Saturday, May 11, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Saturday, May 11, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven TV t onight 4:00 2 4 11 13 News 9 Tarzan 20 Movie-Comedy "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." (1936) 30 University Forum 30 Star Trek 6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom Brokaw 7 24 Reasoner Report 11 CBS News-Dan Rather 30 iaterface 7:002 CBS News-Dan Rather 4 George Pierrot-Travel 7 Town Meeting 9 Police Surgeon 11 linee aw 13 50 Lawrence Welk 24 Wrestling 30 Consumer Game 7:30 2 Wild, Wild World of Ai- mals 4 American Life Style 7 World of Survival 9 Van Patrick Sports 30 America on the Rocks 1:00 2 11 All In the Family 4 13 Rmergency 7 24 Partridge Family 9 Front Page Challenge 20 Movie "The Amazing Transparent Man" (1955) 30 Washington Connection- Report 5e That Good Ole Nashville Music 56 WTVS Auction Continues 3:30 2 11 M*A*S*H 7 24 Movile "Isn't t Shocking?" 9 CTV Inquiry 30 War and Peace-Drama 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore 4 13 Movie "1Glant," Part I Rizaheth Taylor, James Dean 9:30 2 11 Bob Newhart 9 Whiteoaks of Jalna-Drama 20 Temple Baptist Church 10:00 2 11 Carol Burnett 7 24 Owen Marshall 20 Seven.Hundred Club 30 Lenox Quartet:Haydn's Opuso20 50 Lou Gordon 57 Alvin Ailey: Memories and Visions 10:30 1 Document 30 Woman 11:00 2 7 11 News 9 CBC News-George Finstad 24 ABC News 56 WTVS Auction Concludes 11:15 4 13 News 7 ABC News 9 Provincial Affairs 24 Don Kirshner's Rock Concert 11:20 9 A Look Back 11:30 2 Movie '"55 Days at Peking" (1963) 7 Musie "stalag 17" (1953) William Holden, Otto Pre- minter 9 Beloved Infidel." (1959) Gregory Perk 11 Movie "The skull." (English, 1965) 50 Movie-Science Fiction "Gdzilla, King of the)Mon- steet." (Japanese, 1950) 11:45 4 JohnnyCarson 13 Movie "Theesurretion of Zachary Wheeler." (1971) 1:15 4 13 News 1:30 2 Movie "Trauma" (1912) 7 Movie "In Love and War." (1951) Robert Wagner 11 News 5:00 2 Divorce Court 1:30 News 7 Collage-Religion 4:00 7 News Govts ntinued from Page 1) (Co ing a second round of elections for his successor, France wit- nesses the sunset of Gaullism and Europe has to wonder what comes next. Italy's government f e 1I1 in March and Premier Mariano Rumor formed the nation's 36th government since World War II. But causes of the last crisis re- main: soaring costs "of living, weak currency, rampant strikes. Britain's Conservative cabinet fell in March. A Labor regime succeeded it and is having mani- fold troubles with the economy as a steady diet, varied by oc- casional touches of violence im- ported from Northern Ireland. Iceland's premier this week suddenly dissolved parliament as the leftist government strug- eled with opposition pressures. The island republic now must have elections June 30. DENMARK'S minority Liberal government teeters on the brink of doom in the backwash of eco- nomic issues that have aroused worker unrest. At week's end it got only a short-term renrieve in a parliamentary confidence vote. Belginm hod genersl elections in March, intended to resolve a crisis. The reslt was inconclu- sive and the nation is run now by a shaky center-right minor- itv that seems fragile. Portugal haos3just seen its 40- year - old dictatorship o v e r- thrown and her future is heavily veiled. SPINOFF F R O M Portugal Judiciary unit will subpoena new key tape (Continued from Page 1) use in a meeting with Mitchell just before both men went in to see Nixon. Nixon met alone with Haldeman a bit later. HALDEMAN testified that the political campaign was dis- cussed at the meeting but that his notes show no mention of the bugging plan. Under the committee's proce- dure for presenting evidence, the members are not permitted to question or interrupt Doar or other staff lawyers, so there was no discussion of his request for a subpoena Thursday. How- ever, checks with members since then indicate there will be little opposition to the request. When the committee resumes hearing evidence Tuesday it will run into more gaps resulting from the White House refusal to supply any more Watergate tapes. fall as inflation rises worries neighbor Spain's Franco threatens an already wobbly scuttle his Labor party's legis- dictatorship. Students in Ma- economy and rocks Prime Min- lative program. drid, evidently inspired by the ister Indira Gandhi's govern- In the Middle East, Israel's Portuguese military coup, have ment. premier Golda Meir luit in turned restive and taken to dem- March. Her government had onstrations. AUSTRALIA'S Parliament has been buffeted by economic and The Portuguese upheaval also just been dissolved. The nation political difficulties engendered sent shockwaves to Africa where votes May 18 for another. That by the never-ending war with rebels in Portugal's huge colo- crisis results from Prime Min- the Arabs. Efforts are in pro- nies make guerrilla war. ister Gough Whitlam's battle gress to patch together a new A massive rail strike in India against opposition attempts to coalition. City