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July 27, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-27

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Page Two


Saturday, July 27, 1974

The Human Rights Party and
Young Socialist Alliance will
hold an organizing rally on the
diag Monday at noon, in support
of the striking workers at the
Argus optics plant on State
WCBN will broadcast a de-
Daily Official Bulletin
Monday, July 29
Day Calendar
A-V Ctr.: SAan of Aran. Aud 3,
MLB, 7 pm.
MSusi 7Sc Leulie Malieffey, raa-
illonneur, Burton Tower, 7-8 pm.
Made Society: Michael Beroff, pi-
ainlat. Ractham Aud., 8341 pm.
General Notices
ATT. Otudenta: July 30, 1974 (4:00
pm), last date for Summer Half
reemawhen Negltrar's Off. willla-
law refund far a 501 por tent With-

bate between Perry Bullard and
Liz Taylor, candidates for the
Democratic nomination to the
State House of Representatives,
Sunday at 10 p.m. You can
phone in questions for the can-
didates at 763-3500. WCBN is
located at 89.5 on your radio
Volume LXXXIV No. 50-8
Saturday, July 27, 1974
is (ailed and managed by students
,o lhe University o Michigan News
ohone 764-05162. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a il y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
'.1y year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbu. Michigain 44104. Subscription
r;ttec: 010 by carrier (campus aces);
1I local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
?12 nn-local mail (other states and
Summer sesscon published Tues-
6;jy through Saturday macclog.
Suswriptic caoteo: $5.50 by carrier
c mpusarea); 06.00 local mail
Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
'cal mall (other states and foreign).

In the news this morning

Inter national
MOSCOW - The Supreme Soviet parlia-
ment yesterday unanimously reappointed
President Nikolai Podgorny, Premier Alexei
Kosygin and the present government minis-
ters to their posts. Among those renamed was
Culture Minister Yekaterina Furtseva. She
was not renominated for a seat in parlia-
ment after reportedly being reprimanded by
party leaders for building a lavish country
home outside Moscow. Kosygin formally mov-
ed for reappointment of the Council of Min-
isters, of which he is chairman. The 1,517
deputies gave their unanimous approval in a
15-minutes afternoon session.
LONDON - A bomb exploded in a multi-
story parking garage at Heathrow interna-
tional airport last night while thousands of
travelers awaited departing flights, but Scot-
land Yard reported there appeared to be no
injuries. Police had said immediately after
the blast that they feared heavy casualties.
Airport authorities said they were warned that
two other bombs had been planted in parking
lots adjoining the international terminal. The
car park area was cleared by police after the
first bomb went off. The explosion apparently

was caused by a bomb planted hr a car on
the east side of the garage's third floor.
WASHINGTON - Higher oil import prices
and declining revenue from farm exports
drove the United States trade balance $1.7 bil-
lion into the red during the second quarter of
the year, the government reported yesterday.
The nation registered a $101 million surplus in
its trade account during the first three months
of the year, when only a limited amount of oil
was imported into the country because the
Arab oil embargo was in effect. The embargo
was lifted in mid-March. The combined first
and second quarter figures give the nation
a $1.6 billion trade deficit for the first six.
months of the year.
There's a slight chance of rain this morn-
ing, but after that, it'll be a nice weekend.
Today and tomorrow both should be sunny and
fair with temps in the upper 80s. In between
will be a cool night tonight, breezy and in the

603 E. Liberty * Dial 665-6290
Open 12:45 daily, Shows at 1-3-5-7-9 p.m.
"...boisterously Zany BARBRA
f.unny at her wackiest!
old-time farce,..
STREISAND For Pete's Sake,
at her best!" See The Picture
--Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times Already.
You'll Absolutely Love It
Know What I Mean?

Soviets publish their
own 'Joy of Sex'

PHONE 662-6264
Fri., Mon., & Tues., open 6:45; shows at 7 and 9 p.m.
Sat., Sun., & Wed., open 12:45; shows at 1-3-5-7-9 p.m.
They didn't rob the money, they stole
the whole bnk.

MOSCOW (P) - The Soviet
Union's first known sex manual
>ays the Soviet woman gets
more fun out of sex than her
French or English sisters but it
maintains that premarital in-
tercourse is harmful.
Written by Prof. A. M. Svya-
loshch of Leningrad and pub-
:ished early this year ostensibly
For doctors only, the paper-
back's one and only printing of
100,000 copies quickly sold out
at 65 kopeks - 85 cents -
each. But Russians say it is
available on the black market
for the equivalent of $37.50 a
The 187-page manual, "Fe-
male Sexual Problems," main-
tains that 40 per cent of all
French women and 41 per cent
of women in Britain never ex-
perience orgasm. It claims,
however, that only 18 per cent
of the women in the Soviet Un-
ion have that problem.
Svyadoshch uses statistics
from Kinsey and other foreign
experts to support his claims
but adds that studies on sexual
behavior have been conducted in
the Soviet Union.
He reported that a study
made in Leningrad showed 10
per cent of the tested males al-
ways achieved sexual satisfac-
"A person's sex life has an
influence on that person's mor-
al state and ethical notions,
that is, in forming the person-

