Wednesday, August 7, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven i t the WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY: comics science fiction old magazines and much more PLEASE CALL 761-0112 between 1-6 p.m. for info. LOST AND FOUND LOST DOG-Black female labrador. 8 mo. old. Lost in Arboretum or Geddes area, Sunday night. Please call 764-0400. 21A810 LOST COLLIE DOG - LAST CHANCE. I lost my male, sable and white collie, Adam, in February. $150 reward for information leading to return, no questions asked. 769- 5495 1A810 ROOMMATES LOOKING foc a roommate? We can help you. Call ASCO, 994-1t3, $30 fee. ceTc QUIET, studiousmale grad student seeks same to share 2-bdrm. pt. for fall. Ron, 764-7314-or 763-1645. 05Y807 GRADUATE STUDENT or older stu- dent needed to share house for Fall erm. Call 665-6976 for more info. 08Y808 TO SHARE - 3 woman furnished apt. $77.50 for Sept. Call NASCO, 994-6103, $30 fee. B-11. ctc DEAD STUDENT looking for shared accommodations Fall and Winter. Call 973-0351, ask for Mark. 92Y808 SUBLET CAMPUS-1 bedroom, available Aug. only. Call 668-6906 or 663-3641. cUt FURNISHED two bedrooms, Septem- ber throuh August; pol, nice views. $193 mo. 663-4317. Graduate students or /taff preferred. Suitable for couple. 47U808 NICE ROOM in nice house avail- able month of August. Near cam- pus. Call and tell us what you're willing to pay. 994-6473. dU807 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Summer Sublets. Rooms, efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedroom apts., plus whole houses. Furnished, campus locationsavail- able. Please pick up our listing at 611 Church St. cUtc NEW CARS ALFA ROMEO 174 Has Arrived! TOYOTA ANN ARBOR 907 N. Main, 769-7935 BISINESS SERVICES UPHOLSTERY LESSONS. reasonable rates. 665-6976 for more info. 09J808 GOOD TYPING-Pickup, delivery to Student Union. 973-2776. 02J08 TUTORING, EE. Statstics. Mth. Computers Call Walt. 769-2256. cJtc TYPING and EDITING. Call lean. 994-3594. 10 am.-10 p.m. cJtc SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath 5I6x4" materials and labor, $189. Call 483-4615. cJtc WANTED TO RENT FEMALE Grad studeni neds rom, apt., or shared hosing for Fall term only. Call Gail, 764-0408. 994- 12333evenings. 34L807 GRAD LOOKING for own room in apt. Close to campus. Srb, 769- 441. 31L09'. COUPLE DESIRES pleant 1-bdrm., apt. Space would be nice; quiet essential. 65-598 after 5 p.m. 37L810 MALE NEEDS single for Fall Term beginning anytime between now and September. Room with kitchen' privileges preferred. Joe, 769-3688 dL808 TRANSPORTATION DRIVE MY CAR to Florida (or at least Atlanta). I pay gas andj motel. Mature person. Referenes. 971-6153. 230807 FOR SALE GARAGE SALE - Guitars, amps, water bed, drum set, etc. 718 W. Madison, 665-6304. 33B809 QUEEN-SIZE BED, firm Simmons, $100. Solid. state stereo FM/Phono- graph, remote speakers. Desk-top bookcase, $15. 21 Zenith TV, $0. Dinette set, $15. Chairs. 663-4939 or 663-7860. 07S07 12 TV, 1%. yr. old. Excellent con- dition, $45. Call John, 761-3525. 27B100 HOUSE FOR SALE, $20000. 3 bed- rooms, possible 4th/den. Located on choice corner in north-central Ann Arbor. For more information, _call Mr .Bryant, 973-0619. dB BROWN HIDE - A - BED, excellent condition. Sewing machine, $15. Call 665-6976 for more info. 10B808 PETS AND SUPPLIES 30-GALLON AQUARIUM with filter, fish, heater. $50. 665-6976. 16T806 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE-$20,000. 3 bed- rooms, located on choice corner in north-central Ann Arbor. For more information cali 973-619, ask for Mr. Bryant. dR USED CARS FOR SALE - '65 IMPALA. Needs work. Best offer. 668-8683. 45N810 '63 CHEVY 6. Four door. Needs min- imal work. Cheap. Call evenings, 665-5832. 87N806 TRIUMPH TR 6, 1969. Good condi- tion. Must sell. 485-0936. 