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July 25, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-25

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Thursday, July 25-, 1974


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New Greek govt backs
Makarios regime in Cyprus

by The Associated Press
Greece opened the way yesterday for
the return of Archbishop Makarios as
president of Cyprus as the island's newly
installed head of state declared his main
task was to preserve the fragile cease-
,ire between Turks and Greeks.
"5.r ' ' s> In Athens, the foreign minister of the
;' ewly appointed civilian cabinet, which
Succeeded the resigned military regime,
said his government recognizes Makarios
as the president and legal head of
a 40 Cyprus.
In New York, a spokesman for Ma-
karios said the recognition shows that
_ the new Greek government "fully sup-
ports the reestablishment of the con-
stitutional order in Cyprus in accordance
with the relevant resolution of the
relevant resolution of the United Na-
tions Security Council."
'The archbishop, who came to the
United Nations after the coup, had said
on Tuesday that he expected to return to
_ Cyprus as president within a few weeks.
THE PREVIOUS Greek military dic-
tatorship is widely believed to have en-
gineered the ouster of Makarios on July
15 in an unsuccessful attempt to replace
the island's independent government
with pro-Greek leaders.
The new foreign minister, George
Mavros, said Greece "has accepted fully
the United Nations Security Council de-
cision on Cyprus. One of the point' of
this resolution is a call for the restora-
tion of constitutional order. Since we
ILI 'accept that, we therefore recognize
President Makarios as the legal head of
He added, "When Makarios will return
is another question. That's his business."
AP Photo On Cyprus, Glafcos Clerides, who was
HOUSE Judiciary committee Chairtnan Peter Rodino and Rep. Edward Hutch- installed as president Tuesday, remained
inson (R-Mich.), ranking minority member of the committee confer over the in office. In anews conference broadcast
opening remarks made by Rodino on the first night debates over the impeach- by Cyprus radio and monitored in Beirut,
ment of President Nixon. he warned that the truce was endangered
JU iiarypre opens
deb ate on impeachment

by Turkish forces taking up new posi-
REGARDING Makariis' return, he
said this is a question for the Cypriot
people to decide.
His job now, he said, is to avoid blood-
shed. "Turks and Greeks must coeist
in the Cyprus nation without fighting."
Preparations were under way in Ge-
neva for the foreign ministers of Greece,
Turkey and Britain to open talks today
aimed at averting war over Cyprus and
working out a settlement for the island
country in the eastern Mediterranean.
Diplomats in Geneva welcomed Tues-
day's government changes in both Cy-
prus and Greece as encouraging signs
for the talks. Clerides and Constantine
Caramanlis, who returned friiu 1t years
of self-imposed exile to become premier
of Greece, were seen as tmoderate civil-
ian leaders identified with a policy of
independence for Cyprus and guarantees
for the rights of both Greek and "Turkish
Promotr sfsill
hope to hold
blues and jzz
fest Indoors
Although City Councit refused to gitint
a site for this year's Blues and Jaze
Festival, concert promoters say they
have not abandoned all hope of holding
the event.
"There's no possibility of holding an
outdoor festival this yeaur, but we're still
working on plans to have it indoors,"
said a spokesperson for Rainbow Multi-
Media (Corporation, the sponsor tuf the
PETER ANDREWS, president of Rain-
bow Multi-Mediai, explaiined that it would
not be possibte to bold the festival at
Crisler Arena because permission to tise
that facility was refused by the Uni-
versity two months ago.
Other indoor sites are being considered
in Toledo and Detroit, as well as Ann
A contract that would have authorized
Otis Spann Memorial Field to be used
as the concert site was voted down by
City Council Monday night. Council Re-
publicans cast all of the votes against
the contract which was defeated 6-4.
"THE REPUBLICANS have approach-
ed the issue from their standard 1955