ality," Svyadoshch writes.
Therefore, he adds, "premar-
ital sex can be a source of
severe psychic disturbances and
can lead to social impoverish-
ment of the personality."
He advises that only if a cou-
ple is in love is "everything per-
mitted in order to create sex-
ual harmony."
"Men often overestimate a
younger woman's need for sex
while they underestimate an
older woman's needs," he writ-
He claims that Soviet women
achieve a maximum interest 10
sex by the age of 30 and often
maintain it until they're 60
years old.
The Soviet male is most no-
tent in his late 20s "after which
begins a slow and gradual des-
cent," Svydoshch says.
The manual briefly discusses
nymphomaniacs, transvesites,
homosexuals - there is no
Russian word for Lesbian -
sadism and masochism, but it
restricts these references to de-
Svyadoshch also offers advice
on when and where to make
love: "anywhere and anytime"
but not more than once a night
or in the morning - but wily if
you have time to rest before
going to work.
As a cure for some cases of
frigidity, he recommends a !rip
4to a southern spa for mineral
water showers and mud baths.

6:00 2 4 11 13 News
9 Tarzan
20 Movie
'An Ideal Husband." (Eng-
lish; 1947)
30 University Forum
50 Star Trek
5: 41 What's the Big Idea?
4:30 4 13 NBC News--
Tom Brokaw
11 CBs News-
Dan Rather
30 Boboquivart
7:00 2 CBS News--Dan Rather
4 George Pierrot
7 Town Meeting
9 Police Surgeon
11 Bee Hsaw
13 10 Lawrence welk
24 wrestling
30 You Owe It To Yourself
561Masterpiere Theatre
57 Behind the Lines
7:30 2 wild, wild world ot
4 Johnny Mann's Stand Up
and Cheer
7 World af Survival
9 Beverly Hilbillies
30 Consumer Game
0:40 2 11 All in the Family
4 13 Emergency!
7 24 Partridge Family
9 CBC Sunday Sports
20 Movie
"The Angry Red Planet.n
50 That Good Ole Nashville
57 Boboquivarl-Music
8:301 2 11 M*A*S*H
7 24 Movie
30 57 Hollywood Television
50 Merv Griffin
561Hollywood Television
9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore
4 13 Movie
9:30 1 11 Bob Newhart
9 International Basketball
20 Temple Baptist Church
30 57 Playhouse New York
on the 40's
54 NET Playh.use
30:00 2 11 Barnaby Jones
7 24 Owen Marshall
20 Seven Hundreltklub
50 Lou Gordon
11:00 2 7 11 News
9 CBC News-George Fin-stad
24 ABC News
11:15 7 ABC News
9 A Look Bark
24 Don Rirshner's Rock
11:30 2 Movie
"Edge of Disaster." (10971)
7 Movie
"The Vikings." (1958)
9 Movie
"The Heiress." (1949)
11 Movie
"0-Day, the Sixth of June."
5i Movie
"Attark of the 50-Foot wo-
man." (1958)
11:35 4 13 News
12:05 4 Johnny Carson
13 Movie
"'Blast of Silence."
1:30 2 Movie
"Nick Carter, Master De-
tective," (1939)
7 Movie-Adventure
"The Tartars." (Italian; 1960)
11 13 News
1:35 .saturday Rock
3:00 2 What's My Line?
3:30 2 News
7 Collage
4:00 7 News

Committee asks court
to investigate Smeekens

committee investigating Rep.
John Smeekens asked the Su-
preme Court yesterday to
launch a probe into accusations
that he fraudulently coerced the
court to admit him to the state
The committee, which next
week will study claims that
Smeekens (R-Coldwater) sub-
mitted phony travel expense
v o u c h e r s costing - tax-
payers over $600, sent what it
called "a respectful message"
to the court asking for an in-
A spokesman for the court,
however, said the court has no
investigative powers and would
not conduct its own probe. The
spokesman added that the state
of Michigan Grievance Board
has already started a study.
But E. N. Labelle, assistant

counsel for the board in De-
troit, refused to confirm that an
investigation was under way
or planned.
"I can't tell you anything,"
Labelle said. "Our investiga-
tions are confidential and I
can't even confirm if there is
one under way."
According to published reports
and an admission by Justice
John Swainson, Smeekens was
admitted to the bar by the court
in 1971 as an act of compas-
sion. Smeekens allegedly ap-
pealed the court to admit him-
even though he failed the bar
exam-when he produced med-
ical reports stating he had ter-.
minal cancer.
Physicians now say the re-
ports could not have been
Smeekens' because if they had
been, the lawmaker would have
been dead by now.

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