Poge Eight
ThrdyJt 2,17
PageEi~h Ts MCGADALTurayJuy2,97
State hits
(Conutnuetd ronPeetI
was not made clear . . .and is
not explained in references pre-
pared by Dr. Kambly."
The center contains six iso-
lation rooms including a base-
ment chamber ricknamed "the
dungeon," according to current
and former residents. Use of
the dungeon was apparently
discontinued about four months
ago, but prior to that time,
adolescents were regularly
locked in the unfurnished, un-
ventilated 8x8 room for periods
up to 24 hours.
"One time after I had been in
the dungeon for 16 hours they
wouldn't let me out to go to
the bathroom," former resident
Taft Stoddard said, as he al-
leged in a signed affidavit.
"The staff was in the next
room playing ping-pong and
they just laughed and ignored
my request.
"I WAS forced to use the
floor for my toilet," he con-
tinued. "And then I had to stay
tucked in there for eight more
Last spring, four boys were
isol'sted in locked units for per-
odis ranging between 30 days
and four months, according to a
report issued by three promi-
nent child psychiatrists who re-
viewed the facility at the re-
quest of the state mental health
Five affidavits from former
residents, on file with the state
agency, allege that trafficking
in illegal drugs - cocaine, her-
oin, acid, hashish, and opium
-- was extremely common
among patients at the center.
Two Senate subcommittee in-
vestigators who in May exam-
ined the purported drug abuse
found strong evidence confirm-
ing the affidavits which were
drawn up last spring.
RESIDENTS now at the cen-
ter, however, contend that the
use and sale of illegal drugs
has dramatically decreased re-
"We used to get a lot of the "Classes?V
hard stuff-half the drugs in never went toc
Ann Arbor came through here- resident Keith
but all you can get a hold of the center in
now is dope and hashish," said months there.
a 15-year-old resident of the real classes."
facility. According tt
Data compiled by the state versity law st
investigators, which will prob- sem, who/ was
ably constitute a large portion the state inves
of the subcommittee's report to ter had no ace
be released today, also notes A mental h
the lack of a structured educa- document also
tional system, vague medical fectiveness of
records, questionable dietary recreational cl
planning, and various building by the center.
code violations as being serious
problems. DURING the
only five of
KAMBLY, who claimed that were enrolled.
the residents' behavior pre- lic schools. "S
cluded schooling in the public discouraged f
system, provided a series of school," said S
I oo s e I y organized "classes" the facility in
which met a maximum of four He also clai
and a half hours per week. sessions were
The sessions were reportedly uled to conflic
sparcely attended and residents at Huron High
claim very little actual teaching suit, Stoddard
took place. forced to with
What classes. I
one," said former
Olson who left
January after 18
"They didn't have
o third-year Uni-
udent Louis Les-
instrumental in
tigation, the cen-
credited teachers.
ealth department
questions the ef-
the drama and
asses emphasized
last school year,
the 20 residents
in the city's pub-
Some of us -were
rom going to
toddard, who left
ims that therapy
frequently sched-
t with his classes
School. As a re-
d said he was
draw because of
Camawe. d
any betr
Probably not. All things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken your job. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around. Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves it's costing us now for repairs and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strength inthecompetitive world trade arena. When
the balance of payments swings our way again we'll
all be better off economically.
So you see-the only person who can really
lo-what you doany better is you.
his poor attendance record.
Several of the studies con-
ducted by the mental health
department criticize the record-
keeping procedures at the
"Progress notes did not clear-
ly indicate the patient's pro-
gress with treatment plans,
nursing intervention, and justi-
fication for continued therapy,"
the nurses report states.
Furthermore, the investiga-
tors noted "in attempting to
review and correlate the clini-
cal record, it was found to be
fragmented . . . it is apparent
a more formalized approach is
Althoteh s e v e r a I residents
and a former volutteer employe
at the center termed the food
"adeorate," the nurses skepti-
cally "iewed dietary planning.
"It is questionable that the
men's nresented is nutritionally
adeougte," their rerort states.
In a letter of resnonse. Kambly
claimed that eerv eight weeks
a renistered dietitian "consult-
ed" with the cooks and helped
prenare menus.
Both Schmitz and the nurses
cited dirty, cluttered conditions
throtiehout the three-storv brick
and wood-frame buildinty. A
structural enoineer from the
mental health denartment noted
31 cod' violations-most minor
-inclsdine unclean. noorly re-
paired flours and carneting.
Former residents said that the
living ouarter s were often
sparcelv furnished with old,
metal beds and "filthy, lumpy"
Dnil Officinl R lletin
Thursday, July 51
Day Calendar
WtOM: Excerpta, American Book-
sellers Convention, 1974 with Bette
Davis, Dick Cavett, Morris the Cat.
Julie Andrews, Art Buchwa.ld, 91.7
MHz, 10:00 am.
A-V Otr.: Sticky My Fingers,
Fleet My Feet, Aud. 3, MLB, 7 pm.