r '.* f6&IE6(A %I Au IT'. TK 1EAtIh FNI5O J WG wrawr ON INe'e4 FLAni0Sa CLAW EwoffrVE RMiE o.E r Irui 0o ATIM W A$J3C.r oti'uaiE>Me7sr ir rrL -Av r 'E-~ FAj } NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK The Breadbasket Bites Back By DAVID STOLL 'HE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, August 1, 1974 News Phone: 764 0552 Nixon's Nielson, T1'HE NEWEST SUMMER replacement show has been airing nationally for nearly a working week. The much-debated broadcasting of the ongoing im- peachment proceedings will have equally debatable ef- fects on our national perception and comprehension of the impeachment of our current elected President. Sandwiching the arguments of the plosive scarlet- necked Sandman and the laryngitis-voiced Chairman Rodino between catchy ads for antiperspirant and dish- washing liquids during daytime television hours brings the usually unseen workings of Congress to a visible surface. The imneaehment nroceedings, like the Water- gate hearings earlier in the year, have attained a unique rating as a political span opera, complete with observ- able reistionshins between members of the 38-person cast. Showing a full-face close-up of an impassioned Renresentative arching a point of constitutional law both exposes the mass watching audience to the legislative process and personalizes the legislator. The work of Congress, often considered the generation of wind by the winded generation, becomes the drama of elected actors when Camera 3 brings their faces and voices over the RCA into the family living room. ONE OF THE LARGEET problems of televising the hear- ings is the medium itself nespite the increased net- work attempts to broareist informntive public service programs. television is still considered by the masses to be an entert:inment medium Peonle flin the "on" button and sit in front of the screen to he amused or moved by drama a"r -tnrin-e iiinormntion on television is limit- ed in the nublic mind to an hour of local and national news a da. Althouah we are niuuhtly reminded by Walter Cron- kite of the cnie of history that nermeates every House roll call vote. we may still find it difficult to put the proceedings in their proper historical perspective. A national view of the imneachment proceedings as an extended Movie of the Week may increase public awareness of the nrocedure and the individuals involved, but ma 'isis' e the ntlica s distorted perceptionsof the real- ity anid the sieni-ifies)nee of the proceedings. Whatever a person's intestinal feelings for or against Richard Nixon, his imneachm ent is a solemn business. Whatever the out- come of the imneachment attempt, the repercussions for the entire country will be worldwide and the attempt itself will be an indelible part of our national history. THE PROCEFDINGS MUST be taken seriously by the viewing nublic. Live television coverage gives the watch- ing American a valuable front row center view of one of the most important and real dramas in the near-200 years of our existence as a free country. The danger in the prime time broadcast of the House steps toward im- peachment is the minimization of public recognition of the significance of the nearing impeachment of an American president and the public rating of a real and powerful political issue on the Nielson scale. -BETH NISSEN LAMONT, CALIFORNIA - The caravan of eight vehicles headed out of this one-story, single drag town south of Bakersfield one day last week, making its way between the long, empty rows of grape vines. The rear of a pick-up truck was crammed with people and red flags, more red flags flapped from the windows and the sound of "vivas" carried across the fields. It was one of several small, roving United Farmworkers (UFW) picket lines still active in the upper San Joaquin Valley, a year after Ce- sar Chavez's union lost most of its table grape contracts to the Teamsters. Several miles out of town the pick-up suddenly dived to the shoulder, followed by the others. Waving their banners and 'shouting "Huelga! Viva huelga!-", some fifty men and women of all ages poured onto the side of the road. Here and there, huddled under the six foot high rows of vines, were about two dozen grape pickers. The pickers turned their heads, some of them smiled and waved, but they all went on with their work. IT IS USUALLY this way. An estimated 5-6,000 farm laborers are at work this summer in the vineyards around Lamont; only 35 families are being supported on strike benefits out of the UFW field office. The picketers have been out with their strike flags every day since March, but few workers have come out of the fields to join them. From the good-humored Spanish-language heckling and rejoinder heard along the picket line last week, however, workers retain their sympathies for the UFW. "Brothers and sisters, join us!" shouted a short, pot-bellied picketer with his two fists raised over his head. "Why do you continue to work for the bosses when you should join us on the picket lines?" "People need work," responded an adolescent. "We have obligations, bills to pay, we cannot af- ford to strike. Boycott the grapes in the store. That way you will tell the bosses." "THEN PICK THE GRAPES, don't clean them." "But we have to clean the grapes," replied' the boy, pruning away at a bunch of fruit with his shears. "There are government inspectors, they will fire us if they find out." Over a loudspeaker strapped to the cab of the nick-up a man accused the Teamsters of mak- ing illegal deductions from paychecks. Another took over the microphone and began