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May 08, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-08

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Wednesday, May 8, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
Roving reporter looks at tapes
Editor's note: Daily reporter Jeff Day would have to be released, not to the
spoke to the people on the seet yesterday.
to determine how Ann Arbor residents general public, to the officials in charge
view the trecntly released transcripts of so they can determine if the inaudibles
Pesident Nixon's private conversations. and the blurbs really are inaudibles and
Question: What is your reaction to blurbs. The sooner they can get it over
President Nixon's release of the Water- the better-if he's guilty he should be
gate tape transcripts? impeached-but I would vote not guilty."
"I have the feeling Nixon has made C. J. Johnson, visiting in Ann Arbor.
some very serious errors, I'm not sure
that somebody else in the same position
would at make the satne errors. But if "I think the tapes are outrageous. My
I were sitting in the Senate, I would vote optnton hasn't been changed, it's been
tilty."-Ron Yapp, ex-Peace Corps. verified. The man is morally bankrupt,
out of touch. I think he's mad, mentally
Yapp Johnson de Vaux Aenis 0
"My general impression is the tapes SEE ANN ARBORITES, Page 11
Nixon r

WASHINGTON (P) - President Nixon
decided to turn over no more Watergate
tapes, thus risking a constitutional show-
down with Congress on one hand and in-
viting a Supreme Court test on the other.
White House lawyer James St. Clair
said the President had reviewed Special
Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski's
subpoena for 64 t a p e recordings and
ordered St. Clair to fight the demand to
the Supreme Court if necessary.
And St. Clair said, the President will
in landslide
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. 0P)-Gov. George
Wallace swept past four opponents to an
unprecedented third - term nomination
yesterday in a Democratic primary in
which he appealed openly for the first
time for black votes.
The runnerup, State Sen. Gene McLain,
conceded defeat four hours after the polls
closed. He had predicted victory in what
he said would be the greatest political
upset in Alabama in years. At the time
McLao conceded, Wallace was leading
in every county which had reported.
WITH 1,410 boxes tabulated out of
4,564, Wallace had 153,726 votes, or 65
per cent; McLain had 67,543, or 28 per
cent; former Gov. James "Big Jim" Fol-
som, 10,085, or 4 per cent; Ralph
"Shorty" Price, 3,141, or 1 per cent, and
Thomas Wesley Robinson 3,427, or 1 per
Wallace told a victory rally in Mont-
gomery after his nomination became
evident. "With God's help I'll try to
make. you a good governor," and he
added, "a governor of all the people."
In another primary contest former
astronaut John Glenn, showing surpris-
ing strength in his opponent's home town,
took a substantial lead yesterday over
appointed U.S. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum
in their race for the Ohio Democratic
Senate nomination.
Metzenbaum was having trouble keep-
ing even with Glenn in Cleveland, his
hometown stronghold where his aides
said he needed a 50,000 plurality to win.
WITH 4,286, or 38 per cent, of Ohio's
12,895 polling places tabulated, Glenn had
181,273 votes, or 56 per cent, to 145,101,
or 44 per cent, for Metzenbaum.
Glenn was leading in the Dayton, War-
ren and Columbus areas, which went to
Metzenbaum in the 1970 primary con-

not give more tapes to the House Judic-
iary Committee for its impeachment in-
"I do not believe it will be an im-
peachable offense," St. Clair said.
A spokesman for Jaworski declined
comment other than to say "we plan to
continue with our litigation."
There was no immediate reaction from
Judiciary Committee leaders.
A committee member, Rep. Tom Rails-
back (R - Ill.) called the announcement
"most unfortunate" and added:
"This decision is certain to provide a
confrontation with the Judiciary Com-
mittee, the end result of which will cer-
tainly be bad for the country as well as
for the Republican party."
Before the latest refusal, Senate Re-
publican Leader Hugh Scott-in a signifi-
cant shift from his past support of the
President-said transcripts of key Water-
gate conversations reveal "a shabby, dis-
gusting, immoral performance" by all
And presidential lawyer Fred Buzhardt,
summoned before the Senate Watergate
Committee, answered most questions but
also invoked executive privilege, national
security and the attorney-client privilege
to avoid some.
In the House Judiciary Committee, it
was learned, the staff dropped plans to
summarize its entire case against Presi-
dent Nixon when it begins tomorrow with
its presentation of evidence to the full
A CBS spokeswoman said in New York
the three commercial television networks
will rotate live coverage of the public
portions of the committee's investigation
-in the same manner as they covered
last year's Senate inquiry.
Scott declined to criticize Nixon di-
rectly but made plain, in talking to
reporters and in a floor speech, "I am
nut going to take any position supporting
any action which involved any form of
immorality or criminality as the tran-
scripts indicate."
The House GOP Leader, Rep. John
Rhodes of Arizona said at a news con-
ference, "I won't q u a r r e 1 with his
(Scott's) description." Rhodes also said
Republicans he had talked to around
Congress haxe expressed similar senti-
He said he had not seen anything in
the transcripts "definitely impeachable"
but felt portions of them did raise some
serious questions.
"There are areas that might possibly
be brought up as impeachable offenses,
having to do with obstruction of justice,"
Rhodes said.
He said there were conversations be-
tween the President -and three White
House aides, John Ehrlichman, H. R.
Haldeman and John Dean, "which indi-
cated to me some rather high level plans
were being made as to what this person
would say and what that person would
See NIXON, Page it

JAMES ST. CLAIR, President Nixon's lawyer, tells newsmen yesterday that
Nixon has decided not to turn over any more Watergate tapes to the house
Judiciary Committee or special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski.
Fil groups hit
-yRegents' move
By GORDON ATCHESON Currently a majority of motion picture
A Board of Regents resolution man- classes utilize films shown by the campus
dating the administration to demand that organizations as an integral portion of
on-campus film groups adopt self-regula- their curricula.
tory guidelines or forfeit the use of "It would be disastrous to our program
University auditorium facilities threatens if the independent film societies were
the survival not only of those organiza- eliminated," Felheim said yesterday.
tions but also of specific film courses "The arbitrary stoppage of film bookings
offered here. is anti-educational."
Facing the loss of the auditoriums on FELHEIM WILL meet with Fleming
May 31 unless regulations governing the this afternoon in an effort to make some
showing of films which allegedly "over- headway in resolving the present con-
step the bounds of obscenity and por- troversy, but it remains to be seen
nography" are established, four film whether the discussion will focus on
organizations met yesterday with the specifics or relatively general policy
Film Resources Committee to discuss areas.
proposals that might be presented to the A long-smoldering controversy over
administration. films on campus burst into flames last
THE F I L M Resources Committee, month when the Regents expressed dis-
(FRC), a faculty body chaired by Prof. tress over the screening of Deep Throat
Marvin Felheim and designed to over- -a pornographic movie-in the Nat. Sdi,
see University film courses, fears that Building under the auspices of State Rep.
if the motion picture groups now on cam- Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor).
pus are curtailed or eliminated, certain Because of the involvement of a stu-
film classes will be proportionally dam- dent group known as the Bullard Action
aged. See FUTURE, Page 11

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