Tuesday. May 14, 1974
Page Seven
Scientology offers self-knowledge
By JANET HARSHMAN plains, by the use of precise relationship to God or any other communicate with anyone about BUT SCIENTOLOGY is not
"Will the congregation please sets of questions which direct a *upreme being. In fact, the anything." without its skeptics.
rise and wave to someone across person's attention to a certain church's creed, which one must "We have been attacked in
the room?" the minister asks. area of his or her past, present, read and sign before becoming BECOMING aware, however, the press," says Klopp, "and
"Will the congregation please or to some facet of existence. a member, does not even as- is not free. While the personal criticized by psychiatrists, psy-
reach out and touch the near- The process is arranged in easy some the existence of a God. efficiency course is free of chologists and even by the FDA
est wall?" she continues. "Now practical steps so that a person "Scientology is u n i q u e," charge, some courses cost as (Food and Drug Administra-
everyone may be seated." gradually increases his or her Klopp points out, since "it much of $125 for two months of tion)."
These are not ordinary re- awareness and abilities. doesn't take any faith." The re- classes. But to the thirteen peo- A psychologist who is head
quests from an ordinary minis- ,::at: m ':.- . . . *:.* ofha ment I health center and
ter in an ordinary church. And who refused to be identified,
the religion is not ordinary, The bulletin board in the church lobby is covered with success stories: calls scientology a "super-hyp-
either. But to_ members of the 'H pycnsm !Dasoe Lf du hita cec like
Church of Scientology such re- 'appy and floating ... you can be the same! Do it,' says one. 'Life rei"gChrsihhiencdescribes
quests are common and custo- can no longer hurt me as it has done in the past,' claims another. And as "harmful if used as an easy
communicating, not for pray- StilI another joyousyreveals, 'Now I can study anything. EvenBmath-B Evoidn RH ce psychoalgist
ing. which I hated at school.' claims that Scientology is
"non - scientific, but uses the
SCIENTOLOGY, which literal. ."..........- -.- . ' -"-- -' .. '5: . J-Z '' .--. - .' '_. . guise of science in its ap-
ly means the study of know- But the steps to total aware- ligious aspect of Scientology, ple, mostly students, who are proach."
ledge, is an applied religious ness are not "mystical or she says, is different from the presently taking these courses But Klopp suggests that the
philosophy claimed to be one vague," says Marion Klopp, practical application of it. One at the Ann Arbor Church of psychiatrists' motive is often
of the fastest growing spiritual minister and executive direc- can accept the religion's philoso. Scientology, the money is well profit - making. Since psychia-
movements on earth. Accord- tor of the city's Church of Sci- phy without accepting the re- worth it. trists attempt to help their pa-
ing to L. Ron Hubbard, the entology Huron Valley Mission. ligion. "It's made me aware of good tients live with their problems,
American who founded and de- Through specific courses and Ann Arbor's Churrca of Scien- communication," says one she says, return therapeutic vis-
veloped the religion in 1950, counseling, she explains, Scien- tology, founded in June of 1973, member after competing the its are usually necessary - at
Scientology har made it possible tology "enables you to observe offers over six courses designed communication course. unnecessary prices. Scientolo-
for millions around the world yourself and helps you to deal to "bring up" one's awareness. And a professor at Wayne gists try to eradicate the prob-
"to reach higher states of abil- with others." After completing such courses State University claims that in lems altogether Klopp says, so
ity, awareness, and happiness." - as "personal efficiency," "com- two months of Scientology "pro- we are shaking their (psychia-
Millions attest to the success UNLIKE MANY other reli- munication," the "Hubbard cessing" and training, "I have trists) vested interests right to
that Scientology has brought gions, Scientology is concerned qualified Scientologist Course," increased my abilities, my Although many people have
them in daily life, Hubbard says. with man's relationship to his and a host of others, Klopp memory, my working capaci-
This success is achieved, he ex- fellow man, rather than man's claims "you will be able to ties, my reflexes and, most im- not even heard of Scientology,
_ _ - - - - - _ Ihave.gaindinsight its obscurity will probably net
portant, I have gained ssigh last long. "The number of
into the order and purpose of members we have is doubling
my ife."at an incredible rate," says
Port gues co p brngs The bulletin board in the another minister of the Huron
Portuguese coup brings sbs : n:e H
church's lobby is covered with Valley Mission. lHere on cam-
d similar success stories: pus the Mission gives free IQ
and personality tests which
"HAPPY AND floating. .. draw a large number of curious
you can be the same! Do it," students, many of whom become
says one, actively involved in the church.
