Fridays July 26, 1974'
Page Three
House unit draws near vote
WASHINGTON (W - The House Judi-
ciary Committee completed last night
the opening round in its landmark im-
peachment debate, an exchange which
signaled an almost certain recommenda-
tion that Richard Nixon be removed
from the presidency.
One by one, hour after hour, the 38
members delivered their formal speech-
es in a presidential impeachment pro-
ceeding that has gone further than any
in a century.
WHEN THEY finished, 19 members-
including two Republicans and Demo-
cratic Chairman Peter Rodino of New
Jersey--had declared their belief Nixon
should be impeached. Five other mem-
bers indicated pro-impeachment lean-
If all members vote, 20 ayes are re-
4uired to approved a resolution recom-
mending that the fhl House impeach
Nixon and placed him on trial in the
With the opening debate concluded,
the committee was poised for a series
af votes on specific articles of impeach-
ment. This process was to begin today
and is expected to continue through to-
Republicans talked on an effort to
postpone a final committee vote for a
month while new attempts were made
to obtain White House tape recordings.
But the committee's Democratic leaders
apposed such a delay, virtually dooming
it to defeat.
The committee's second-ranking Re-
publican, Rep. Robert McClory of Illi-
nois, prepared for introduction today a
substitute article of impeachment ac-
:using Nixon of having "engaged in a
aattern of conduct in violation of his
.onstitutional duties to execute faith-
fully" his oath of office.
ALTHOUGH it ticked off a series of
specific offenses, the language of Mc-
Clory's proposal was broader than the
two articles of impeachment placed be-
fore the committee on Wednesday by a
In the final hours of the day-and-night
Debate, Nixon's base among committee
Republic a n-s eroded and even his
staunchest GOP supporters conceded the
>utcome was certain.
Several Republicans pleaded for fair-
ness to Nixon and a presumption of in-
nocence, but Democrat after Democrat
leclared his impeachment was needed
to restore-confidence in government.
One Democrat injected the name of
Vice President Gerald Ford, saying the
country would rally behind him if he
succeeded Nixon.
RODINO CLOSED the debate, speak-
ing in measured, solemn tones as he
said he will vote to recommend impeach-
See related story, Page 10
"I shall do so with a heavy heart be-
sause no man seeks to accuse or to find
wanting the chief executive of this great
country of ours," Rodino said.
The panel's ranking Republican, Ed-
ward Hutchinson of Michigan, preceded
Rodino and said the Democrats' pro-
posal was a "grab bag of allegations"
af unproved offenses not meeting con-
stitutional requirements for impeach-
See HOUSE, Page 9
urges fiscal restraint
--- ----LOS ANGELES (')-Austerity, from
the level of the federal government
down to that of the individual consumer,
was the economic remedy proposed by
President Nixon in a nationally tele-
vised speech to California business lead-
ers last night.
n #xNixon rejected the suggestions of
numerous economists who called for tax
cuts or a return to wage and price con-
trols opting instead for economic "old
time religion." He pledged to slash
federal spending by $S billion out of a
proposed $305 billion budget and ap-
pealed to individual citizens to reduce
spending and increase savings.
s AS A FIRST step toward reducing the
federal budget, the President said he has
se p' ordered a reduction of 40,000 in the num-
er of federal employes provided for in
the current year. ie said the move
would result in a savings of $300 million.
Nixon also warned that he would veto
any piece of legislation which had the
effect of raising federal spending over
the $300 billion mark.
He said bills currently pending in
Congress threatened to raise the budget
to $312 billion and that more spending
proposals would probably be forthcom-
Ng : ing. "I will not accept inflation of the
s budget," he said.
NiiMMEN .. Ea-Nixon called for moderate but firm
_ restraint on the growth of money supply
and vigorously pressing to increase sup-
plies of energy and food as the best
weapons against inflation.
Doily Photo by KEN FINK -
e with the opening of this J.L. Hudson's department store. Hudson's, which had HE SAID his administration's aim was
major addition to the Briarwood Shopping Mall, located on State Rd. "to control inflation while continuing to
produce more, so that people can live
The President helicoptered from his
San Clemente compound to the Century
Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles to speak be-
fore about 1,000 members of four major
ever, ,appeared pleased with this last experience the largest chunk of their speech was televised nationally.
major addition to the year-old Briar- business. The audience gave him a standing
wood complex, which already contains Today, however, December was still a ovationpewasin troduced l Willia n
outlets of Sears, Roebuck and J. C. long way off. As one salesperson put it, bertfCoee.
Penney. One middle-aged lady strolling "Christmas? I don't even want to think ber of Commerce.
through the men's departments best about it." See NIXON, Page 8
summed up shopper reaction, exclaim- -_-
ing, "Isn't this sharp?"
lodeed it is. Although the Brtiarwood n u U q
outlet is considerably smaller than manydr
of Hudson's other stores (Briarwood
does not carry large appliances, for L1!
in decor.
examplie),r it equals the biggest of them possiuule .fund raising restriction
The focal points of the new outlet are
the escalators, which are encased in By JEFF SORENSEN to reorganize the administration of the
tall, mirrored hallways and lighted by The University Board of Regents yes- Medical Center and another proposal to
a gleaming stainless steel chandelier. terday heard arguments from represent- set-up a committee to study a possible
The rest of the store is lushly decorated atives of student and faculty, groups College of Environmental Resources, De-
in commercial red and orange. disputing proposed restrictions on the sign and Planning.
In most departments, the traditional use of University facilities for fund- The College would combine the present
Hudson's girl behind the counter has raising. School of Natural Resources and College
been replaced by rows and rows of open Nevertheless, the Regents are expected of Architecture and Urban Design into
self-service racks. Central cashier posts, today to pass the restrictions and set the one unit.
marked by giant "Service" signs, University budget for the '74-'75 aca- Both administrative changes are ex-
handle the monetary transactions, demic year, including a possible tuition pected to pass easily.
The first real test of the new store, hike. The controversial facility guidelines
however, wil not come until this Christ- would require all student-faculty groups
mas--the period when most retailers ALSO N THE agenda will be a plan See FUNDS, Page 10
ANN ARBOR has finally hit the big tim
its grand opening yesterday, is the last
Ann Arbor yesterday officially became
a Great Michigan City. The J. L. Hud-
son Company came to town.
With a minimum of fanfare, the state's
largest retail chain-and pioneer of the
suburban shopping center-yesterday
morning opened a two-story department
and discount store at Briarwood Mall.
A SMALL but enthusiastic crowd of
first-day shoppers was warmly greeted
by several Hudson dignitaries. In addi-
tion, the store presented each visitor
with a ready-for-planting six-inch spruce
Still, there was tension in the air.
Department managers huddled nervously
in the aisles to exchange. last-minute
tips, such as "7 to 8 is usually the
busiest hour." Behind all the discussion,
of course, was the crucial question:
would the new store succeed?
Some sales clerks didn't seem to be
worried about the future of the store.
"Personally, I don't care," said one
book department clerk,
MOST opening-day customers, how-