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July 25, 1974 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-07-25

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Page Five
Student org. control, Med.
Center top Regent agenda

(Continued from Page 3)
procedures were being formed,"
he complained. "They are not
working for the students, they
are working against student in-
Gold believes such action is
being taken for political rea-
sons, to keep a finger on po-
litical activismi. "They will have
a lever against these organiza-
tions and will have an amazing
one," he added.
The S tu d e n t Organization
Coalition, a group opposed to
the proposed regulations, stated
in a recent handout that "there
is no process for appeal or any
forum for accountability on the
part of University administra-
Vice President for S t u d e n t
Services, reported that "there
is some sort of appeal (pro-
cess)" that is being tossed
around, although it is not part
of the proposal that the Re-
gents will vote on Friday.
Easthope asserted that this
action stems from "a Univer-

sity obligation to ascertain that
these groups fulfill IRS regula-
tions." He reported that a sim-
ilar policy was in effect until
1971 when it fell into disuse.
According to Easthope, the "re-
cent proliferation of firms has
led to the possible reinstatement
of the rule.
In response to Gold's allega-
tions pertaining to "political
reasons" for the University ac-
tion, Easthope retorted, "Cat's
The Medical Center revamp-
ing, also before the Regents,
will break up the five-year old
administrative unit, comprised
of the Medical School, the
School of Nursing and the Uni-
versity Hospital, into three sep-
arate bodies.
At present all three units are
responsible to the director of
the Medical Center. Under the
new proposal, both the Medical
and Nursing School deans would
report directly to the Vice Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs,
while the hospital would be run
by an executive board.

William Inge's summer romance
POWER CENTER-8:00 p.m.
Tomorrow: Shakespeare's THE TAMING

AP Photo
Go directly to jail...
San Francisco cabbie Lynn Wall converses with his faithful companion Monopoly the Mule
shortly before Monopoly was escorted to jail for grazing on the City Hall front lawn. Monopoly
is sitting out his sentence in a local stable and Wall refuses to pay the $25 fine and daily
grain charges to get the mule released. He hopes the charges will be dropped.

Promoters seek
site for concert

(Continued from Page 3)
viewpoint," claimed John Sin-
clair, vice president of Rainbow
Multi-Media, at a small press
conference at Otis Spann, tra-
ditional site of the festival.
"They said they don't want the
festival to go on because it
attracts undesirables, because
it will cause a lot of pot to be
smoked, and because of the
garbage problem. We offered to
put up $5,000 bond to guarantee
that the garbage. would be
picked up."
According to Sinclair, the Re-
publicans killed the festival
"because they have a strong
cultural bias against people like
In reference to Mayor James
Stephenson's assertion that last
year's festival "tarnished the
city's i m a g e" Sinclair com-
mented, '"The festival is an in-
ternationally acclaimed cultural
event. From our point of view,
those people are the ones who
are tarnishing the reputation of
our community.

"THESE PEOPLE are pigs,
when you get right down to it,"
Sinclair continued. "T h e y' r e
anti-cultural, anti-human, pre-
judiced, racist pigs. They watch
too much TV, play too much
golf, go to shopping centers too
much and eat too much McDon-
ald's food, and it's made them
just crazy."
City Councilman James Ken-
worthy (D-Fourth Ward), also
present at the gathering, com-
mented, "If any group in town
wants to hold an event and it
won't i n f r i n g e on anybody's
rights, I think the city should
go along with it."
The festival promoters had
planned a program which would
headline James Brown and Sun
Ra, and would include B.B.
King, Gato Barbieri and Boogie
Woogie Red.
Sinclair hopes to find some-
one willing to purchase a plot
of land in the city's vicinity to
be used as the site for future
Blues and Jazz Festivals and
other concerts.

Bernard could
sleep later and save gasi
Whether you've been studying or partying the night before, you
could forget the rush hour hassle and enjoy a few extra winks each
morning at our place. If you're involved in campus activities, you
can walk to meetings instead of driving. Save your gas money for
that special date with your special friend. There are other good
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Have a few extra moments
during the day? Need
something to occupy your mind?
THEN, tuck a copy of
Crossword Puzzle
under your arm.

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