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August 02, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-02

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Fridoy, August 2, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Sponsors relocate
By STEPHEN HERSH Orchestra, Luther Allison and several Windsor's St. Clair Colleg
Despite the fears of sponsors and fans Detroit-based jazz groups. but these locations are
of the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festi- The show will be called "The Ann farmland. "At this late
val, the concert will go on this year- Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival in Exile." Rainbow spokesperson,'
but not in Ann Arbor. A contract that would have authorized the time to make the
the use of local Otis Spann Memorial structions on farmland."
An outdoor amphitheater with a capa- Field as the concert site was voted down Tickets for the show w
city of 12,000 located in Windsor, Ontario . by City Council ten days ago. Council early next week at local
will be the site of event, to be held Republicans cast all of the votes against mail, at an as yet unde
September 6-8. the agreement which was'defeated 6-4. Tickets will also go on

ge were offered, mented, "V
all undeveloped ing on the
date," said a careful goi
'we don't have ramental s
necessary con- made to h
toms, and
ill be available contact wit
outlets and by The festi
termined price. Welcome"-
sale throughout ments by
in Canada. concert ser
are concerned the city's
erican concert- undesirable
the border. Members

We're going to print a warn-
tickets that people should be
ng through customs with sac-
ubstances. An effort is being
ave lawyers present at cus-
we're going to make prior
th Canadian officials."
val's motto is "Undesirables
-this in reference to com-
council Republicans that the
ies has proved detrimental to
image because it attracts
of Rainbow Multi-Media pre-
he concert will return to the

RAINBOW MULTI-MEDIA, the festi- PUBLICITY resulting from council's
val's promoter, expects the program to cancellation of the festival led to several
feature James Brown, Sun Ra, B.B. offers of alternative sites to Rainbow
King, Cecil Taylor, Hound Dog Taylor Multi-Media. Sites closer to the city
and the House Rockers, the Gil Evans than the amphitheater made available by

the rest of Michigan and
The festival sponsors
with the problems Am
goers may face crossingt

THE RAINBOW spokesperson com-

dict that 1t
city next ye

War continues
on Cyprus as
Turks plan to
hold positions
NICOSIA, Cyprus (IN-Fighting The accord calls for the U.N. force to
continued in northern Cyprus yes- supervise withdrawals of foreign forces
terday despite the latest cease- from the island and set up buffer zones
fire, and the Turkish government around enclaves held by Turkey's in-
revealed plans for projects indicat- vasion force.
ing it intends to stay on the island TURKISH Energy Minister Cahit Kay-
for some time. ra disclosed that his government plans
soon to build a 15-megawatt gas turbine
Turkish commanders charged electric plant in the Kyrenia area, to go
that Greek Cypriot soldiers were into operation in one or two months.
disguising themselves as United Kyrenia is a seaport about 10 miles
Nations soldiers to gather intel- north of Nicosia and 45 miles south of
ligence and attack the invasion mainland Turkey. It was the focal point
force. There was no immediate of the July 20 Turkish invasion and is
reaction from Greek Cypriot lead- where Turkey's main force now is head-
ers. quartered.
IN NEW YORK, the United NationsKayra also said Turkey is building
Security Council passed a resolution facilities for storing fuel on Cyprus and
that it has started modernizing port fa-
aimed at enlarging the role of the U.N. cilities at Tasucu on the southern coast
peacekeeping force on Cyprus. The Soviet of Turkey facing Cyprus. to help supply
Union vetoed a similar resolution Wed- its forces on the island.
nesday night, but merely abstained yes- .In addition, Kayra said, his govern-
terday. ment has started an underwater pipeline
The resolution authorizes Secretary- from southern Turkey to transport water
General Kurt Waldheim to evaluate the to Kyrenia.
role prescribed for the decade-old U.N. BEFORE KAYRA revealed the Turk-
peacekeeping force on Cyprus by the ish plans, Premier Bulent Ecevit met
cease-fire and disengagement agreement with his chief of staff, presumably to
reached Tuesday in Geneva by Turkey, discuss plans to construct air and sea-
Greece and Britain. port facilities on Cyprus.


The walking wounded
Fleeing on two wooden legs, a Vietnamese youngster tries to escape the
continued fighting in and around Danang. The boy lost his own limbs in a
mine explosion several years ago. He and thousands of others have left their
homes recently to avoid the on-going battle between North and South Viet-
namese troops.

Esch refuses to reveal
position on impeachment
See story, Page 3

In the past the eight-nation U.N. peace-
keeping force that has been on Cyprus
since 1964 was authorized to intervene
only between the island's Greek and
Turkish communities.
Waldheim yesterday told the council
the Turks have agreed to permit U.N.
troops to remain in Turkish-occupied
territory. The Turks had previously de-
manded withdrawal of the U.N. forces,
WHMEN THE Cyprus crisis erupted in
mid-July there were 2,2010 U.N. soldiers
on Cyprus. Waldheim said reinforce-
ments have raised it to 3,484 and would
bring the force to 4,443 by Aug. 12.
In explaining the Soviet abstention,
See CYPRUS, Page 10

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