TIRE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University af Michigan Tuesday, August 6, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Remember to vote ALL RIGHT, PEOPLE, let's go down to the polls today and get out the vote. There's lots of people to pick from on the ballot, which means lots of little levers, so your short jaunt to the voting booths will be well worth the effort. "Well, it's only a primary, so who cares, I'll vote in the November election - that's when people get elected any- way," one supposedly informed friend told me, Admittedly, this person Is right; November IS when people do get elected; but remember those shmucks you always have to face in the depths of the booth? Ah yes, now we get to the point: Primaries give you the oppor- tunity to decide who will be the hopeful of your choice in the months to come. You will decide today who can be our next senator, representative, or whatever. November is merely a reaffirmation of the best can- didate-then you are faced with "the lesser of two evils" whereas today you may decide which candidate crosses the fine line to represent your political ideology. Extra bonuses are offered at today's polls: not only may you vote for primary candidates but decide the final judgement on judges. Do you want an unfriendly face staring you down in court or dealing out hopelessly incompetent sentences? } ESS THAN A THIRD of registered voters in Ann Arbor managed to straggle on down to vote in the last pri- maries. It's up to you to make today really count. -DAVID WHITING The Daily endorses .. . IN TODAY'S PRIMARY election, The Daily makes the following endorsements: Governor no endorsement; U.S. Congress, Second District - Dr. Ed Pierce; State Senate, 18th District -- Peter Eckstein; State Representative, 53rd District -- Perry Bullard; Washtenaw County Commissioner, 15th District - no endorsement; District Court Judge, 15th District - recommended are George Alexander, Shirley Burgoyne, and Donald Koster. Williams: Hypnosis with money back guarantee By BILL HEENAN Weathering my probing insults and questions without budging, Elaine painted uninterrupted for "jMAGINE YOURSELF a rag doll with your hours. sawdust leaking out. When I count from ten MY TURN: And none too soon either, for my to one backwards, you will be empty and even curiosity was strained to the utmost by the re- more relaxed," the hypnotist commands. cent events. Nevertheless, he first tested my Originally, I was a bit wary of him and his hypnotizability. Asking me to stand straight and practice. Several weeks earlier, I had attempted relax, Williams stood behind me and told me to to hunt down Charles Williams and his Hypnosis fall back into his waiting arms. I passed the test Counselling Service, finding only a non-existent with flying colors. Stadium St. office and a non-committal answering Bolstered by little sleep the night before, I service, found myself relaxing readily. But my mind was Yet the urge to tamper with my consciousness in a quandry - should I resist his efforts or play was insatiable, and I readily accepted his invi along? In a few short minutes I would be doing tation for an evening session in his apartment. both and neither. Williams - minus the cape and tophat worn Under hypnosis, one tends to concentrate fully by stage performers of yore - greeted me on the hypnotist, not on one's own sensations. As warmly, apologising for the runaround: a result, I based my observations on Elaine, my "I moved my office here so the informal, non- brief moments of rebellion while under hypnosis, clinical atmosphere would put people more at and William's remarks at the session's close. ease," he explained. Elaine and I traveled down identical hypnotic Operating from his Ypsilanti apartment, Char- paths, except that I was a tougher nut to crack. les Williams offers his predominantly student Until the pendulum did me in, I could not hon- clientele sliding scale rates from $15 a session. estly admit that my state of relaxation had chang- According to him, most people seeking hypnotic ed. solutions to their problems require only a second AS WILLIAMS suggested, I actually got sleepy session in which he teaches them self-hypnosis. trying to follow that wildly oscillating pendulum. However, Williams admits that some people are lementary psychology and physiology. not hypnotizable, and he offers a moneyback Hweeryts frghtend pbriefloy.drn h guarantee. He has practiced locally for ten years transitiHowever, I was frighteousness briefly tConsciousness after three years in psychology at the Univer- sity of Maryland and advanced work at the Vir- II: my everyday mental preoccupation slipped inafHryandAandeadvyinto the background, with William's soothing, but ginia Hypnotic Academy. persistent voice replacing them. I felt very de- About 40 and ruggedly handsome, he quickly pendent on him. banished most of my nervousness with his syrupy- When Williams thought I was hypnotized suf- smooth voice and disarming handshake., ficiently (I was enjoying it immensely), he re- His apartment was a curious "office". Dimly gressed me through my childhood - and he had lit and painted in flat