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August 03, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-03

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 55-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 3, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Dean receives
sentence of
I to 4 years

More Water
A White House aide carrying a suitca
White House tapes arrives at the U.S. I
The tapes are destined for District Jud;
before turning them over to Special Wa
The University would be forced to
grant students access to their own aca-
demic records, according to a bill re-
cently passed by Congress.
At. present, all University counseling
offices collect files on students which the
subjects are forbidden to see.
THE MEASURE, a section of the fed-
eral omnibus education bill, was passed
Wednesday by a 323-83 vote in the House
and last week by a 83-12 count in the
The bill that opens student records is
detailed in the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act and was propos-
ed by Senator James Buckley (R-New
York) and strongly backed by the
Anerican Civil Liberties Union.
The bill, now awaiting the President's
signature, provides that "no federal
funds shall be made available to any ed-
ucational institution or agency that "de-

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON -John Dean, the man
who "broke the case for the govern-
ment" on the Watergate scandals, re-
ceived a one to four year sentence
yesterday for his part in the affair.
Dean, who served as the President's
chief legal advisor and, by his own ad-
mission, played a central role in the
Watergate cover-up, has emerged as
the key witness in the prosecution of
Richard Nixon.
"I REALIZE I have done wrong,"
Dean said when he appeared before
U.S. District Court Judge John Sirica
for sentencing.
"What bothers me most is that I was
involved in corruption of government
and misuse of high office," he con-
tinued. "I realize to say I am sorry is
really not enough.
"I have tried for 18 months to do
everything I can to right the wrongs,
and regardless of what the court judges
me I will continue on the same course."
FOR THE 35-year-old attorney, the
jail sentence he fought so long and hard
to avoid came on a guilty plea he
N. entered last Oct. 19 to a single count of
obstruction of justice. He was given
AP Photo until Sept. 3 to put his affairs in order
before entering prison.
'gate tapes Dean, who is widely reported to have
ase containing the much sought after a desperate fear of prison, sought in
District Court in Washington yesterday. vain in the spring of 1973 to obtain a
ge John Sirica who will examine them grant of total immunity in return for
tergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski. his testimony.
have to grant
access to files
nies students the right to inspect and yet reached majority age, the same
review any and all official records, files rights accorded adult students would be
and other information, including all the granted instead to the pupils' parents.
material in the pupil's cumulative re-
cord." STEIGER contended that the act
The measure also gives students the "represents the first step toward pro-
opportunity for a hearing to "correct or viding much needed protection of the
remove inaccurate, misleading or inap- right of privacy to students and their
propriate data." parents."
REP. William Steigler (R-Wisconsin) SHe further argued that "there is a
told The Daily yesterday that the portion whole series of cases where records were
y h ysetsrdayetbaeport on used to abuse the rights of individuals."
of the students' file to be made open Steigler also said he expects that many
would include letters of recommenda- schoolerwalonstheexeasurhathy
tion for admissions, test scores, high schools will contest the measure in the
school , counselor's comments, original courts.
application forms and "backer cards," University officials admitted that they
which provide accounts of college coun- were surprised that the rules received
selor's comments. Congressional approval.
The bill affects all educational insti- General Counsel Roderick Daane de-
tutions, on the elementary, secondary clined comment on whether the Univer-
and University level, and will go into ef- sity would challenge the measure in
fect 90 days after signed into law. court if approved by the President, say-
In cases where the students haven't See BILL, Page 10

Just before passing sentence, Sirica
rejected a last minute appeal by Dean's
attorneys that sentencing be delayed un-
til a recently released White House tape
became available. They said the tape
would show that Dean attempted to
halt the Watergate cover-up.
DEAN'S SENTENCE was comparative-
ly light-his White House cohort John
Ehrlichman got 20 months to five years
for his role in the Ellsberg case. And
Dean could have received a minimum
sentence as high as five years.
A contributing factor was that mem-
bers of the prosecution team joined
Dean's lawyers in pleading for leniency,
telling Sirica Dean had cooperated "fully
and unhesitatingly" with the government.
After S i r i c a imposed the sentence,
lean-his face grim and pursing his
mouth-picked up a brief case and hur-
ried out a sidedoor of Courtroom No. 2
with a marshal at his side.
Ninety minutes later, he ducked down
a back hallway, took a private elevator
to a basement garage and was sped out
of the courthouse by marshals. He sat
alone, reading a newspaper in the back
seat of the car and did not look up.
box score
of President Nixon's former ad-
ministration or campaign aides and
21 other men have been convicted
or have pleaded guilty so far for
crimes related to Watergate.
The list of one-time Nixon men,
their offense and their current
status includes:
-Dwight Chopin; perjury about
campaign dirty tricks; sentenced
to 10 to 30 months in prison; free
on appeal,
-Charles Colson; obstruction of
justice in relation to Daniel Ell*-
berg's trial; serving 1 to 3 years.
--John Dean; conspiracy to ob-
struct justice in the Watergate
cover-up; sentenced to 1 to 4
years; imprisonment to start Sept.
-John Ehrlichmon; conspiracy
and perjury in the "plumbers"
burglary of Ellsberg's psychia-
trist's office; sentenced to 20
months to 5 years; free on appeal.
-E. Howard Hunt; conspiracy,
burglary, bugging and wiretapping
in the Watergate break-in; sen-
tenced to 30 months to 8 years;
served one year; free on appeal.
-Herbert Kalmbach; corrupt
practices in campaign finance;
serving 6 to 18 months.
See WATERGATE, Page 10

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