Page e THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 26, 1974 Fund raising. issue draws debate (Continued from Page 3) the regulations, non-University who use University facilities to groups are also charged sig- "deposit all funds and hold nificantly higher rates for use their accounts with the Univer- of facilities than student or fac- sity" ulty organizations. The regulations are aimed at IF ANY such group decides preventing the use of funds for to withdraw deposited funds, political purposes or profit-mak- the University "shall deprive ing. University officials say said organizations of eligibility they're "obligated to ascertain for facility use for events for that these groups fulfill the ob- a period of one year." ligations of the University's tax- H o w e v e r, non - University exempt status." groups are not required to de- posit funds - only to "provide OPPONENTS s a y the guide- adequate assurance" that the lines discriminate against Uni- funds won't be misused. Under versity groups. SUMMER SALE 20% to 50% Off on Many SHOES 522 E. William Ann Arbor 761-9891 W-;UAN -AKIN ARBOR Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen argued that the restrictions "set-up unfair distinction be- tween University and non-Uni- versity groups ... these guide- lines are sure to create a dis- content that won't soon be ap- peased." Cohen, president of the facul- ty Senate Assembly Committee on University Affairs, said that an "overwhelming" majority of the faculty oppose the regula- tions. IN RESPONSE, Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) contended that the restrictions that would be placed on the student-faculty groups were justified because 'when students put money into a University organization, they become public funds" and that the public thus has a "right to Be careful with fire: Tihere are babes in the woodls. know" how they're being used. Washtenaw County Legal Aid lawyer Jonathon Rose charged that since the Regents will be able to "define what 'legitimate purposes' the funds can be used for, there's a possible vehicle for suppression" of the groups by the administration. Other opponents of the guide- lines who spoke to the Regents included SGC Student Organiza- tions Board Chairman Eliot Chi- kofsky, Cinema Guild President Patrick Murphy and Inter-Co- operative C 0u n c i President Steve Rytina. In another issue before th Regents, the Medical Center re- vamping will break-up the five' year-old administration, conl- posed of the Medical School, the School of Nursing and the int- versity Hospital, into three sep- arate bodies. At present all three units are responsible to the director of the Medical Center. Under the new proposal, both the Medical and Nursing School deans would report directly to the Vice Pres- ident for Academic Affairs, while the hospital would be run by an executive board. Look of impeachment: How udiciary members indicate they will vote WASHINGTON (A---Here is a tally, based on their remarks in formal debate, of how members of the House Judiciary Committee now stand on impeachment of President Nixon: For impeachment: Democrats 17-Rodino, Donohue, Kasten- meier, Edwards, Hungate, Conyers, Eilberg, Waldie, Seilberling, Danielson, Drinan, Rangel, Jordan, Thornton, Holtzman, Owens, Mezvinsky; Republicans 2-Hogan, Butler. Leaning toward impeachment: Democrats 2-Brooks, Sar- banes; Republicans 3--Railsback, Cohen, McClory. Against impeachment: Republicans 6-Hutchinson, Sandman, Dennis, Moorhead, Maraziti, Latta. Leaning against impeachment: Republicans 4-Smith, Wig- gins, Mayne, Lott. Uncommitted: Democrats 2-Flowers, Mann; Republicans 2- Fish, Froelich. Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. foeapbspt . . . .. ............. --- -- ------------- ------ - JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND,/ FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. 1 t 1 1 1 1 JACOBSCNS S OPEN SATURDAYS 9:30to5:30 SAl .1 w f. buckle-up, your way. . ,a do-it-yourself belt and buckle maneuver. Start with a black or brown leather buckle-less belt. . .then add your buckle choice (or choices) from our collection of unique selected styles. Change your buckle whenever the mood suits you. We show -two styles: A. Pegasus, designed in pewter. 8. Levi Strauss label, done in brass plate. Belts, $5 Buckles, $5 Jacobson's Peose ark in the Adjoining Enciosed ..... ....... . Mavnord Street Auto Ramp.Jacob-j s ins linGladlygvalidate Your -: ---........ men ftrkina Ticket. SUMMER LONG \ LETS 94~'f GO / i SHOPING