white, it served a function- the papers to prove it. al rather than a decorative purpose: the over- "Imagine yourself gazing at a calendar," he stuffed sofa relaxes the hypnotee, while the spiral said "Suddenly a gentle breeze flips the ages wall poster and lava lamp aid concentration. The ack. threenyas." bez fisth ae only frivolity was a shrouded parrot cage whose bac a ean Placing a pencil and pad into my limp hands occupant occasionally nibbled on the bars. . he told me to write my name, address, school, BRANDISHING A GOLD chain pendulum tip- and grade. Vaguely I remember him taking me ped by a white glazed stone, he explained what back to fifth, first grade, and finally age four. ivas shoat to occur: "When t say 'three', arouse," he commanded. "First " work on your eye muscles; next I relax ' 'Two,' open your eyes; and 'one', you'll be your arms and toes." alert, refreshed, and well-rested swith n ill ef- "You may not remember what has happened fecs whatsoever." to you after I bring you out of hypnosis," he RETURNING SLIGHTLY groggy, I noticed warned, that my handwriting had changed considerably As part itf the demonstration, Elaine Bert, in the past 15 years - at age 19, I could barely a medical illustrator, entered the room. She hop- keep within the line and at age four my pictures ed to improve her drawings while under the it' and a scrawled attempt at my first name were fluence: even cruder in comparison. Having changed ad- "Its strange, but I like it," she remarked cheer- dresses 12 times in the last 19 years, I was faly. This was her second session, amazed at my instant recall. I mailed the sheet Elaine succumbed quickly as Williams de- home to mother for verification. oonstrated that hypnotism was much more than frantic chain waving. Rather, it was a precise blend of the psychology of motivation, the phy siology of relaxation, and the subject's own su- sceptibitity.C n r ss o a SUDDENLY ITS implications hit me. Students slump in gigantic lecture hlIs as a swaying crane mesmerizes them; or doctors give preg- nant women the choice of hypnosis or acupunc- ture for natural childbirth. By DAVID WARREN "Are you comfortable " he asks? She nods. ON THE 2STH of last month, Senator Hol- "Use your imagination, and imagine yourself lings of South Carolina requested that is class, in front of a circle drawn on a black- the title song of a play I Believe America board," he states softly, but firmly. be set down in the record for the benefit "Draw an 'X' in it. Can you picture that in of the Senate. The gentleman from Carolina your mind?" She said yes. . had seen the play the week before, and "Now," he continued, his voice decreasing i was so moved by this "musical drama . volume," erase it and go through the alphabet, on an upbeat patriotic note" that he felt the writing and erasing every letter from 'A' to 'Z'. title sone could be an anthem for the in- When finished, you will breathe deeply and nod coming Bi-centennial. The Daily staff felt your head." His voice was barely audible, but that we must share this piece of poetry she seemed to understand. with oui readership. And so, here we go, "Are you more relaxed than before?" he in- ready or not! quired after she nodded. She disagreed. "Take deeper and deeper breaths - deeper, I believe America is strong yes, deeper," he ordered. Then, he repeated the with the power again to rise in song blackboard vision, asking her to draw numbers I believe we are a nation o0 0million strong who can crnsh the devil with a happy song. instead. In this land of good and plenty there are some WILLIAMS CONSTANTLY reinforced her hyp- Who would make as all believe that we should notic state by verbally guiding her breathing and nt we can't have the evening happiness with- degree of relaxation. The whole process took a out the morning strife. matter of minutes, and to the outside viewer, As a nation we are young in years, just be- ginning life Elaine seemed to be "sleeping" comfortably. And I believe that better days still lie ahead, "Open your eyes!" he directed. "Watch the That the greatness o our people is not dead, pendulum and breathe even deeper." Soon her tice hindry books will sing our praises, verbal responses were shockingly lackluster while It we raise our voice in a happy song. her facial expressions remained placid, believe the U.S.A. will rise again Was Elaine "anesthesized" yet? Williams test- That we have learned our lesson and we are ed for numbness whici characterizes lower hyp- wise again riotc sttes:That the wheatfields of the West Wnotic states: ill hold the hungry to her breast "Your arms are like dead wood - without I believe that Good is on the move again, any sensation whatsoever," he stated. I believe the worker and the wealthy man And all of us who share this fertile land With mouth agape, I pricked her with a table From the California ocean to the rocky coast fork. Nothing. of Maine will work to make the country great again Finally, he ordered her to paint anyahing that 0 believe America is strong. came to mind: "Nothing else will matter, except for your draw- Rod McKuen, eat your heart out. ing and the sound of my voice," he emphasized.