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July 30, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-30

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Page Two


Tuesday, July 30, 1974

THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Tuesday, July 30, 1974,

In the news this morning

LISBON, Portugal - Guinea was scheduled
by Portugal yesterday to be the first of the
country's three African colonies to be granted
independence. President Antonio de Spinola
said in a brief television interview, "After we
are through with Guinea, we will turn our
attentions to Mozambique and Angola." He
did not indicate when independence will come,
but political observers predict it will be soon.
PHILADELPHIA - In an atmosphere of
mingled celebration and conflict, 11 women
were ordained yesterday as the first female
priests of the Episcopal Church in its history.
The packed ceremonies, led by four bishops,
challenged not only the denomination's rules
and practices, but also 2,000 years of male
dominance of the Christian priesthood. The
ceremonies were set in defiance of the denom-
ination's long-standing practice and regula-

HUNTSVILLE, Tex. - One of 14 hostages
held by three armed convicts in a prison lib-
rary suffered an apparent heart attack yester-
day. A prison spokesman said Aline House,
a 61-year-old librarian, was removed from the
third-floor library by inmate attendants. She
was taken first to the prison hospital and then
transferred to a Huntsville hospital. T h e
spokesman said convict leader Fred Gomez
Carrasco telephoned the warden's office to say
the woman was sick. Negotiations with Car-
rasco and the two convicts -holding the other
13 hostages hit a snag yesterday when Texas
prison Director W. J. Estelle refused to meet
demands for weapons and flak jackets despite
threats against the well-being of the hastages.
Today will be comfortable with a 20 per
cent chance of precipitation. The high today is
expected near 80 with the low in the mid '50s.
The record low for this date was 51, set in
1916. Skies will be partly cloudy with winds
expected from the west at12-18 m.p.h.

6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News
S Andy Griffnth
20 Leave It To Beaver
24 ABC Ntws-
30 Zoom
50 Avengers
56 Crascolendas
57 Sesame Street
6:30 2 11 CBS News-
Walter Cronkite
4 13 NBC News-
John Chancellor
7 ABC News-
9 51Dream of Jeannie
20 Nanny and the Professor
24 Dick Van Dyke
30 Lilias, Yoga and You
56 Jerry
7:00 2 Troth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
11 To Tell the Truth
13 What's My Line?
20 Rifleman
24 Dealer's Choice
30 Impressions
50 Untouchables
5"vening at Pops-Music
57 Elecrec Company-
7:30 2 11 Baseball
4 Audubon Wildlife Theatre
7 New Price is Right
9 Bewitched
13 Truth or Consequences
20 Burke's Law
24 Wait Till Your Father
Gets Bomo
30 Zoo
57 Lilias, Yoga and You
8:00 4 13 Adam-12
7 24 Happy Days
9 Starlost
30 557 Man Builds, Man
55 McHale's Navy
8:30 4 13 Faraday and Company
7 24 Movie
"The Gun and the Pulpit"
20 Judd For The Defense
30 56 57 Eye to Eye
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 9 News
30 56 57 What's the Big idea

Around A2
Brian MacNaught, a gay Ro-
man Catholic and president of
the Detroit chapter of Dignity, a
national Roman Catholic homo-
phile organization, will speak at
the Gay Liberation Front's
meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the
third floor conference room of
the Michigan Union.
The Audio-Visual Educational
Center continues its series of
free films with four flicks on
child development. The f ilm s
are What are We Doing to Our
Children, Children in Peril,
Whole New Ball Game, and
Child Behavior-You. The show
starts at 7 p.m. in Aud. 3 MLB.
9:30 9 V.I.P.
20 Seven Hundred Club
10:00 2 Hawaii Five-O
4 13 Police Story
7 24 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 America
1t Bollywood Squares
30 Behind the Lines
50 Perry Mason
56 Our Street
57 Ohio This Week
10:30 li Wild Ringdom
56 First Flickers
57 Day at Night
11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News
9 CBC News-Lloyd
50 Night Gallery
11:20 5 News
11:30 2 11 Movie
"The:Fiend Who Walked
the West"
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 Wide World Mystery
20 Manna
50 Movie
"Tonight We Raid Calais."
12:00 5 Saint
1:00 4 Tomorrow
7 13 News
1:30 2 Movie
"China Doll." (1958)
11 News
2:00 4 Shadows on the Wall
2:30 4 News
3:00 2 News

Volume LXXXIV, No.51-S
Tuesday, Jully 30, 1974
is erated and managed by stucents
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a 11 y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann

Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); . : -:I, IN ttI(M ' -
2 non-locll l thertandteoand DailyOf ficial Bulletin
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning. Tuesday, July 30
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail Day Calendar
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign). A-V Ctr.: What Are We Doing to
Our Children?, Aud. 3, MLB, 7 pm.

- ------ - -------

Be carefuiwith fire.
Remember: there are babes
inthe woods.
And those baby fawns, rabbits, Follow all the rules of safety and
squirrels and trees need a safe, happy caution-just like any other place where
home. They need a place where they can there are children at play.
grow up strong and healthy.
Like babes everywhere.
So, please, be careful with fire when
you're in the forest.

F0s for t
,AYE )emocratr
Foye For 5mote comm itee, Rchmond Browns, Tres 446 Menor AA 4005
Benefit for New Community Theatre
with Paulette Goddard
written, directed and scored by
Charles Chaplin
Natural Science Aud.
7:30,9:30, andll1 :30 $1.25

eg cm b-4sdhfor eOPua-5CgS

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