Tuesday, August 6, 1974
Page Nine
Tuesday, August 6, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine
Counc' defers approval
of new AFSCME contract
Preferential voting issue
may be on Nov. ballot
(Continued from Page 3)
tionwode support, is a protest
against the mass slaughter of
whales by the Soviets and Japa-
nese to produce soap, paint,
perfume, oil and dogfood.
Council Republicans, who
cast all five votes against the
measure, claimed that the city
could do little to protect endan-
gered species such as whales.
"I'VE ALWAYS said that we
should keep extrAleous mater-
ial such as this off the council
agenda," said Mayor James
Stephenson. "This is a prob-
lem we can do nothing about."
Although a spokesman for the
boycott said that thousands of
of city residents had signed
a "Save the Whales" petition,
Councilman Louis Belcher (R-
Fifth Ward) felt that it was an
unimportant matter.
"What I boycott is my own
business," he said. "We should
not set a precedent for taking
Strike supporter arrested
in Argus plant picket line
up valuable council time with
these matters."
Last night council also heard
charges from Councilman Jamie
Kenworthy (D - Fourth Ward)
that City Attorney Edwin Pear
was guilty of conflict-of-interest
when he represented the city
in a suit involving the Packard-
Platt shopping center.
Kenworthy alleged that when
Pear was representing the city,
that a member of his law office
was representing the owners of
the Packard-Platt Plaza who
were protesting some city re-
strictions on land development.
Pear denied the charges aid
said that he will "state my en-
tire relationship to the whole
case" next week.
"None of my law partners
h a v e represented the proper-
ty's owners in this lawsuit," he
Councilman Robert Henry (R-
Third Ward) labeled the charges
"trash" and a "cheap shot."
r I
(Continued from Page 3)
WEGBREIT said the proposed
City Charter amendment "will
almost certainly appear on the
November ballot." Signatures
of at least five per cent (3,800)
of the city's registered voters
are needed to put the issue on
the ballot.
The Democratic p r o p o s a l
which failed to get the required
signatures would have resulted
in a system of run-off elections
if no candidate received a ma-
jority in any city mayor or
council race.
Lee Gunn, a coordinator for
the Democratic petition drive,
estimated the collected signa-
tures "between 700 and 800"
adding that "we just did not
have enough workers circulat-
ing them."
When asked if the Democratic
party would endorse the HRP
effort, Gunn said, "I don't think
they'll (Democrats) endorse it
but individuals will probably
work for it (HRP proposal).'
AN HRP spokesperson stress-
ed that HRP has tried in the
past to get the cooperation of
the Democrats to w o r k for
preferential voting, but was re-
Gunn emphasized that if the
IltIP proposal was to include
"mavtor and council as well"
lDemocrats weild probably have
backed it.
C'ouncilwomin K a t h y Koi-
chenko (HP - Second W a r d)
contended that the preferential
system, if extended to council
elections as well, would make
candidates "avoid taking any
kind of stand," adding that the
proposal "tends to elect the
candidate in the middle."
Kozachenko also s a i d, "We
concede our proposal will prob-
ably elect a De m o c r a t i c
An eight page report of a
Democratic ad hoc committee
to study election alternatives
admitted "preferential voting is
cheaper for the city" than run
off elections but also claimed
the HRP proposal .would create
"substantial confusion" among
The report argued that a run-
off election's "chief advantage
. . , over preferential voting
is its simplicity," also contend-
ing it is "more truely repre-
sentative of . . . the voters."
The HRP promised "an ag-
gressive campaign to pass pref-
erential voting in November and
bring our election laws up to
date with political reality."
Mark Zucker, a supporter of
striking employes at the local
Argus Optics plant, was arrest-
ed yesterday and charged with
trying to stop non-striking work-
ers from entering the factory.
In defense, Zucker argued
that "there shouldn't be a law
preventing striking workers
from trying to keep scabs from
crossing picket lines.
"In effect," he added, "it's a
strike-breaking law. A law like
that serves the interests of the
factory owners. Laws should
serve the interests of workers."'
Zucker was released on bond
yesterday and his case will be
arraigned in court this morning.
Employes of the Argus plant
have been on strike for over
seven weeks in an effort to
force the company to recog-
nize the United Auto Workers
as their bargaining agent. The
Argus factory specializes in
lens grinding, polishing and
The main outside supporters
of the strike include the Hu-
man Rights Party (HRP), the
Socialist Workers Party and a
student support committee, of
which Zucker was a member.