95N808 TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$ 1971 SPITFIRE. Red mags, radials, ike new. $2295. !972 SPITFIRE, Brrwn. 4-speed, radial clean. $2595. 1972 DATSUN 510 4-door sedan. 4- speed, Perelli radials. sharp. X972 VOLKSWAGEN Superbug. Bright orange finish. 4-speed, AM- PM. like new. Priced to sell. 1973 SUBARU GL coupe. Tach 4- sneed, radials, radio, accent stripes, 7700 miles. 6 month warranty, extra shean FWD automobie. 1972 RX-2 MAZDA. Two door coupe, one owner. 4-speed transmission, ra- dio. white vinyl top, white interior. silver blue finish, radial tires. Just like new. Priced to sell at $2895 70 ,AGUAR 6-cylinder. XKE coupe. chrome wire wheels, 4-speed. British racing green finish. A classic at $4995 (spring sale nw in rogress on all used Toyotas) Toyota- puaeot 769-7935 907 N. Main HI- LP WANTED BABYSITTER. Start late Aug. Tues. 12:30-5:30 p.m. Thurs. 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. My home, own transpor- tation. $2/hr. 663-3411. 49H814 MATURE experienced person for lab histology. Half to full time, semi- permanent. 764-6269 afternoons. 51813 UNIVERSITY TOWERS permanent, part-time maids needed. $2.5/hr. Students preferred. Work schedule around class schedule. 761-2680. cR-805 BABYSITTER NEEDED, $1/hr. Own transportation, 1 mile east of cam- pus on Geddes Ave. 2:45-5 p.m. M-F. Call 769-9230. 51H809 TWO CHILD CARE workers or mar- ried couple interested in working weekends, 48 hours with small group of boys, ages 10-12, in resi- dential center. Positions available on or before Sept. 1, 1974. Salary dependent on schooling and experi- ence. Call or write: Methodist Chil- dren Village. 26645 W. 6 Mile Rd., Detroit, Mi. 48240. Phone: 531-4060. 59H89 PUBLIC RELATIONS WRITER Seeking self-starter with at least 5 years of public relations and news media background. Must have ex- cellent writing and research skills. Will prepare speeches, pamphlets, aticles; handle inquiries and media cntact. College degree required. Salary flexible depending on experi- ence. Good benefits. Send resume in confidence to Box 5, Michigan Daily. -54813 ! TEMPORARY JOBS, General office- typist. General labor. Arbor-Man, Arbor-Girl. Call Barbara, 761-5252.! 40H807 TEMPLE BETH EMETH Reform Congregation now taking applica- tions for cantor for High Holy Days and regular Friday evenings serv- ices. Please call Mrs. Scott, 663-6905. 30H80 HELP WANTED VETERANS-Earn $50-$100 per week- end. Call Ann Arbor Armory at 662-0490. 42817 METICULOUS TYPIST, part time, flexible hours. Call Mrs. Whipple, 769-2256. cHtc PSYCHOLOGY MEMORY EXPERI- MENT PAYS $10. 5 hours i0 to 6 p.m.) any day M-F, 8/12-8/16. Call Thursday 8/8 ONLY, 1 p.m.-5 , 761-9137. 26H08 BABYSITTING / Housekeeping help wanted for Fall term, afternoons 1-5 p.m. Call Mrs. Scott, 663-6905. 29809 JANITOR-PART-TIME 4 hours/day, 2 or 3 days a week. Call 971-1700 after 9 a.m. 35H80 RESEARCH ASSOCIATE MA. in social psychology, cognitive psychology or political science. Ex- perience in supervising others and in open-ended coding. Reliable, re- sourceful, intelligent. Referene. Start Sept. 1. Haif-time, flexible hours, wide range of assignments. Professor Robert Axelrod, 763-4212 13H809 PROCEDURES ANALYST Experience with MTS, Fortran and list processing. Knowledge of graph theory and statistical inference. Ex- perience in social science research desirable. References. Start Sept. 1. Half-time, flexible hours. Professor Robert Axelrod, 763-4212 14H09 76-GUIDE NOW HIRING. Graduate and undergraduate phone counsel- lors for fall. Interviews completed by August 23rd. Applications avail- able at GUIDE desk, Michigan Union Lobby. 94H81$ TRUCK DRIVERS Start $3.60/hr. MusIhave chauf- feur's license to drive stake van. Plymouth area. Respond to Boa 420, Michigan Daily. 