Saturday, July 27, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Regents vote unanimously to up tuition to Fall '73 levels Daily Photo by KEN HNK THESE KITTENS, along with many other stray animals, await adoption at the local humane society. If no home is found for them, they will be destroyed to make room for other abandoned pets. H e Humaneoiey Dog's eS.. y best friend? Almost/., By JEFF SORENSEN The University Board of Regents voted unanimously yesterday to raise tuition for the 74-75 academic year nearly six per cent above the Winter '74 figures, placing the tuition at the sane levels as fall 1973. Tuition was lowered last Winter when a $3.75 million surplus was discovered in the lall '73 budget. UNDER THE NEW hiher rates, in- state freshmen and sophomores will pay $400 per semester, compared with $383 at present, while in stite juniors and seniors will pay $50. (outofstate fresheninod splimttres will be charged $13K) per Semester and out-of state juniors and se:ors will pay $1401). The bud eprt apruivel vest,rdiy totaled over t158.2 million in appr ti ittions for the Ann Arbor campus, an increase of nine per cent over this year. The budget also includes an eight per cent:raise slated for salary bikes for alt Univer- sity personnel IN ANOTHER controversial decisin, the Regents passed 7-1 a compromise proposal on guidelines on the use of Uni- versity facilities for fund-raising. Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Saranac) voted in op- position. The compromise reg-lations, proposed by Regents Lawrence Lindemer (R- Stockbridge) and James Waters (D- Muskegon), require all groups who use University facilities to "have sufficient funds on deposit with the University Of- fice of the Controller to meet all its ob- ligations in connection with use." If any such groups decide to withdraw deposited funds, the University "shall deprive said organizations of eligibility for facility use for events for a period of one year." FURTHERMORE, all such organiza- tions must certify that the funds won't be misused. The regulations are spe- cifically aimed at preventing the use of revenues for political purposes or for profit-making. University officials say they're obli- gated to ascertain that these groups ful- fill the obligations of the University's tax-exempt status." The guidelines also provide that "fail- ure to comply with the regulations will result in the denial of the use of the fa- cilities to such groups as determined by a board made tin of two students, two See REGENTS, Page 10 Dem primary candidates meet to air opinions By DAVID WHITING Democratic hopefuls for U. S. Con- gress and State Senate running in the August 6th Democratic Party primary met yesterday to voice their views at a candidate night. Similar ideas were heard by some 125 people from the contestants running in the Second U. S. Congressional dis- trict and 15th state Senate district. WINNERS of the primaries will face incumbent Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) and HRP candidate Phill Carroll in the congressional race and Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and IRP hopeful Lisa North vying for state senate in the No- vember elections. Democratic congressional candidates are: Ron Egnor, Marge Lansing, Ed Pierce, John Reuther, and Theo Williams -the only contestant who missed the meeting sponsored by the League of Wo- men Voters. The candidates all voiced See DEM, Page 10 By ANDREA LILLY Not all people who lose their pets nec- essarily want them back. One woman called last week by the Humane Society and informed that it would cost her $4.00 to get her dog back responded, "well, kill the damn thing then." In the United States alone, there are 10,000- puppies and kittens born every hour. These enchanting little balls of fur continue to swell the homeless ani- mal population - which currently stands at 40,000,000. The Humane Societies throughout the country are literally swamped with these homeless and un- wanted animals. TAXPAYE4,S and private organiza- tions are paying more than $65,00,000 a year on rescue and control work but are unable to help but a fraction of the homeless animals. The Humane Society was set up orig- inally as an organization for the preven- Copi, cClary wage slow commissioner primary tion of cruelty to animals and children. The Huron Valley Humane Society, which is one of the oldest in the country was formed in 1896. Until 1935 it dealt mainly with the investigation into cruel- ty cases and educational programs. In 1935, J. J. Goodyear left his farm to the Humane Society, which was the first animal shelter until 1951. Then, Fred Matthai left $100,000 to the society and the shelter was enlarged to double- its capacity. LEE KVARNBERG, manager of the Huron Valley Chapter says "the worst cruelty is that we can't do anything legally in many cases to prevent cruel- He says that the major problem is the lack of concern for the birth and -welfare of animals. "We are basically a malign institution because we kill animals," says Kvarn- berg. He asserts however,. that the ani- mals are killed out of necessity rather than desire. "WE HAVE ROOM for 300 animals here and we are usually filled." Each time a new animal comes in it must have a cage so another animal must be killed. Often, he says, people will drop ani- mals over the fence and will be found, in the morning by staff members. Oc- casionally, whole litters of puppies ace dropped over the fence during the night. Dogs that are picked up by the dog catcher are brought to the Humane So- ciety. Then, their owners are called and See SOCIETY, Page 9 By DAVID WHITING Only one Washtenaw County Commis- sioner district is the scene of political campaigning for the August 6th Demo- cratic Party primary yet even this race, would at best be called slow. David Copi faces Catherine McClary in the 15th District, the sole primary con- test. However McClary has been out of town for most of the summer and Copi has offered fairly inactive opposition. LITTLE DIFFERENCE exists between the hopefuls with both favoring the build- ing of a new jail, establishment of a county-wide system of bike paths, and improvement of area health care facili- ties. McClary, a summer intern for Con. gresswoman Bella Abzug (D-New York) charges that the county's present jail is "unfit for human habitation." She em- phasizes the need for prisoner rehabili- tation programs. Copi, an attorney says he wants "a larger jail so we don't have to build another one in the next 10 years." He also stresses the need for more money for low-income family health care. Copi's decision to enter the race was challenged by current 15th District Com- missioner Elizabeth Taylor who defined Copi's previous job as "harrassing ab- sent fathers of welfare recipients." Copi resigned a position with Friends of the Court on July 5th where his sal- ary partially came from a federal grant. Taylor had contended Copi was in viola- tion of the federal Hatch Act which pro- hibits federal employes from running in partisan elections. See COPI, Page 10