Commenting on Zucker's ac-
tion, an HRP member, who
wished to remain anonymous,
said, "Everyone else decided to
take direction from the workers
supporting the strike, not to do
anything the workers don't do.
But he was out in front waving
a sign and blocking a car5 un-
til finally the cops pinched
Sorry, THE RULING CLASS, originally
scheduled for Tonight is CANCELLED.
The Private Life
of Sherlock Holmes
Is The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes the best American
film of the last five years? This 1970 Billy Wilder produc-
tion, which opened as Radio City Music Hall's Chrstmos
attraction but soon drifted into critical oblivion and com-
mercial disaster, now aualifes as a maior rediscovery of
the '70's.
However, don't let its relative obscurity fool you-The Pri-
vote Life of Sherlock Holmes is far from being an esoteric
film. In fact, it may be one of the last great entertain-
ments-a film in which style, comedy, plot, and meaning are
blended with the ease and assurance that characterized the
old Hollywood masters.
In addition to its lively script, visual flair, and fantastic
Miklos Rosza score, The Private Lfe of Sherlock Holmes is
also one of the most ingenious msyteries ever written for the
screen. A coge full of canaries, a mysterious woman saved
from drowning, "a swan that really isn't a swan," four
midgets at a lonely aravesitea ogroup of dour Trappist
monks, a "red runner" the code-word "Jonah," Kaiser
Wilhelm, and Loch Ness: these are lust a few of the clues
that unravel in an intricate chain of events leading to a
truly surprising conclusion--perhaps too surprising, even, for
the redoubtable Mr. Holmes,
But, besides being a mystery. The Private Life of Sherlock
Holmes also has mystery. if you know what I mean. And at
the center of this mystery is the character of the legendary
arch-detective, Sherlock Holmes. The film opens with a
safe-deposit box beina opened and a series of dusty obiects
being extracted from a it-a hypodermic,'o violin concerto,
a deerstalker, a pipe, and a Rosebud-like glass ball con-
taininq a bust of Queen Victoria, A handwritten manuscript
narrated by Dr. Watson tells us that 50 years after Holmes'
death, we will learn of this case, one of Holmes' few
failures. .
Was Holmes really a superslueth, or was he the creation of
his sometimes overzealous chronicler, Dr. Watson? Was
Holmes one of the last romantics, or on unfeelino thinkino
machine? Was he a homosexual, or the victim of a tragic
love affair? At the end of all these questions is a syringe
filled with opium, which allows Holmes to conquer the agon-
izin boredom that so often afflicts him and to smooth over
the contradictions in his elusive character.
Finally, the film is about myth-making. Sherlock Holmes, the
Loch Ness morster, Romanticism, the Victorian aqe-these
are some of f e myths the film treuty, myths that become
real more hor the reality that debunks them, lust as World
War I will dE ounk the Nineteenth Century that is dying at
the film's en, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes is a very
funny film .nd a very melancholy one, very cynical and
very romantic. It is an old-fashioned film and a very
modern one. It is a film for all audiences, particularly that
rather large audience that missed it the first time around,
and perhaps now, five years after the fact, film societies and
revival houses will give it a well-deserved second chance.
TONIGHT! Aug. 607:30 and 9:30 p.m. $1.25
heann arbor hncooperative
Tomorrow Eveninq-Rohmer's CHLOE IN THE AFTERNOON
Cominq Thursday-Fellini's ROMA
Reduced up to 80%
Appel Klimt
Archipenko Lichte stein
Bonnard Matisse
Braque Mira
Calder Mondrian
Chagall Oldenburg
Dali f;Picabia
Dufy </~vPicasso
Ernst VASARELY Steinberg
Centicore Bookshops on Maynord Street has one~udrwse htUie tts u eetosoreqrli ayprs Sece
of the world, and me carry a larqe numher of pos-
ters that are difficult to ,find anyplace in this
Homer cutyTrova
These posters ore created and evecuted by the
artists, themselves, to commemorate exhibitions
of their works. Most of them are arioinal silk-
t! ceens and lithographs; they are not mere ro Waho
Ciacometi prodctionsof paintings. With the passaae of Wro
time their value can increase by the same per-
centoge as does the value of other works by the
soume ar0tit
Indiana For the next meek Centicore will conduct a sale Youngermnan
on over 60 different posters. We have as many
as 15 copies of some of them, and as few as one
,J'L copy of others, The pricen are all reduced hy at
K~n msky leasthalf, and in many cases, hy as much as wdrih
80%. If you would like to know the pleasures
of collecting heautiful original are posters, come
to Centicore while our stoch of sale items is still