DAILY Page Five
Copilot doesn't think about
bombing of Hiroshima
SPARTA, N.J. (UPI) - Ro-
bert Alvin Lewis isn't planning
to do anything unusual Tuesday,
Aug. 6th. He'll show up at the
candy plant where he works
and probably have lunch by
But Aug. 6 has become a
special day in world history
because of what Lewis and 11
other Americans, following the
orders of President Truman,
did 29 years ago. They were the
crew of the B29 aircraft, t h e
Enola Gay, that dropped the
atomic bomb over Hiroshima,
bringing about the end of World
War II and revolutionizing war-
fare forever.
THE BOMB, equivalent to
20,000 tons of TNT, destroyed
more than half of the city, kill-
ing and maiming thousands.
It's been years since the 56-
year-old Lewis has seen the
nine other surviving members
of the crew, and he has stopped
trying to locate most of them at
Christmas time because n is
uncertain of their current nd-
"Almost 30 years is a long
time," he said.
LEWIS is personnel manager
for Estee Candy, a Parsippany
firm that makes dietetic cand-
ies and sweets. The retired Air
Force major lives with his wife,
Mary Eileen, and four of their
five children in a home here
near a lake, taking in an occas-
ional swim, a round of golf and
sculpturing with marble.
Four years ago he won a
prize at one local exhibition for
a piece entitled "Salvation,"
which depicted, in Lewis' words,
"The hand of God grabbing ano-
ther hnd of man."
In 1971, an eight-page log
handvritte by Lewis during the
histori" fliht was auctioned in
New York City for $37,000. In
it, Lewis, a former star high
school football player, writes,
"If I live a hundred years, I'll
never uite get these few min-
utes after the bomb was drop-
ped out of my mind . ."
NOWADAYS TLewis savs he
doesn't han second lhaugnts
about the mission he set out on
as copilot, but from time to time
he is confronted by those who
charge the bombing, an.d the
one that followed soon aftlr at
Nagasaki, were the ultimate
symbols of man's inhumanity to
"It was one of the mast in-
human things to do," he said,
"bt I tell them there is plenty
of inhumanity in the newspapers
every day."
Having participated so direct-
ly in man's first use of the
atom in warfare, Lewis said he
favors the continued develop-
ment of nuclear warheads as
being imperative for the coun-
try's defense. "It we're good
and strong, it's going to be a
deterrent against another war
-God willing," he said.
To the Japanese and others
around the world, Aug. 6 will
always be remembered. To Ro-
bert Lewis, it will be just cno-
ther day at the plant.
You look so cute in your bathing suit
'The Boyfriend' opens tonight
The high spirits and optimism garet Humphreys seek ~o stylize
of the 1920's will be echoed in the care-free mood of the period
the scenery, lighting and c o s- in the production's visual ele-
tumes of Michigan Repertory's ments.
final production "The B o y Scenic designer Billings will
Friend," tonight through Aug. adorn the thrust stage of t h e
10 in the Power Center for the Power Center with colorful,
Performing Arts. ne-dimensional scenecy. T h e
Sandy Wilson's musical spoof emphasis is one theatricality ra-
is a designer's dream; the un- ther than on verisimilitude. Fril-
inhibited period is an apea in- ly latices, colorful banners,
vitation to color and imagina- sumptuous interiors - (all en-
tion. Rather than attempt to au- hanced by the iightiag design of
thentically re-create the sy'es Ziolko), create the holiday at-
of the 1920's, designers Alan mosphere of the French riviera.
Billings, David Ziolko and Mar- Costume designer Humphreys
Students ask for
Asian advocate
About 20 Asian-American stu-
dents met yesterday with Vice
President for Student Services
Henry Johnson in an effort to
convince the University admin-
istration to fund an Asian advo-
cate office.
After reviewing their 20-page
proposal, Johnson urged the
group to draft a report that was
"more definitive in describing
the plights and problems of As-
ian-Americans at the Univer-
ALTHOUGH the document
submitted by the students was
lengthy and laden with histor-
ical data, Johnson contended
that it did not document in de-
tail the discrimination directed
at Asian-Americans,
The Vice President also point-
ed out that even if the Asian-
American constituency was pro-
vided with an advocate office,
that it was "impossible" for any
one advocate to handle all the
discrimination cases.
"We're not asking for a super-
man, just one person whom we
can turn to," said Bill Wei, a
spokesman for the Asian stu-
dents. "The need for an advo-
cate has been recognized - new
how about doing something
about it."
JOHNSON responded by ct'ing
two other offices whose s o 1 e
duty is to recruit and counsel
minority students.
Wei, however, contended that
because the Affirmative Action
program and the Opportunity
Program have no Asian-Ameri-
cans on their staff, that they are
unresponsive to Asian students.
"We are the onlyamiority
with no personnel available to
us," he said.
Currently, the University is
funding advocate offices for
blacks, Chicanos, and Native
The three advocates, who
were recently transferred from
constituency services to C o m-
munity Services, serve as coun-
selors and program coordinators
for their respective constituen-
Because this year's budget
has already been approved,
Johnson said it would be im-
possible to fund another advo-
cate's office this year.
The Asian-American students,
however, plan to "go over John-
son's head" and present their
proposal to President Rooben
Fleming in hopes that he will
allocate funds for the proposed
advocate's office.
The 140 miles of parkways
and boulevards of Kansas City
are landscaped with 250 large
flower beds containing m o r e
than 250,000 plants.
combines the boyish, detailed
tailoring characteristic of t h e
neriod with lights, summer fab-
rics to project an aima-ed and
decorative image. Dro- waists,
cloche hats, rolled stockings and
baggy trousers are remembered
with modern and lively simplic-
Tickets are currently on sale
at the Power Center Box Of-,
fice, open Monday through Fri-
day from 12 noon to S p.m.
"The Boy Friend" is entertain-
ment the entire family will en-
joy. For further information,
call 763-3333.
LONDON UPI - British tele-
phone users made 1,06.3 billion
long-distance calls in the latest
six months measured, 119 mil-
lion more than in the corres-
ponding period last year, the
post office reported.
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