Wednesday, August 7, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'The Boyfriend' boop-boops its way into everyone's heart Page Five yr f By BETH NISSEN From the opening monologue to the streamered carnival fin- ish, The Boyfriend is one of those smile-until-both-cheeks- hurt musicals. The show gives a heel-clicking tap-notch view o f t h e boop-boop-dee-boop 1920's, showing a chattering bevy of "perfect young ladies" devoting their teen hours to coyly and flirtatiously landing a boyfriend and trying not to get caught doing it by the headmis- tress. The musical's soup-thin plot and maple sugar songs keep the show at a shallow level, but an energy-cell cast and a tightly conducted band give great spark and sparkle. All the lead players had audi- ble and pleasant singing voices and seemed well-acquainted and comfortable with the charac- ters they played. They proved that good stage talent is not an exclusive property of New York theatres. Lynne Wieneke as Polly Browne, the poor little rich girl with hair and purse full of gold, is a powerful Sills-like soprano with the rare accompa- nying ability to blend. Her duet w i t h Headmistress Dubonnet, sung by Mary Gutzi, was exe- cuted in perfect pitch and co- medic timing. Paul J. Hustoles, playing the Boyfriend, has a presentable voice and a peculiarly angular face that grimaces into extraor- dinary facial shouts of exagger- ated emotion. Mary Gutzi, am- ply cast of Mme. Dubonnet, sings, advises and flirts with a pseudo-Parisien accent while she vamps for Polly's distin- guished and wealthy father, huf- fily played by Jack Sharrar. Also deserving of several rounds of written applause are the comically flawless perform- ances of Diane Daverman as Hortense, the French-tongued maid who claims it's nicer in Nice, and Jack Van Natter, who leers idiotically at anyone pret- tier than his umbrella-wielding wife, played by a pickle-faced Lois McDonnell Lintner. The audience was easily pleased by the well-practiced dance numbers where 14 pair of shoes tapped and Charlestonned the shine off their patent lea- ther. Dance highlights included a Shirley Temple-curled Mary Lott Buelch assuring a line of admiring boys that she loves them all in a number called "Safety in Numbers" and a bawdy and uplifting Carnival Tango done by Errol Segal and a slinky and sultry Beth Tit- muss. The Boyfriend is a spoof of tthe plumed and feather-head- ed musicals of the 1920's. It can- not offer a deep and ponderous moral message, but it is guar- anteed to lighten your heart by about 50 years. Michigan Daily Arts 'The Boyfriend' Smothers Brothers draw Od Left By DAVID WARREN Perhaps the best T.V. show to come out of the 60's was the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Unfortunately it was cancelled in 1969 because of "controversial" ma- terial. The cancellation seemed to mark the end of the brother's careers. But Monday night they returned and their act is really together. Tom was the first one out, and did about 15 minutes of topical humor, ranging in subject from Nixon to CBS. Tom said that after five years he was much cooler about the cancellation. He is still "pissed off", but he is much cooler. Their opening number was a lovely Spanish ballad that Tom eventually sang in German. Dick, not missing a cue, reprimanded his brother. Dick: You sang in German! Tom: Did you tape it? Dick: No. Tom: Then I didn't do it. What was really impressive was how smooth they were. Their act seemed to flow, and their rendition of John Henry is one of the classic musical-comedy bits of all time. Their music is better than ever, and their repetoire ranges from American folk to Gilbert and Sul- livan. Tom's Stan Laural-ish face lends an added touch to their comedy, and their music, Tom is always mugging it up, and the audience loved it. It was interesting to observe the audience, made up mostly of Old Left members who have since settled down. They were enthusiastic, and at the same time courteous, unlike the rock concerts audiences that have made De- troit infamous in music circles. On the bill with the brothers Smothers was Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary. He did his famous (and overdone) "Puff the Magic Dragon". This was his rocket to stardom, but it has been done thousands of times, and is really wearing thin. But then again, his whole act is wearing thin these days. In fact, his act is the same as when he played Pine Knob two years ago, only then he was the headliner. It was good to see that the Smothers were not sub- ject to the same pitfalls that Yarrow it. Although their act is fundamentally the same, they have new songs, and their range is broad enough to keep it from becoming dull. Suffice to say that the Smothers gave a good show. It is a joy to see that they are back on the scene, It hasn't been the same since they left. Smothers Brothers