Tuesday, May 14, 1974
Page Three
Board KOs teen's candidacy
Taylor plans to
oppose Bullard
for stale rep.
Washtenaw County Commissioner Eliz-
abeth Taylor last night confirmed widely
circulated rumors that she will oppose
incumbent State Representative Perry
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) for his post in the
Democratic primary this August.
Although Taylor said the formal an-
nouncement of her candidacy will not
come until sometime next week, the 29-
year-old commissioner termed her entry
in the August 6 race a certainty.
SLAMMING BULLARD for "exploiting
the people of the district" and using his
"left leanings to get his name in the
paper," Taylor affirmed she will "be in
the primary."
This confirms what many political ob-
servers have suspected: that Bullard
would face opposition in his re-election
bid from within his own party. -
Bullard has never received over-
whelming support from fellow Democrats
even after he won the state representa-
tive nomination in 1972. Since then his
image among the rank-and-file party
members has deteriorated.
A 31-YEAR-OLD local attorney, Bullard
could not be reached last night for com-
ment on Taylor's candidacy or her al-
Both Taylor and Bullard won election
to their respective offices with big vic-
tories in the November 1972 election in
which they each benefited to some extent
from riding presidential candidate George
McGovern's coattails.
However, both would undoubtedly have
won without that boost judging from
their high vote totals.
SINCE THEN Taylor and Bullard have
become the focus of controversy because
of their activities. Taylor ran into trouble
with the federal government and her
fellow commissioners earlier this year
for refusal to pay her income tax.
She declined to pay the federal tax as
a protest against American involvement
in Indochina, of which she has been a
longstanding opponent.
Bullard drew criticism from his own
party and Republicans both locally and
in the state House for openly smoking
marijuana before members of the mass
media including television photographers
during the 1973 Hash Bash held on the
Diag on April Fool's Day.
WITHIN THE LAST month Bullard has
suffered another barage of attacks for
supporting the screening of the porno-
graphic movie Deep Throat by a Univer-
sity student group.
These incidents and others which drew
less widespread attention have made
Bullard a very vulnerable incumbent who
can be beaten by the proper candidate,
according to many political observers.
See TAYLOR, Page 10
Rules petition to
be 'out of order'
The Ann Arbor School Board yesterday
rejected 16-year-old Larry Mann's nomi-
nating petition for next month's board
election because he fails to meet all
requirements for candidacy.
Board Secretary Leroy Cappaert term-
ed Mann's petition "out of order" be-
cause state law requires all candidates
to be registered voters and thus at least
18 years old.
BACKED BY the Human Rights Party
(HRP) Mann assailed the board decision
as "fundamentally undemocratic" in a
prepared statement released yesterday.
"Clearly the law restricting people un-
der 18 from running for school board is
wrong," Mann stated, adding that he
will wage a write-in campaign.
Cappaert said that he rejected Mann's
petition for the June 10 election solely on
legal grounds because "schools are gov-
erned by the law of the state."
Astrid Beck, explained Mann will con-
tinue campaigning "to show people that
students haven't been listened to."
Presently students are represented on
the school board by non-voting advocates
from local high schools-a system hailed
as adequate by board President Duane
HRP has consistently attacked the ad-
vocate representation as "tokenism."
ELEVEN OTHER candidates have fil-
ed nominating petitions with the board.
Undeterred by the large field and the
anticipated rejection of his petition,
Mann vowed "to continue my campaign
and bring this issue to the attention of
Ann Arbor voters and students."
Two years ago HRP also ran a student
too young to qualify officially as a candi-
date. The party fought the case involv-
ing 15-year-old Sonia Yaco in the courts
but eventually lost after several ap-
Yaco garnered significant support,
however, as a write-in candidate in the
1972 race.
CALIFORNIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Ed Reinecke leaves U.S. District Court
in Washington yesterday after asking the court to dismiss a perjury indictment
which threatens his gubernatorial candidacy. Reinecke told the court that federal
prosecutors implied they would not bring charges against him if he cooperated
in their investigation.
Reinecke:In vestigators
imple prjry immunity
WASHINGTON (o') - Lt. Gov. Ed Rei-
necke of California testified yesterday
that federal prosecutors who have
brought a perjury indictment against
him implied they would not do so if he
cooperated in their investigation.
One of the prosecutors denied that any
threats or deals were extended to Rei-
REINECKE testified at a pre-trial
hearing at which U. S. District Judge
Barrington Parker called for final argu-
ments this morning on motions by the
lieutenant governor's attorneys to dis-
miss the three-count indictment or, fail-
ing that, shift the trial to San Francisco
or Sacramento.
Reinecke is a candidate for the GOP
nomination for governor of California,
Reinecke testified that he first met
Five Ypsianti escapees still
at large, termed 'dangerous'
By ANDREA LILLY arrested on charges of armed robbery ened a supervisor, forcing him to hand
From wire service Reports and murder respectively. over his set of keys. They fled from
Two more of a dozen escapees from Five ot h e r escapees were captured their third floor ward by elevator.
Ypsilanti State Hospital's facility for the within hours of the original break. Authorities said that the men were
criminally insane were captured yester- The breakouts occurred at 1:30 a.m. undergoing treatment to determine whe-
day, leaving five men, still at large. and 9:20 p.m. Sunday. The first took ther they were competent to stand trial
Police have been conducting an inten- place when seven men took advantage or were innocent on grounds of insanity.
sive search throughout southern Michi- of a noisy protest against the break-
gan and Ohio for the quintet who made down of the hospital air conditioning DR. AMES Robey, the hospital direc-
their break Sunday night. system. tor, said that authorities learned about
the second breakout within two minutes
AUTHORITIES consider those escapees THE MEN placed a mattress against but did not know which way the five men
still at large to be "extremely danger- a window to muffle the sound of a had fled.
ous." The .two recaptured yesterday smashed window and pulled out the "There are hundreds of doors and tun-
.have been identified as John Burns, 27, rusted bars by-haiid. nel and with those keys, they could go
apdS William Morgan, 39, Who had been ,Ini the second escape, five mon threat- anywhere," Robey said.
with Joseph Connolly, an assistant Wat-
ergate prosecutor, last July 30 and was
told that "if I wanted to preserve by
credibility I ought to stop talking to the
press ...
"THERE WAS a possibility I could be
more helpful to them as a constructive
material witness than as a defendant,"
he said.
"Did you get the impression you might
not be prosecuted?" asked one of his at-
torneys, James Cox,
Reinecke: "It was certainly implied
by Mr. Connolly -... that I was marginal
in the entire arena."
REINECKE WAS indicted on three
counts of perjury on April 3. The charges
accused him of lying to the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee during hearings
which dealt with the International Tele-
phone & Telegraph Co. (ITT), its anti-
trust settlement, and efforts to have the
1972 Republican National Convention held
in San Diego.
Reinecke, 50, played a key role in
convention negotiations.
Connolly, an assistant special prosecu-
tor in charge of the task force investigat-
ing the ITT case, was asked whether he
told Reinecke's attorney in July of last
year that the investigation was "well
down the road and that If Mr. Reinecke
wanted to cooperate he better do it right
See REINECKE, Page 10