80H808 SHIPPING-RECEIVING, general lab- orer, Plymouth area. Start $3.75 an hour, oom for advancement. Re- spond to P.O. Box No. 3, Plymouth 4817. 52807 KRAZY JIM needs full and part time people to prepare and retail food. Prefer ones with sufficient self-discipline to feel comfortable working in a loosely structured sit- uation. Appear at 551 S. Division anytime between 9 am. & midnight except 1-2 p.m. 06H807 The DAILY is looking for a limited number of people to deliver the 'Dily" around the campus area in the fall. The hours are lousy, but the pay is good. And if you have a car, there is also a North Campus route, which is slightly more lucrative. "M" students are preferred (this is a student news- paper), but this is not a strict requirement. To ap- ply, simply call 764-0558 or Visit the Circulation Dept., 420 Maynard begin- ning August 12. dHt PART-TIME, men-women, 171-35, paid training in several fields with guaranteed part-time employment. Call Ann Arbor Armory at 662-0490. 41H817 PERSONAL FEMALEg RAD in erman looking fr cngealsiflk with whm to speak the language. 769-1825 eve- nings. 46F810 PRAISE THE LORD from Kay Olson, 98F815 FIDDLE LESSONS. 761-6101 at Erle- wine Instruments. 27F809 WEDDNG INVITATIONS-Mod. or traditionaL Call 761-0942 anytime. WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP PERSONAL FREE CONCERT' University of Michigan Chorus and Orchestra Thomas Hilbilsh, Conductor Wednesday, August 7th, 8 p.m. Hill Auditorium Cantata, J. S. Bach Symphony of Psalms by Stravinsky 44F807 EVERY DAY IS RING DAY at the Michigan Union. See our display of class rims at the concession stand on the first floor. cFte WE PARTICIPATE in the Blue Shield Prescrintion program. Village Apothecary, 1112 So. University Ave. cFtc METAL IDENTIFICATTON TAGS 25c AMUSEMENT MACHINES 5c-25c PINBALL, 1217 S. UNIVERSITY cFtc CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOG- RAPHY - Weddings by David has been doing it since 1968. By ap- pointment only, please call 994-5440. eFto ALL THE ACTION IS NOW IN THE UNION BILLIARD ROOM. BOWL- ING IS CLOSED FOR REPAIRS. CF EXOTIC BEAUTY _ Three dignified lady Persian show cats looking for a pleasant stable enviranment for period of two years. For more information, call 709-70233,38F808 MATCHMAKERS. Meet new compa- ible people through SATURDAY NIGHT INSURANCE. Call 663-1392 evenings. cFtc BE HAPPIER . . . Scientology Works Scientology is an applied religious philosophy cFtc ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printing, Xerox, Typing, Wedding and Social Announcements 214 5. 4th Ave.-994-4664 WE GIVE YOU MORE- CONVERSATION, ADVISE, JOKES U-M STYLISTS AT THE UNION CF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment, i.e. no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color. creed, or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. PERSONAL LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond expert help you style your engage- ment ring. It costs less. Over 5.000 U-H men haveAusotin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. eFto THE COPY MILL FOR QUALITY COPIES 3s OFFSET 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS. 1217 Prospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 760-0560 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085 eFte Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. Next time you see someone polluting, point it out. It's a spewing smokestack. It's litter In the streets. It's a river where fish can't live. You know what pollution is. But not everyone does. So the next time you see pollution, don't close your eyes to it. Write a letter. Make a call. Point it out to someone who can do something about it. People start pollution. People can stop it. Keep America Beautiful 99 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016 ApubHC3'^ t i'f l704 W tItleai~Unit td