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August 03, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-03

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aturday, August 3, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
Issues few in gubernatorial race

One of the state's most powerful union
leaders aptly summed up the choice
facing voters in Tuesday's primary con-
test between Democratic gubernatorial
hopefuls Jerome Cavanagh and Sander
Levin when he said, "Let's face it,
these guys are philosophical peas in a
pod. They don't disagree on anything"
Both Levin and Cavanagh have run
relatively low key campaigns. There
have been no mud-slinging debates and
the two have chosen to level the major-
ity of their attacks at the Milliken ad-
ministration rather than at each other.
Also, they both have promised to sup-

port the winner of the primary.
JAMES WELLS, the third candidate
vying for the gubernatorial nomination,
is politically far to the right of his op-
ponents and has little chance of captur-
ing more than five per cent of the vote.
Because -Levin and Cavanagh agree on
nearly every major issue, the race .is
shaping up as a contest between per-
sonalities and both candidates are plac-
ing heavy emphasis on their past ex-
Cavanagh, mayor of Detroit for eight
years until 1970, believes he is best
qualified to be the state's next governor

because of his "leadership ability and
CHARGING that Levin has never
mounted significant opposition to Repub-
lican policies, Cavanagh asserts that
only he can mount a formidable chal-
lenge to Governor Milliken's candidacy
in the November elections.
Hailed as a "wonder boy" when he
was first elected mayor of Detroit, Cav-
anagh's image has since been tainted
by an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Sen-
ate in 1966 and charges that he main-
tained underworld contacts while stilt
in office.

Last month, these allegations were
brougLht up once more when Louis Rome,
former head of the Michigan Crime
Commission charged that Cavanagh was
"unfit to be governor" because of his
alleged contact with the sinderworld, in
particular Vito and Anthony Giacalone.
Cavanagh responded by filinIg $15 mil-
lion libel, slander, and conspiracy suit
against Rome and Dtenocratic National
Comsmitteeman Neil Staebler, who Cav-
anagh alleges aided in the "smear
Also, his second term as mayor ended

Presidential backers favor
censure over impeachment

Krishna boogie
A handful of Hare Krishna members entertain passers-by near the Diag yesterday. In the background is a portable shrine
used in services. The band came equipped with its own electric sound system and refreshments for the crowd.
Committee narrows list o
LSA deanship candidates

WASIIINGTON (UPI) - vRepihlicaoi
opposing President Ni,:on's impeachment
yesterdny proposed an nttvr-itite of cen
suring hiim for "negligentce ind malad-
ministration" while Iermittting himi to
remain in office.
Rep. Paul Findley, ( Itt),t introduced
the censure resolution in the Iouse While
Rep. Delbert Latta, (R-Ohio), circulated
a petition urging the Rules Committee
to iermit a vote on the motion as an
option to impenichment at the close of
the louse debate later this month.
AITHOUGI promoters of the effort
acknowledged they h id little chance of
prevailing, they said they felt it offered
a choice to troubled mueimbers. And they
gained the signature of Itouse Republi-
can Ioeader Jshn Riodes on the petition.
Rhodes is thought by soimie members
to be leaning toward imieaclihment. He
is scheduled to atnntunce his position
A censure motion would have no legal
effect on th Stiresident, but would fore
close iipeaclhulment and a Seuate trial.
As an expression o' Itouse sentiment it
could, perhaps, hamper Nixon's effec-
tiveness as President for the remaining
two andi a half vears of his terma.
on's 'great achievements in foreign poli
cy," but continued:
". . . Richard M. Nixon, in his con-
duct of the office of the President . . .
has shown insensitivity to the moral de-
mands, lofty purposes and ideals of the
high office which he holds in trust, and
has, through negligence, failed to pre-
vent his close subordinates and agents
from committing acts of grave miscon-
duct, obstruction and impairment of jus
tire, abuse and undue concentration of
power, and contravention of the laws
goverising agencies of the executive
Rep. Harold Foechlich of Wisconsin,
one of seven House Judiciary Committee
Republicans supporting impeachment,
refused to sign Latta's petition. He
pointed to Findley's resolution and said,
."If those things don't justify impeach-
ment, what does?"
LATTA'S PETITION would ask the
Rules Committee to allow a motion in
the House to send the three articles of
impeachment back to the Judiciary
Committee with instructions to substi-
tute a censure resolution. Latta is a
member of both committees.
That suggestion was made during a
meeting of the Rules Committee with
House leaders and top-ranking Judiciary
Committee members Thursday, but most
were said to feel the motion would not
be allowed.
Asked yesterday about his feelings,
Speaker Carl Albert who was present at
Thursday's meeting, said: "it's not ma-
terial to the issue. I would not recom-
mend it. I would, however, leave it up
to the Judiciary and Rules Committee
to decide, but it is not germane."

The literary college (LS&A) Deanship
Advisory Committee has taken its first
step toward choosing the final names
which will be submitted to President
Robben Fleming as candidates for the
vacant post.
The committee, which is comprised of
:hree students and seven faculty mem-
bers, has eliminated 75 names of the
140 candidates originally considered. Of
the 65 remaining, 36 are now under ac-
tive study, and while more information
is still being sought for the other 29.
ACCORDING TO chemistry Prof.
Michael Morris, a committee member,
the candidates come from all over the
country and assembling information
about candidates who do not work or
know anyone here is difficult. His state-
ment apparently refers to the 29 can-
didates for whom they lack sufficient
The committee has drawn up a list of
11-criteria for the new dean, including
classroom experience, at least an undei-
standing-or preferrably some experience

-in academic research, and successful
administrative experience.
An excellent health is a must says
Chairman Arthur Burks, a professor of
computers and communication sciences,
"The dean must be pretty tough to
handle the job."
APPARENTLY, too, the committee is
seeking an academic Kissinger. They
want a "diplomat" who has "a wide
breadth of interest among different sub-
Also candidates should possess an
"awareness and sensitivity to problems
of minorities and women." When asked
if this meant they would prefer a woman
or minority dean, Burks replied, "Ob-
viously everything else being equal, we
would prefer them."
Non-tangible criteria include such
characteristics as a person who has
respect of faculty and students and one
who has a strong commitment to under-
graduate education and a clear view of
the overall purpose of the college. Burks
admits, though, that these attributes are
difficult to firmly determine.

FINALLY, the committee is seeking
someone who "will initiate communica-
tions with students and not wait for the
students to come to him/her," Burks
Committee members Otto Graf, head
of honors counselling, and Diane Kirk-
patrick, associate history of art profes-
sor, did not view any of the official
criterion as more important than the
others. However Morris said, "I want
someone who has a strong commitment
to undergraduate education in all areas."
Morris defined the average candidate
as a senior faculty member who is cur-
rently involved in teaching and has
served at least one term as department
chair, or as acting or assistant dean."
The next step, Morris said, is for
everyone on the committee to pick IS
names, and then attempt to consolidate
a list of about a dozen to present to
Fleming. They plan to have this selection
done by the end of September.
The list will then be returned to the
committee for trimming to about three
to six names. From there Fleming and
the Regents will make the final decision.

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