Thursday, August 1,_19'1-1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday. August 1, 1 9I'r THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven x do ow 01 1 RECREATION CANOES FOR RENT. Day or overnight. Drop and pickup service $10 daily. 761-7630. 5Bctc BIKES AND SCOOTERS FOR SALE - Girl's bicycle, gond condition, reasonable price. 668-6202 SCHWINN Suburban 5 speed, one year old, perfect condition. Light, basket, huge chain and lock. $95. John, 665-4282 persistently. iIZ801 FOR SALE-1972 Yamaha 360 En- duro with extras. Must sell. Call Bob, 665-0166. 60Z801 IFLP WANTED MANAGER NEEDED for small offset printing, photo copying store. Ex- perience in bookkeeping and offset helpful. Apply in person to the Copy Mill, 211B S. State. 90H805 TRUCK DRIVERS Start 3.60/hr. Mutthavtechauf- Ceruet licente in drierste van. Plymouth area. Respond to Box 420, Michigan Daily. n80H08 SHIPPING-RECEIVING, general lab- orer, Piymouth area. Start $3.75 an hour, room for advancement. Re- spond to P.O. Box No. 3, Plymouth 4870. 52H807 JANITOR-PART-TIME 4 hours/day, 2 or 3 days a week. Cali 971-1700 after 9 a.m. 57H801 NEWSPAPER advertising salesperson wanted to cover Ann Arbor area. High commission, rewarding career. 453-6900. 590H803 PROGRAMMER ANALYST Permanent position for program- ming on-line, real-time, psycholog- ical experiments on PDP-8/E with 8K and disc. Small machine, assem- bly language experience essential. References. U-M, Room 1062 Mental Health Re arce h Institute, 205 Washtenaw Place. 6200803 MEDICAL transcriptionist, experi- enced only, full time day or after- noon shift. Salary commensurate with ability. Fonex Corporation, 416 W. Huron, call 761-1115 Monday-Fri- day, 8:30-4:30. 210802 FOR SALE IBM Electric Typewriter, $40. 761- B071 ees. 84B802 MISC. USED MED. Office Equip. Exam table w/lamp, infra red lamp, short wave diathermy, inst. trays, metal chairs. Fisher FM radio w/ speaker, swing doors, etc. 662-0818 or 662-2826. 88B802 WE BUY, SELL, appraise used and new oriental rugs. Persian House, 320 E. Liberty, 769-8555, 973-1678 cBtc 1974 TRAVEL Trailer, 28', self-con- tained, air-conditioned, twin beds. Must sell sacrifice. 484-0311. 77B803 Household Goods MOVING SALE- 818 Henry. 761-1391. 58B03 167CHEVY VAN.Go d conditn. Great Cr camping. $600 or bet offer. 668-7884. - 07B801 ROOMMATESy FEMALE NEEDS own room in house for fall. Near Frieze Bldg. Penelope, 769-0013, 764-5392. 83Y803 ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed for fall/winter to share modern hi-level, 2 bedroom apt. at 1700 Geddes. All coneniences. Call Maize & Blu, 761-3131. 66Y02 FALL RENTAL. Bedroom for 2 in modern apt. Near campus. Cable TV, air cond., new furniture. Call 662-9459. 48Y802 ROOMMATES WANTED-2 or 3 peo- ple to live in house on Kingsley. Must be pleasantly corrupt and willing to live in squalor and de- spair. Call Ed, 561-1638 or John, 563-2515 in Deroit. 10YO1l KOSHER ROOMMATE(S) wanted for falL Call collect, 1-545-3005. 04Y81 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black female cat withed collar. Broadway-Island Drive area. Reward. 663-7693. 39A730 SITUATIONS WANTED RESEARCH ASSISTANT - Full or part time. MA in Library Science, typing skills.x 94538r7. 800 SUBLET FURNISHED two bedrooms, Septem- ber through Auust; pool, nice views. $ 663-4317. Graduate students or staff preferred. Suitable for couple. 75U102 2 BEDROOM APT. on Kingsley. Ann Arhor, August only. Rent very ne- gotiable. Call 434-0287 persistently. 53U801 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Summer Sublets. Rooms, efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedroom apts., plus whale houses. Furnished, campus locations avail- able. Please pick up our listing at 611 Church St. cute BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING done in my home by experienced secretary. No job too big or small. Phone 662-5737, ask for Liz. 85J803 TUTORING, EE, Statistics, Math, Computers Call Walt, 769-2256. eJi TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 904-3594, 10 a.m-10 p.m. CJtc SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath 5x6x4" materials and labor, $189. Call 483-4615. cJtc REAL -ESTATE BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. 3-unit frame house near campus. Good return on money. Financing avail- able. 663-3883. 44R801 USED CARS '57 VW Classic, no rust, mechanical- ly very good. 729-7858 evenings. 71N01 1968 CHEVROLET Blue Window Van. Automatic, Ziebart rust proof- ed, 40,000 miles, 2 new tires. 665- 4842. Best offer. 68N803 '71 PLYMOUTH Duster, automatic, power steering, 6 cylinder, radio, $1500. 665-0397. 49N801 '65 CORVAIR, good transportation, condition, best offer ($75). 769-1528. 58N802 PORSCHE '66, 912 Koni, Abarth, Dunops. Mehanicaly god, bdy rust. 662-6360 eves. 61N803 FIAT, 1971, 124 Special Sedan, good condition. 769-3578. 35N801 TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ 1971 SPITFIRE. Red mags, radials, ike new. $229. 172 SPITFIRE. Brown. 4-speed, radial cean. $2595. 72 DATSUN 510 4-done sedan. 4- speed, Pereli eradials, sharp. 