE House of Representatives faces a - crucial vote on the issue of military aid to Thieu's regime in South Vietnam. Two Congressmen, John Flynt (D.-Ga.) and Robert Giaimo .(D.-Conn.) have proposed an amendment to a defense appropriations bill which would place a $750 million ceiling for continued military aid to South Viet- nam. This would limit military aid to the Saigon regime to present levels, and is supported by the Indochina Peace Campaign. We too, strongly urge Congress to sup- port the Flynt-Giaimo Amendment. It is encouraging that our Republican incumbent in Congress, Marvin Esch, has endorsed the amendment. Esch said recently, "first, we have moved from wartime to peacetime and the budget should reflect that change with increasing amounts of money being spent at home. Second, we have a goal of disengagement and this goal will be realized not by continuing to supply the weapons of war, but by building programs for peace." We approve of the forthright position that Esch has finally taken on this issue and urge him to continue speaking out against our present pursuit of continued war until all military aid has ended. THIEU HAS CONSISTENTLY demonstrated that his government is unworthy of one cent of our aid. In violation of the Peace Agreement signed in early 1973, Thieu has detained hundreds of thousands of political prisoners under conditions that have been described as "an eternity of mistreatment and torture." Thieu has refused to permit elections as the Peace Treaty calls for, which would allow the participation of the Provisional Revolutionary Government. Thieu has censored the press; banned labor strikes and peace demonstrations; and has ordered his police, "If a stranger enters your village, shoot him in the head." The Flynt-Giaimo amendment is an important step in ending this country's tragic association with President Thieu. -MARNIE EYN (HE GROPING POOR Hard luck, hard words By DAVID STOLL HARD OUT OF WORK, on any trash-strewn pavement anywhere in America, male con- versation takes a sexist turn. "In a few weeks," remarked Sid, shooting the s t from a set if dirty, concrete steps, "I'm going to find a woman and strangle her." "You won't rape her first?" I asked. My protege made an inarticulate noise at a girl with fine brown legs. Without turning her head or quickening her pace, she passed us by. "First I'll strangle one," Sid continued. Then maybe I'll rape one." "You're angry?" Quickly I cleared my throat of phlegm and spat to the curb. "I don't have any money and I'm just going crazy for lack of women, that's all." From the bar across the street another woman issued into the street. "There's too many pretty girls in this town," he complained, following her with his eyes until she disappeared around the corner. "You know, you'll go crazy if you don't get one. That bitch, for example, I could strangle her, no kidding. When was the last time you had a woman?" I CLEARED my throat of phlegm and spat to the curb. "You start strangling women you'll get in trouble with the police." "Police won't do nothing while I'm just sitting on these steps," Sid mused. "If they come around and ask me, I'll tell 'em, and then I'll tell 'em my hard luck story. Lost my job, can't find a new one, don't even have the money to hustle in, a bar. They'll not only let me go, they'll feel sorry for me." "Maybe it'd be easier to find work if you went back where you came from," I suggested, clearing my throat of phlegm and spitting to the curb. "I can't go back home," Sid replied. "I'm twenty-one and it's way past time to be on my own. Way past time. It's common sense, it's only natural and I can't even get out of the Handy Andy labor pool. THERE ARE different ways of explaining the problem. "But are you born again, Fred?" asked Sue, a dark-haired, madonna-like figure standing by the pork and beans with a bowl in one hand and a ladle in the other. Fred, an elderly cripple, was in the kitchen of the New Light Mission in Boston, Massachusetts, a house of Jesus Peo- ple which takes indigents off the street for a maximum of three nights - unless they give themselves to Jesus, in which case they can stay longer. Gathered around the food, which required a prayer before the eating, were a doz- en expectant, mostly silent and mostly young men. "No, I'm not born again," answered Fred with the stripped-down, ready-to-draw gospel of many a night spent in mission, "but I do know the Lord Jesus Christ. I know how he hung on the Cross and died for our Sins, and I know how he returned from the Dead and rose into Heaven. Why, many scrapes I been in I owed my life to Jesus ..." "Have you ever really blown your top?" asked Paul in the corner under his breath, bouncing one leg on top of the other. "I was talkng to my mum on the phone last night and it didn't gg too well. I could feel myself losing control." "MAYBE A LOT of your trouble stems from her in the first place," I ventured, "so it's hard to be natural with her." -Paul, a thin,'blond man wJio said he's been in and out of a number of mental institutions in New York State, including