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August 01, 1974 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-08-01

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Thursday, August 1, 1974

Sports of The DaIly


Lions train on Ferry Field
A bus load of rookies and two veterans posing as the Detroit
Lions made an appearance in Ann Arbor yesterday.
No they were not here to run the Detroit Wheels of the rival
World Football League out of town. Their purpose was to gain a
little prior experience on an artificial surface in preparation for
the Lions' first exhibition game Monday night against the Kansas
City Chiefs at the Harry S. Truman Sports Complex.
Since Michigan's Ferry Field practice surface was the
only available artificial turf around, the club decided to motor
the squad into Ann Arbor on an apparent one time only ar-
None of the Lions' coaching staff was on hand for the work-
out because funeral services for late Head Coach Don McCafferty
were being held concurrently in Maryland. The workout was con-
ducted under the auspices of Player Personnel Director Jerry Neri.
The only veterans present for the no pads drill were defensive
back Rudy Redmond and running back Leon Crosswhite. Quarter-
back Greg Landry, who abandoned the National Football League
Players Association strike earlier in the week, presumably was
also in Maryland for McCafferty's funeral.
Conover blasts WFL quality
HOUSTON W) - Outspoken Rice University rootball coach
Al Conover said yesterday that the quality of play in the World
Football League was like defacing a work of art.
"I can't imagine 26,000 people or 6,000 paying $7, $3.00 or a
dime to go out and see that mess," Conover said.
Conover said he went to a Houston Texans WFL game recently
and left at the half.
"It was the worst I've ever seen," Conover said in an
interview. "I couldn't believe it. I said, 'what are they doing
to my game?' The game of football means a lot to me.
"What they're doing is like taking a beautiful picture and
and painting something bad on it."
Conover also said he thought the Texans were in the wrong
town. "They'd do better in some place like San Antonio or El
Corso hires woman aide
BLOOMINGTON (P) - Indiana University football coach Lee
Corso finally has his female assistant coach.
Corso announced last year that he would like to find a quali-
fied woman to assist the team in academics and help recruiting
On Wednesday, he annonnced that Mrs. Elisabeth Kurplus, an
academic counselor at the school the last three years, had
been appointed to the position.
"Mrs. Kurpius is highly qualified," Corso said, "and we feel
she will add a new dimension to our football program."
Cepeda cha-chas to K.C.
KANSAS CITY (W) - The Kansas City Royals said Wednesday
they have acquired Orlando Cepeda, 36, who has a lifetime bat-
ting average of .298 with 378 home runs, from Yucatan of the
Mexican League.
Despite a knee injury, Cepeda hit 20 home runs, drove in
86 runstand averaged .289 as a designated hitter last season with
the Boston Red Sox.

Baseball or Bolshoi?
Gene "The Stick" Michael of the New York Yankees had to resort to fancy acrobatics to get out
of the way of Milwaukee's Don Money, as the American League's best thirdbaseman stole sec-
ond with a head-first slide Tuesday night. Quality players make a difference - the Brewers
swept a pair from the Yanks.

Osborne is
busted again FA&1E
onFae For Senate Commitee Richmond BrownsT
ice Osborne, an Indiana Univer-
sity defensive end, was released
on bond yesterday after being
rearrested and charged with
possession of drugs and stolen
property, the Monroe County INTRCJDUCI
prosecutors' office reported.
Osborne was charged last Peugeot-D
week with delivery of a con-
trolled substance.
STATE POLICE undercover
agents said they confiscated
quantities of LSD and a color
television set reported as stol- 4-door, sunroof INTl
set s1
en in a search of Osborne's INTRODUCING: The sedan
apartment after he allegedly $2,500 less than the other Di
sold cocaine to an agent.
Osborne was released on TOYOTA ANN I
$2,000 bond on the earlier 907 N. MAIN at DEPOT ST

for State-
rees 406 Manor A.A. 4105
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SODUCING: the ony Die-
sttion wogon in Americo.
that costs about


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Al' Photo
MICKEY STANLEY, the fine Detroit centerfielder, twisted in
pain Tuesday night after a Reggie Cleveland pitch broke his
hand. Stanley will be out of the lineup for about five weeks.

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