singing a song about a little donkey who worked too hard. Up and dowi the line, some fifty yards long, erouns of picketers gathered under their flags for shade and concentrated on the workers clos- est to them. "Senorita, you are too pretty to be a scab," shouted a young man in a lavender shirt. "Why did you come all the way from Mexicali in order to take away our jobs?" "Some grapes, let's have some grapes," de- manded a young female picketer. MAYBE IF YOU put these in your mouth, you won't yell at me so much," replied a worker as he handed over a- bunch. "They are no good, they should have been nicked this morning," said a disgusted UFW sup- porter as he spat a grape onto the ground. When the picketers turned abusive, it was us- ially in reference to the workers' place of origin. The majority of the UFW supporters are local residents, while many of the workers are mi- grants from Mexico, Texas and southern Califor- nia. "'Some grapes. let's have some grapes,' demanded a young female picketer. 'Maybe if you put these in your mouth, you won't yell at me so much,' replied a worker as he handed over a bunch." "C'mon little flower," growled an elderly, grim UFW supporter at a young woman. "Have you got a paper, or are you a wetback?" "Hey, there's immigration!" shouted a picket- er as a crop dusting plane flew overhead. This summer Chavez has been charging, not only that there are more illegal immigrants from Mexico than ever before, but also that a con- spiracy exists between the Nixon administration and agro-business to admit illegals in large num- bers to break UFW strikes. Authorities dismiss the charges as absurd, but also admit they are so short-handed they cannot police farm areas adequately. While the U. S. Bureau of Naturaliz- ation and Immigration caught and returned 670,- 000 illegal aliens to Mexico last year, a spokes- person has conceeded this may be only ten or twenty per cent of the total. THE BOYCOTT OF non-UFW table grapes and Gallo Wine is the main effort now. After the growers began signing over the UFW's hard-won but expiring contracts to the Teamsters in April, 1973, thousands of workers up and down the San Joaquin Valley struck. In the Lamont area as many as 1,500 UFW supporters picketed the ranches on some days last summer. Besides being arrested by the hundreds, some were sprayed with pesticide and others were beaten by Tamster thugs. Two were killed, one by a sniper's bullet fired from a field and the other by police. By the middle of August, 1973, 63 court injunc- tions had been handed down against the UFW, 3,389 picketers had been arrested, violence had continued to escalate and the fields were still full of workers. It was at this point that Chavez called in the remaining picketers and sent hun- dreds of them across the country to start the boycott. MEANWHILE, THE UFW newspaper El Ma- criado is full of stories of "Chavistas" revolting against the Teamster stewardship; complaints center on alleged Teamster racism toward farm- workers and the labor contract or system which the Teamster contract has reinstated in place of the UFW hiring hall. Crop sabotage, in the form of uncleaned grapes sent to market, is at an all- time high. If elections could be held tomorrow, UFW supporters say again and again, their union would defeat the Teamsters hands down. There is no chance of that, however, as farmworkers are not covered under the National Labor Rela- tions Act and so are not entitled to elections. The Teamster contracts expire in 1976. Despite its crushing reverse in the vineyard's last summer, the UFW has recently demonstrated its strike power in the fields. In May the union seriously disrupted the $19 million strawberry harvest in Ventura County, shutting down a num- ber of berry farms in a chain of strikes which the UFW claims involved 2,000 workers. No con- tracts were won, but once again- it would be said that: "Red strike flags of the UFW were flying over empty fields yesterday as . . ." Govs (es)chew solution to world food crisis By WILLIAM FOX MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (UPI) - After a breakfast of fresh strawberries marinated in champagne, fish crepes w i t h cheese sauce, scrambled eggs with chives and pecan rolls, Midwest Governors sat down to discuss the world food crisis Tuesday. The American Petroleum In- stitute picked up the tab for the gourmet meal, after which the governors heard experts voice fears that millions of people face starvation in the years ahead. In the afternoon, governors attending the Midwestern Gov- ernors Conference took a break to play golf or tennis. Most panelists in the food crisis discussion stressed the need for the United States to take more of a leadership role in addressing the problem. "OUR TASK TODAY is to urge the government to provide leadership and take the right steps," Sen. Hubert H. Hum- phrey, D-Minn., the moderator, told conferees. "Let's get on with it." "Our government can help by encouraging farmers to produce more food. This can be accomp- lished by establishing p r o - grams to provide fair crop pric- es," Humphrey said. Tony De Chant, national pres- ident of the Farmers Union, said this nation should exert the same kind of leadership in ag- riculture as it exerts in t h e cause of peace. "Where is our leadership in world agriculture?" he asked. "At this time when crisis looms our agriculture leader- ship drags its feet, calling for business as usual, refusing the kinds of compromises that must occur between two nations n order to achieve agreements, whether for peace or plenty."