WASHINGTON (P -The House Judi-
ciary Co m m i t t e e moved last night
tht-ough the first round of its historic
debate on a motion declaring President
Nixon's conduct "warrants impeachment
. . . and removal from office"
The three-hour nationally broadcast
start of debate - marked by two tele-
phone bomb threats-brought no unex-
pected shifts in committee members' po-
sitions for or against impeachment.
OF THE 11 committee members to
speak, four Democrats called for Nixon's
impeachment and one Republican said
no. The other two Democrats didn't say
how they would vote. Four Republicans
also deferred open commitment.
One of the most emotional speeches
of the evening occurred when Rep. Tom
Railsback of Illinois, one of the com-
mittee Republicans regarded as leaning
toward impeachment, said, "I'm con-
cerned about the President's actions - - -
I am concerned sm.T gwish thePresi-
dent c a u 1 d do something to absolve
himself ..."
Railsback said his concern focused
primarily on Nixon's role in efforts to
get the IRS to audit the tax returns of
political opponents as well as the Presi-
dent's actions in dealing with the Water-
gate break-in and cover-up,
BUT IN HIS opening statement, the
Ilinois Republcan shopped short of de-
claring how he intended to vote.
The Republican who spok e against
impeachmnt, Rep. Charles Sandman of

New Jersey, nonetheless said there is
no doubt the committee will vote against
"There's no use kidding anybody about
that," he declared of the outcome of
the committee vote targeted for this
After m o n t h s of investigation and
weeks of closed-door hearings, the com-
mittee allowed the public through tele-
vision and radio to watch and listen to
its climactic debate.
THE OPENING statements were often
philosophical and I a c e d with historic
allusions. Some members ticked off spe-
cific points of evidence. Others sounded
notes of anguish about the decision they
An hour after it began, the session
was forced into an abrupt 47-minute
recess due to a telephoned bomb threat
received by a capitol operator. Another
bomb threat was received just as the
committee quit for the night.
Rep. William Hungate (0-Mo.) closed
the evening session by declaring the
committee must find Nixon faithless to
his duty.
Hungate, who once composed and re-
corded a satiric Watergate ballad, used
several vocal accents yesterday in a
critical re-enactment of Nixon's March
21, 1973, meeting with John Dean.
He asked "What would you do?" if
your counsel said your campaign money
was being used to pay support to fami-
lies and legal fees for those charged in-

the Watergate burglary.
"Would I have said, 'That would be
perfectly legal,' and kept quiet for 40
days?" Hungate asked.
With gestures to his heart, Hungate
also recited old Nixon quotes on law
and order in sardonic fashion.
He said impeachment i s s u e s "are
broader than criminality."
"This is a matter of right or wrong;
telling the truth or not telling the truth,"
he declared.

Student organizations, Me d.
Center top Regent agenda

The University Board of Regents will
meet today to consider proposed regu-
lations governing student and faculty
groups' use of University facilities.
Also at their monthly meeting, the
Regents w i ll review the University
budget and a plan to reorganize the
administration of the Medical Center.
THE SUGGESTED regulations for stu-
dent-faculty groups will affect all Uni-
versity organizations who wish "to be
eligible for use of a University facility
for events at which admission or other
charges . . . in excess of the actual
costs ... are to be levied."
The proposal calls for all University
groups to "deposit all funds and hold
their accounts with the University." If
any group decides to withdraw deposited

funds the University "shall deprive said
organization of eligibility for facilities
use for events for a period of one year,"
Mark Gold, president of Literary Col-
lege (LSA) Student Government, pre-
dicts that "a large number of groups
will be forced out of existence or at
least, harrassed" if the proposal passes.
GOLD BELIEVES there has been "a
large build-up of insensitivity, particu-
larly out of Johnson's (Vice President
for Student Services Henry Johnson)
office. Something like this may make
the bubble pop," he asserted.
Gold particularly objected to the lack
of student input in drawing up the rem.-
lutions. "There was no attempt to con-
tact student organizations while these
See STUDENT, Page 5

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