Saturday, August , 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Our readers endorse... County Lansing To The Daily: M A R J 0 R I E LAN- SING'S C A N D I D A C Y for the Democratic nomination for second district congresswo- man has much to recommend it. She has worked in both educa- tional and political capacities during her 24-year residence in Ann Arbor. At Eastern Michi- gan University she is Associate Professor of Political Science and has served as faculty rep-, resentative to the student sen- ate. Her teaching excellence was recognized by that body in 1972. She has been active in women's studies. At the state Democratic con- vention in 1972 she received a variety of endorsements and won easy nomination for Uni- versity Board of Regents. Then she came within a few thous- and votes of winning statewide -an impressive showing in view of Nixon's strength that year. In that campaign she stood for greater regental responsi- bility, open regents meetings, tuition reduction and an end to university war research. As may be imagined, she received enthisiastic support from stu- dent groups. MARGE LANSING BE- LIEVES that Richard Nixon most be impeached to protect the presidency and get to the bottom of Watergate. She favors tough new reforms to insure re- porting of all campaign contri- butions. Her financial records will, of course, remain open. She sopports federal pro- grams to reduce or defer coi- leg tuition. She also supports prngrams to insure full equality for women, blacks, Mexican- Americans, native Americans and other minorities. She wants an instant end to American funding of the contin- uing war in Southeast Asia. Moreover, she will do her best to bring the Pentagon, C.I.A. and other military and intelli- gence operations under full Con- gressional control. In short, district voters are blessed, in my view, with an exceptional candidate. She seeks our support in the August 6 primary. -Ted Hefley Ypsilanti June 28 Pierce To The Daily: AFTER something very 'ad has gone on for long time, and eventually nearly everyone agrees that is was, in fact, very bad, then the game begins of wondering why, in the name of reason and compassion, t was not stopped sooner. Under Hit- ler - where were all the uJ'und Germans? In Montgomery and Little Rock - where were all the Decent, Christian, W h i t e Southerners? After the Bay of Pigs and during the escalation of the war in Southeast Asia - where were all the Peace-Lov- ing Democrats? Let me tell you where one loyal, conscientious, peace-loving Democrat was: Dr. Ed Pierce, in the winter of 1967-68, was meeting with a small, diverse group, all of us united in agony and guilt over our country's wanton destructiveness and the political stupidity of the war in Southeast Asia. Because o u r circumstances, training, skills, and responsibilities differed widely, we did not reach agree- ment on any one "best" way to oppose violence, inhumanity, and destruction. Some devoed themselves to draft counseling and draft repeal. Some worked on peace education within their churches or student organiza- tions. Some became war-tax re- sisters. Dr. Ed. Pierce ieoided he could best serve humanity by leaving his $30,000-a-year middle class medical practice, and es- tablishing the Summit Medical Center, bringing to low-income families the good medical care that all families need and de- serve. IN JANUARY, 1972, Ed Pierce circulated an "Open Letter to All People of the Peace Move- ment", urging support for a strong End-the-War Bill, outlin- ing a plan to replace Nixon- aligned Congressional Commit- tee Chairmen with peace-mind- ed Democrats, and urging sup- port of peace candidates in the 1972 primaries. Those who early recognized the dangers of nuclear b o m b testing, the arms race, and the development of chemical and biological weapons, the folly of fall-out shelters, the inhumanity of war, the wrongness of escal- ating arms budgets, those who have long held peace as a top priority, know that Ed Perce has been actively with us dur- ing most of the past decade. He has always been a loyal Dewo- crat, but became vividly aware of the disastrous course his country, under the Democrats as well as the Republicans, was following in Southeast Asia. Dr. Ed Pierce has done nis utmast to inform his fellow citizens of the danger, and to dire-t our foreign policy toward- peace. He deserves our support as Second District candidate !or Congress, in the August 6 pri- mary election. -Frances E. Eliot July 19 Bullard 11 *7 U IEILIUI To The Daily: IN AN AGE where dadcated politicians become mre df- ficult to find, people cf a n n Arbor's 53rd District on lie proud of themselves for elect- ing Perry Bullard in 1972. During his first term Repre- sentative Bullard has shown that he is truly an advocate of the People. Not only has lie re- presented workers, retirees, and students, he also is very active in proposing legislation concern- ing the