faces (continued from Page 3) budget, however, these mon- ies are not available since they have been used to help balance the budget in other areas. THE ONLY new program of any significance is an anti-rape squad that will get an initial allocation of about $50,000. This program has been authorized as part of an effort directed spe- cifically at reducing the unus- ually high rape rate in the city. City Council, at next Monday's session, must give its approval to the budget, although it can alter the document if seven votes can be mustered in favor of any particular change. With the present make-up of Council -- six Republicans, four Democrats, and one Human Rights Party (HRP) member - there seems to be little chance that a coalition can be forged to make even minor alterations in the budget as drafted byCity Administrator Sylvester Mur- ray. Nonetheless, the three par- ties would undoubtedly wish to see certain changes made - if they had the votes to accom- plish the task. IN THIS sense the budget rep- resents something of an attempt to strike a balance between the Democratic - HRP interest in human resources and the Re- publican orientation toward the tight '75 budget Police, Fire, and Refuse Col- lection departments. Still, it appears that upper- most in Murray's mind - as reflected in his budget message to council - is finding adequate revenue sources to balance city expenditures and income not only for fiscal 1975 but for sub- sequent years as well. In his report to council, Mur- ray notes that in the 1975 bud- get, anticipated expenditures should increase some 17 per cent, while predicted revenues should go up only about seven per cent as compared to this year. WHAT IS ultimately needed is a continuing revenue source. The most obvious untapped re- source has to be a city-wide in- come tax. Although the administrator's office has not directly requested such a tax, the council has dis- cussed the prospect. Twice pre- viously, however, the voters have been asked to impose an income tax but overwhelmingly rejected the move. BURDENED with the awe- some responsibility of signifi- cantly reducing the city debt, the administration must realis- tically hope only to maintain- not improve or expand - the scope of services. But even that goal may take an extraordinary effort and a little bit of luck. NEW WORLD SUMMER CINEMA IT'S TD KG TOP OF WOXDERTA NMT! WmIh" D-sn - * The M IhIgan OFFICE HOURS Circulation Dept. . . 10 a-mA p.m. 764-0558 Classified Dept. . . 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 764-0557 Display Dept. . .. 12 neon-3 p.m. 764-0554 Pleose try to coil our offices during these hours. For the session starling Jily, 1974, Euromed will assist qualified Amer- can students in gaining admission to recognized overseas medical schools. And that's just the beginning. lincer the language barrier contitutes the preponderate dificuy isucceed- ing at a foreign school, the Euromed program also includes an Intensive 12-16 week medical and conversa- tional language course, mandatory for all students. Five hours daily, 5 days per week (2-16 weeks) the course Is given Is the country where the student will attend medical school. n addition, Euromed provides stu- dents with a 12-1t6 week intensive cut- tural orientation program, with Amer- tean students now studying medicine In that particular country serving as counselors. Senior or graduat,,stdenticrrel enrolled in an American university are eligible to participate In the Euronet program. For application and further information, phone toil free: (800) 645-1234 In New York State phone: (516) 746-2380 or write, Euromed, Ltd. 170 Old Country Road Mineola,.N.Y. 11501 SATURDAY NITE ONLY: 7:30 & 9:30 P.M. TON ITE at 7:30 & 9:30 P.M. why does a mfAan join Maryknoll? There are probably as many answers and power to an excessive degree. as there are individual Maryknoll Others look to learn from peoples priests and Brothers. Some men are who have grown up with a different deeply moved when they hear of mentality than that which is theirs. babies dying in their mother's arms All feel that the only solution to the because of hunger or disease. Others crises that threaten to split men are distressed by the growing antag- asunder is the love of God as shown onism and separation between the in the life of His Son, Jeoss Christ. rich and the poor nations. More are This love of God urges men to go concerned about the great injustices forward and be missioners so men that have been inflicted upon the can love one another. What could be poor by those who possess wealth your reason for joining Maryknoll If you keep saying you want to do something with your life-here's your chance to prove it -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- F r nfr ao,we r p onento -- -- -- MO-- MARYKNOLL MISSIONCBS, 010 LONGFELLOW AVE. DET ROIT, MI. 48202 (313) 865-0990 Dear Father: Please send me information about becom oing a Ma knoll Priest Q eo ther Q Sistertill eIydo want to CityState_ _ __ do something. Age Phone