972 VOLKSWAGEN S u p e r b u g. Bright orange finish, 4-speed, AM- PM, like new. Priced to sell 1973 SUBARU GL coupe. Tach 4- speed, radials, radio, accent stripes, 7700 miles, 6 month warranty, extra sharp FWD automobile. 1972 RX-2 MAZDA. Two door coupe, one owner, 4-speed transmission, ra- dio, white vinyl top, white Interor, silver blue finish, radial tires. Just like new. Priced to sell at .. ..$2895 '70 JAGUAR 6-cylinder, XKE coupe, chrome wire wheels, 4-speed. British racing green finish. A classic at $4995. (Spring sale now in progress on all used Toyotas) Toyota-Peugeot 769-7935 907 N. Main MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS OEMEINHARDT PICCOLO - Exelt- tent condition. 868-7255. 56X801 RENT A GUITAR. Why Buy? Les- sons available to-boot! Your quality musicstore, Apollo Music Cente, 760.1400. eXte GUILD D/35, $330. Apollo Music Center 761-9430. eXte USED UPRIGHT PIANO, $99.50. Dark finish, in good shape. Apollo Music Center, 761-9430. eXte GUITAR LESSONS Class or private instruction - all styles. Our studios also accommo- date banjo.flute and recorder, key- board, bass drums, clarinet, oboe, and sax. Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, 769-4980. cXtc PERSONAL EPISTEMOLOGIST & METAPHYSI- CIAN LOOKING FOR AMEANG-OUT. Call Margret & Margie, 665-5441. 89F802 GEORGE ALEXANDER says, "Courts cannot ignore the people, or the people will begin to ignore the courts." (Pd. poi. ad.). 68F02 JEAN SHAW or MARSHAL MULEL- LER, where are you? Anyne knaow- inc them cc their whereabouts, please call collect (607) 843-8264 or write: L. Koz, Rt. 12, Oxford, N.Y. 13830. 78F802 MICHIGAN Lottery Tickets on Sale at the Village Apothecary, 1112 So. University. cFtc UNION BOWLING CLOSED NEW LANES BEING INSTALLED SHOOT POOL OR GET A HAIR CUT MICHIGAN UNION BILLIARDS & STYLISTS cF801 PHYS. ED. MAJORS! Should aca- demic credit be given for varsity athletic participation? Expres your feelings! Call 662-4813 evenings; ak for Lincoln. 76F803 "DON'T FEAR the law, fear the judge." Elect George Alexander 15th District Judge and fear no more. (Pd. pol. ad.). 67F02 CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Call .994-5440 epic WE MEET OUR competitors prices. Just ask. Village Apothecary. cFte ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE-Now in progress. Sale began January 1 and will end December 31. Austin Dia- mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. GEORGE ALEXANDER believes you can't ration justice. Elect Alexander District Judge August 6. Non-par- tisan Primary. (Pd. pol. ad.). 69F02 FIDDLE LESSONS. 761-6101 at Erie- wine Instruments. 27F809 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printing, Xerox, Typing, Wedding and Social Announcements 214 S. 4th Ave.-994-4664 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP MATCHMAKERS. Meet new compa- Ible people through SATURDAY NIGHT INSURANCE. Call 663-1392 evenings. cFtc BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. eFte PERSONAL Summer Lunch COOK" OFF at the TROTTER H OUSE The Terrifically Tontalizing Tasty Talents of our own: Lois Owens: Glazed Roast Pork, Rice Pilof, and her very own savory specialty, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce. Ummmi Les Owens: Country-Style Ribs, Baked Chili Beans, Okra & Corn. Get to that! Alex Hawkins: Short Ribs of Beef, Noodles Almon- dine, Black-eye Peas. Solid? Also featuring: Watermelon, Corn- bread, Salad Bar, and much, much MOREi 11:30-1:30 $1.50 donation Boogie on over there'... Enjoy the last summer lunch,,, And here's to everyone responsible for these GREAT lunches. . Thank You cF PERSONAL XEROX AND OFFSET Past, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 768-0560 PROFESSIONAL TENNIS INSTRUCTION Brian Etsner, U-M Tenis Coach Mike Ware. U-M Asst. Tennis Conch For moore information, call 764-0163 BE HAPPIER . . . ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS HAVE WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED Unless you've got something else that works, try Scientology. Infor- motion: Wednesdays 1-9 p.m., Room 2207 in the Union. Scirntology is an applied religious philosophy epic BOARD.EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.O.A.T.. D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085 6CPU THE COPY MILL FOR QUALITY COPIES &c OFFSET 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 PINBALL S. UNIVERSITY cFtc fr Sta- Face for Senate Committee, Richmond Browns, Tres, 446 Mono(, A.A. 4810 SUMMER SALE 20% to50% Off on Many SHOES 522 E. William Ann Arbor 761-9891 ,E'STeas ANN ARr I THE SUMMER REPERTORY THEATRE presents FIVE ABREAST GOING ABROAD: A Celebration of the Women We Are An Originol Theatre Piece Created & Assembled by a Women's Workshop for Both Women and Men TWO CONSECUTIVE WEEKENDS AUG. 1, 2, 3 & AUG. 8, 9, 10 (Matinee 2 P.M.) $1.25 8:00 P.M. DONATION EAST QUAD AUD. FOR RESERVATIONS, INFORMATION, GROUP RATES CALL 763-1172 DAILY 5-7 P.M. -ANN ARBOR'S ALTERNATIVE THEATRE- It ... that working for a newspaper can be exciting, written... frustrating, enjoyable and refreshing Why Not Join THE DAILY? A great place to meet people, drink 5c cokes and learn about a newspaper on the Business, Editorial or Sports Staffs