rights and care of pri- soners and mental patients. H.s actions include proposals to pro- vide conjugal visits for prison- ers and their wives, to provide protection against imprison- ment for those who cannot af- ford to pay fines, to provide re- imbursement for those illegally imprisoned, to provide for pri- soner councils to have a more self-governing structure, V) pro- vide for prisoner voting in state and local elections and to pro- vide for protection of prisoners from arbitrary rules per'aining to loss ofgood behavior time. One could go on and on aboit Representative Bullard's ac- tions, but the main point is that he has awakened a letaargic legislature to the needs of min- ority groups, groups who other- wise would have little or no voice in our legislature. ON OTHER matters, his re- cord speaks for itself; when his bill for completely ono government meetings was amended and lost its original meaning, he voted against it. He was instrumental in bringing oil supply information into puli- lic view. lie was the first Re- presentative to call for the in- peachment of Nixon, which lacer became a House resolutiin. He fought for equal protection of women. He is against prosecu- tors' and police lobbies. Perry Bullard is a civil libertarian. Perry Bullard represents his constituents in the true sense of democracy. Therefore, in behalf of the membership of the Prisoners' Progress Association, I urge residents of the 53rd District to settle for no less than full representation. They know what dilly hopefuls dialogue 9Uare off Ds UNNING IN THE 15th Dis- trict County Commissioner race are: 0' ' Perry Bullard has done for them. They know he is a proven success. Voters of his district can once again insure that their needs will be aired in Lansing. They can be assured those needs will be fulfilled for the next twn years by voting for Perry Bul- lard in the upcoming electian. -Claude R. Williams President Prisoners' Progress Assn. Jackson State Prison July 3 TU To The Daily: WE URGE that tenant-voters consider the following candi- dates in the August 6 primary as best representing tenant in- terests: 15th District Court Judge: Don Koster. The incumbent Judge Elden has shown himself to be no friend to Tenants. State Senator: Peter it;k- stein. State Representative: Perry Bullard. Good - Liz Taylor. Congressional District Repre- sentative: Marjorie Lansing. These endorsements hold only for this Primary and we reserve further judgement to the gen- eral election in November. -Ann Arbor Tenants Union August 1 DAVID COPI, a private attor- ney, who quit his previous job with Friends of the Court be- cause of a possible violation of the Hatch Act which prohibits public employes from running for office. Copi favors the building of a new jail .n county-wide system of bike paths, increased mass transit, and state control of the District Courts. KATHY McCLARY, a Uni- versity student, who empha- sizes her past political activism and favors a "county-wide sys- tem of public transportation in- cluding bike paths and the con- struction of a new jail while stressing rehabilitation. She further points out the need for "decentralized health care facilities" and a "com- prehensive program for combat- ing rape." MONDAYS June, July, Aug. SAMS -STORE 20 FE. Liberty criminal Law. If those words intrigue you, you're reading the right ad. - t For Bargain - Hutr THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS make interesting reading For the first time, The Institute for Paralegal Training is offering a course in Criminal Law. Lawyer's Assistants who graduate from this particular course will be working in District Attorney's offices, Defender Associations, and state and federal offices of the Justice Department, doing challenging, responsible work that will enable them to put their intelligence to some meaning- ful use at a good starting salary. The course is thirteen weeks long and delves heavily into all aspects of Criminal Law- both the defense and the prosecution-all the way from constitutional rights and limitations through post-trial appeal. We think it will bea super course. Requirements for entrance include a Bachelor's Degree and a good college record. As a student at the Institute, you would be spending three months in Philadelphia studying with lawyers who practice in the criminal field. We can't tell you evertyhing about a career as a Lawyer's Assistant here. But we'll forward the appropriate information on request. There's a session starting in the fall, so why not mail the coupon today? I The Institute for Paroleqal Traininq 1235 South 17th Street IPhilodelphia, to. 19103I I l'm interested. Send me more informa I tion about your Criminal Law course, N'5ame I Address... _-- I City. state, ziI Graduate of Dote of Graduation Grade Point Averaoe L1 _ _ _ _ .: _ _ _ _ The Institute for Paralegal Training 235 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-6600