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August 06, 1974 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-06

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Tuesday, August 6, 1974


Page Eleven

Brock isn't slowing clown
From Wire Service Reports
While the provincial baseball fans of Detroit are going ape
4 r about the precocious base-stealing exploits of rookie flash Ron
Le Flore in his first major league week, one of the greatest
base swipers in baseball history is closing in on the all-time Na-
tional League record for thefts and chasing the single season
record at the same time.
Lou Brock, at the advanced age of 35, continues to burn up
NL basepaths at a rapid rate, with 72 already under his belt
this year and 707 lifetime, 31 behind NL record-holder Max Carey,
who hung up his spikes after 737 swipes.
Brock, who has stolen 50 or more bases in each of his last
nine seasons, is well ahead of Wills' pace now, but the Dodger
speedster stole 45 bases in his last 47 games. However, if
Sunday's doubleheader is any indication of Brock's ability
to stand the grind of the long season he shouldn't have much
trouble at all.
In the twinbill split with the Phillies that enabled the Cards
to maintain a one-game lead in the National League's Eastern
Division, Brock stole four bases. Almost ignored in the torrent
of stolen bases is Brock's .300 plus batting average and his
traditional spot among the leaders in runs scored.

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AP Photo
SPEEDY LOU BROCK of the St. Louis Cardinals streams into second ahead of Philadelphia
catcher Bob Boone's throw to Dave Cash. This swipe, in the first inning of the second game
of Sunday's doubleheader, was one of four for the day for Brock.

SSports of The Iai
Prominent scabs report
MIAMI (JP) - Quarterback Bob Griese led a rush of star quar-
terbacks into National Football League training camps Monday
and predicted a quick end to the players' strike.
Griese, a seven-year Miami veteran, reported to the Dolphins'
camp in suburban Biscayne College. At about the same time
Pittsburgh's Terry Bradshaw was checking into the Steelers'
camp at Latrobe, Pa.
And a few hours later, John Hadl of Los Angeles showed up
at the Rams' Fullerton, Calif., camp.
"I think something is going to be settled pretty soon," said
Griese. "Owners lost $3 to $5 million last weekend in exhibi-
tion games. They're not going to do that every week. And
players are going - to be reporting to camp. The players
association is going to realize they're not as strong."
The trio of quarterbacks weren't the only stars to show up
Monday. Joining them were such veterans as Jack Snow and
Joe Scibelli of the Rams and Lee Roy Jordan of Dallas. Cow-
boys' quarterback Roger Staubach reported Sunday.
The NFL said as of yesterday afternoon there were 325
veterans in camp, including 100 starters.
That meant about 900 veterans, including 50 starters, still were
honoring the 37-day strike that had a profound effect on the first
weekend of exhibition play.
Hadl, who led the Rams in 1973 to their best record since
the club moved to Los Angeles from Cleveland two decades
ago, appeared gloomy as he gave newsmen a brief interview.
"My teammates know how I feel," the 12-year pro said. "It
comes down to a personal situation. A problem within myself is
that it takes a month to get my arm ready, and that's one reason
I'm here.
"If I though this would affect the future of the team, I
probably wouldn't come. I thought it out thoroughly and my team-
mates knowhow I feel.-
"I have not discussed coming in with the other veterans.
I did not try to sway anybody."
Bradshaw said his reporting "was no overnight decision. I've
given it a lot of thought, I've had some sleepless nights.


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