Thursday, August 1 974
Page Three
Turks continue to battle at
Cyprus despite cease-fire
NICOSIA, Cyprus (,')--Turkish troops
ignored the newly signed Cyprus cease-
fire accord and drove Greek Cypriots
from two towns along the northern coast
yesterday, a United Nations spokesper-
son said.
The spokesman said Turkish naval
guns and tanks shelled the towns of
Karavas and t.apithos seven and nine
miles west of Kyrenia, forcing the Greek
Cypriot national guardsmen to abandon
the towns.
A GREEK Cypriot who reached Nico-
sia from the northern coast said a hattle
raged for about two hours in the vicinity
of the two villages about midday. "The
Turkish firepower blackened out the
sun," lie said.
Earlier, C y p r u s President Glafcos
Clerides, the leader f the Greek Cyp-
riots, lodged an officiatl complaint with
the United Nations, charging Turker wits
continuing to expand the terrltor under
their control
In his protest, Cleridcs said tie Turks
iave contintriusy violated the cease fire
in the Kyrenia and Nicosia districts. le
accused the Turkish army of more than
doubling territory under its control since
the initial United Nations-imposed cease-
fire went into effect on July 22.
TIlE LATEST cease-fire was part of
a troop disengagement agreement signed
by the foreign ministers of Greece,
Turkey and Britain on Tuesday in
That agreement came under strong
criticism yesterday from the Greek
Cypriots, who claim it was too one-sided
in Turkey's favor.
In Athens, Foreign Minister George
Mavros, who signed the a c c o r d for
Greece, denied charges that it was a
sellout to the Tlurks. Al the same time
Greece began demobilizing thousands
of reservists who had been called tip
bectiuse of thne Cypruts crisis.
Meanwhile in Atikara, Turkishi 'retiier
Bulenit Ecerit said that if Turkey and
Greece cannot resume friendly relations
they should withdraw from the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
"We cannot be allies and yet arm
against each other. It is illogical, para-
doxical," he said. "We should either
cease our collaboration within the frame-
work of the alliance or fully cooperate."
Ecevit said he favors -cooperation.
A TURKISH force estimated anywhere
from 25,000 to 40,000 men holds a 200-
See TURKEY, Page 10
AP Photo
U.N. ARMORED cars roll on out in an attempt to patrol the cease-fire lines from their base in Kyrenia, Cyprus. U.N.
forces have the major job of peace-keeping according to accords signed by Britain, Greece and Turkey; but Turkey so
far has not honored the cease-fire.
ms. take similar stand
in S
in S..m Snate primary
Four candidates, who all take liberal
stands on campaign issues, are battling
for the Democratic Party nomination
in the 18th State Senate District primary
next Tuesday.
In the race are Cynthia Churchill,
Peter Eckstein, Gerald Faye, and Harold
Moon. The winner will face incumbent
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and Hu-
man Rights Party hopeful Lisa North
in the November election.
THE CANDIDATES all favor a state-
wide graduated income tax, repeal of
Michigan's food and drug tax, decrimi-
nalization of marijuana, campaign fi-
nancing reform, stiffer enforcement of
anti-pollution laws and increased edu-
cational funding.
Churchill, a member of the National
Organization for Women, stressed that
few women hold political office. She
also pointed out the need to update "an-
tiquated" juvenile justice laws.
Eckstein, an associate professor of
economics at Western Michigan Univer-
sity, emphasized both his activity in the
Democratic party and experience in
lobbying at the state level.
FAYE, A political science professor
at Oakland Community College, has high-
lighted "equitable financing of educa-
tion" and his "full scale campaign"
against Bursley throughout the race.
Moon, a bail bondsman, has set for
his major themes the "statewide aboli-
tion of parking meters" and "breaking
up special interest groups" with dis-
criminatory legislation aimed at big
Campaign financing reform has been
one of the major issues in the race with
Moon pointing out he is "not accepting
one cent" in contributions for his "$4,000-
55,00" caitipaign.
SPENDING far more than the others,
Faye plans to spend $7,000-$8,0(0--most
of which he claims is his own money--
in the primary.
Faye further contends he is limiting
personal contributions to $100 and has
put a $500 ceiling on group donations,
claiming he "will not be beholden" to
Eckstein has set no limit on contri-
butions claiming his largest donation
was $100 e x c e p t for $1,00 from his
Estimating his primary budget at "a
little over $4,000," Eckstein said he was
relying heavily on volunteers in his
Churchill, employed at Computer Op-
erations, has chosen to set a $5 limit on
donations in her "less than $500" cam-
paign. But she admits few have been
willing to give more.
See 4, Page 9
Public officials resign over
financial disclosure statutes
By The Associated Press
Some public officials are quitting
rattier than comply with strict new laws
that require them to tell the voters how
much money they make and where it
-omes from.
Fifteen states have passed financial
disclosure laws since Watergate and the
revelation of 1972 campaign finance
abuses. Fourteen others already had
such laws on the books, and more are
working on them.
BUT MANY officeholders say laws that
allow the public to peek at their bank
books and tax returns go too far,
Alabama's law is one of the strictest
in the country, requiring full disclosure
of personal finances by all state, county
and municipal employes who make more
than $12,000 a year. Even college pro-
fessors accustomed to the privacy of
the campus world have suddenly been
required to tell the public about their
money matters.
The Alabama League of Municipalities
says some 15,000 public employes are
affected and about 300 have already re-
signed because of the 1973 law. Another
1,400 are ready to resign if court chal-
lenges to the law are unsuccessful, the
League says.
IN CALIFORNIA, voters month passed
a law requiring all state officials and
about 7,000 local officeholders to report
all gifts and sources of income over
$250. A less strict law passed last year
led to the resignation of nearly 60 poli-
In recent years, resignations have also
followed the enactment of disclosure laws
in Florida and Washington.
There is some evidence that the public
doesn't even care to know about the
private financial affairs of their officials
In a recent survey of 1,502 households,
pollster touis IBarris reported that a
large majority, 69-27 per cent, supported
full disclosure of big campaign contri-
butions; but almost as great a majority
62-32 per cent, said that a candidate's
personal income was not a fit subject
for public discussion.
"APPARENTLY the public has not
been overly impressed with the value of
such disclosures," Harris said. "What
does arouse the public, are any ties
between a candidate and special interests
that might influence him after he is
Common Cause, the "citizens' lobby"
that has championed the fight for finan-