Bellevue, ponder- ed this for a moment. "That may be so," he concluded, "but I have to keep control of my- self, because if I don't they'll send me back." "Back to where?" challenged someone from the far end of the table, drawing everyone's attention. "Paul's a graduate of some of our finest looney bins," said someone helpfully. "Everybody here's messed up one way or another," sympathized another. I spoke. "You know, you shouldn't necessarily blame yourselves for everything that happens to you." "Who should you blame then?" asked Myron, a soft-spoken young saint with, soulful brown eyes and long, brown hair. "CAPITALISM," I answered. "It creates the conditions which keep people permanently out of work, it drives them crazy and then it shuts 0-m tin in institutions." "But it sure is good for the affluent people," '-""rnd Sid. "That's all it is," I continued, "a " system for extracting profit from one set of people in or--r to ei-e it to another." Myron continued to look at me with his big eyes and Old Fred, not by way of argument bt very much by way of answer, began to tell a story. "It all started out with Adam," he began, ex- postulating with the plastic corncob pipe which he held, unlit, in his hand, "and it's been bad ever since. They. was in the Garden and things was easy, they was happy, the only thing was God told 'em they couldn't eat the fruit of a cer- tain tree. But Eve listened to the Serpent, she didn't know who he was," Fred waved his pipe in the air and shook his head, "and she picked the apple. Then she give it to Adam, he didn't know God was looking, and he ate it too. They disobeyed the Lord direct, and when he found out he threw 'em out of the Garden. Made their life hard ..." "AND I THINK it's time for a prayer so we can eat," interceded Myron. Sue served the old man first. His body was jointed as if it had been stuck on a fractured, jabberwocked set of splints, and when he stepped forward for the bowl of beans which she was holding out for him his head boggled forward, his left leg and torso scissored and his arm swung out in a hoe-down crook. He had a face from the old Massachusetts Bay Colony, a Puritan face molded to look to heaven: fine, aquiline nose and high forehead, across which fell greasy lanks of neatly parted hair. But his small, tight mouth and chin were creased and shrivelled into ruin; and behind a pair of thick welfare-issue glasses his eyes swam myopically, as if he were blind. Letters to the Daily clerical concern To The Editor: SIX MONTHS ago the cleri- cals at the U. of M. began to discuss organizing. At that time I was shocked at the idea. Try- ing to be open minded, I at- tended several meetings of CCFA-UAW to get the pros and cons of unionization. Salary seemed to be the biggest issue and I learned that many cleri- cals do have legitimate gripes. I couldn't imagine supporting a family on $5,000 a year. How- ever, as the wife of an Engineer making an adequate salary my own financial situation was sa- tisfactory. Also, having worked at the University for six years I am at the top of the C4 sal- ary range, a position which, due. to rapid turn over, few secre- taries attain. I felt then, and still do, that my wages are in line with my job duties. Con- sequently, I looked at unioniza- tion objectively. I would help others but what could it d for me? During the past few months my views have changed drasti- cally Perhaps it has been due in part to a change in my own attitude, but it has also been caused by an increasingly istrained relationship between the head of my department and some clericals. I have peace- fully co-existed on this staff for six years because of my abil- ity not to cross certain people in authoritative positions. How- ever, due to marked favoritism to some staff members a n d grossly inefficient departmental procedures I eventually went with other secretaries to Uni- versity officials with our griev- ances. THAT WAS two months ago and since then some Depart- mental procedures have improv- ed but working relations have steadily declined. I have f or some time been unhappy with the lack of challenge and re- sponsibility in my job, and al- though I desired reclassification, it was the increasing low office morale that moved me to ac- tion. I HAVE nothing against the University for setting up maxi- mum salary rates for classifica- tions, but for someone like my- self who wants to advance and take on more responsibilities, it is discouraging to be stuck in a dead-end position. Now as an election for union- ization of clericals draws near I think back over the events of the last few months and the smug "It doesn't affect me at- titude" I had in the beginning. I firmly feel that organizing will help all clericals regardless of their present financial situation. In this day of awakening wo- men's rights a secretary needs to be recognized as a person, rather than just an automation who brings morning coffee to the boss. -Mary Fahrner July 24 The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to anyone who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words.