LISBON (t) - Manuel Fer- Life has changed too, though the now dismembered political "Life can no longer hurt me And regardless of race, color,
nandes Videira is a Portuguese not materially, for some of the police. as it has done in the past," creed, or political orientation,
plasterer, a man on a scaffold, privileged class - like Maria The first days after the gov- claims another. Scientology welcomes all. But
who still reaches, bends, coughs Fernanda Portugal Ribeiro, an ernment's overthrow were an- And still another joyously re- in the words of its founder,
in a sea of white dust nine hours elegent woman with two grown guish for Poao Martin Simoes veals, "Now I can study any- "We seek no revolution. We
a day for the equivalent of $25 sons and a husband who com- who has a popular restaurant in thing. Even MATH - which I seek only evolution to higher
in a brown pay packet at the mands a navy training ship. Cascais, a fishing village turned hated at school. I am free to states of being for the individual
end of the week. Her cleaning woman still tourist haven near Lisbon. One learn now." and for society."
He still takes the same over-
crowded trolley bus downtown
to work and his wife still packs
him the same lunch of fish sand-
wiches. But for the plasterer life
has changed since April 25,
when a military coup overthrew
the authoritarian regime that
had ruled Portugal for 48 years.
"IT HAS to do with the
boss," says Videira. "He's got-
ten very quiet all of a sudden.
He's not stepping on my toes
any more. He's promising
raises, but there's a bigger
change. It's in the way he talks.
Before it was always work
more, work harder. Now it's
just do your job properly and
do it well."
More than just regime, the
military coup that the Portu-
guese call "our revolution" ov-
erthrew a relationship between
people - one which involved a
sullen acceptance of authority
and an assurance that power at
any level would always go un-
The plasterer's wife works at
the Lisbon University canteen,
and she and the other women
there felt free enough after the
coup to complain about work-
ing on Sundays. As a result they
get weekends off,
"YOU COULD say that we are
a bit of a revolutionary cou-
ple," said Videira jokingly,
comes to her town house, and
her mother-in-law still worries
that she is too outspoken. But
Ribeiro says she is no longer
ashamed of her country.
"I USED to live here in con-
stant irritation," she explained.
"I was always nervous. When
I tell you I hated to live in this
country the way it was , I am
telling you the truth. I always
wanted to get out. Now I feel
jubilant. I want to stay and see
what happens."
She said that the biggest
change was in her attitude to-
ward Portuguese men.
"I used to feel a lot of con-
tempt for them. I used to think
they were worthless, incapable
of attempting anything noble. I
know many other women who
felt this same way. A friend
called me up the other day and
said the biggest surprise of the
whole thing was to find out there
are some men in Portugal."
BUT THE COUP also brought
sadness and fear to some lives,
and the victims of the excesses
were not always the agents of
day a newspaper article iden-
tified him as an informer for the
political police.
"It was the saddest day of
my life," he recalls. "You
think, 'What can you do about
something like that?' How pow-
erless you are to say, 'No, I am
not an informer.' I could ima-
gine being called any name but,
not that."
cleared and the newspaper pub-
lished a retraction. He put ad-
vertisements in other papers
showing his photograph and a
statement that said he never
had anything to do with politics
or the police.
But the damage had been
done, and amid the general ju-
bilation over the new political
climate, Simoes is a deeply
wounded man.
"I hope it won't hurt my
business," he said "I'm 42 years
old but it seems like I've been
working for 60. I'm going to
sue the paper. If I shut up
about this, some people would
take it as an admission of
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