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July 25, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-25

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 48-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday -July 25, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages






Adheres to high court order

President Nixon pledged yesterday
to comply in all respects with a
Supreme Court order to turn over
documents and tape recordings of
64 conversations for the Watergate
cover-up trial.
His attorney, James St. Clair,
read a statement by Nixon in a na-
tional broadcast and said he would
immediately begin preparing the
tapes and other documents for the
U.S. District Court in Washington.
See related story, Page 3
THE TAPES were subpoenaed by Leon
Jaworski, the Watergate special prose-
cutor, for the trial of some of Nixon's
former top aides.
St. Clair gave no timetable for the.
turnover but spoke of a "time-consum-
ing" process of analyzing and indexing
the tapes.
The President, who had consistently
declined to say in advance whether he
wold abideby an adverse court ruling,
said through St. Clair:
"MY CHALLENGE in the courts to the
subpoena of the special prosecutor was
based on the belief that it was unconsti-
tutionally issued, and on my strong de-
sire to protect the principle of presiden-
tial confidentiality in a system of separa-
tion of powers.
"While I am of course disappointed in
the result, I respect and accept the
court's decision and I have instructed
Mr. St. Clair to take whatever measures
See NIXON, Page 10
harmful and degrading.
KAMBLY, the facility's sole psychia-
trist, utilizes treatment methods that
emphasize punishment and reward. Resi-
dents found disobeying rules are forced
to stand in corners for periods up to a
few hours or are locked in tiny seclusion
units to confront their problems and pro-
ruse solutions to rectify their behavior.
Although Kambly claims these tech-
niques are an essential part of therapy,
two nurses from the State Department of
Mental Health stated that "the thera-
peutic purpose in utilization of seclusion
See STATE, Page 8

300 TO 400 PERSONS are entertained outside the Supreme Court building while they awaited the Court's historic 8-0
decision that President Nixon must surrender the Watergate tapes for examination by Judge John Sirica before they
are handed to special prosecutor Leon Jaworski. The two demonstrators, one wearing a Nixon mask and the other wear-
ing a mask of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, were escorted away from the building by police.

Charges of inadequate supervision and
unexplained use of isolation techniques
made by residents and former residents
of the University Center, have been sub-
stantiated in State Department of Mental
Health reports.
The center, a local private facility
housing emotionally disturbed adolescent
males, is currently under investigation
by the U. S. Senate Permanent Investi-
gations Subcommittee for alleged abuses
including substandard care, questionable
billing procedures, and trafficking of
illegal drugs among patients.
UNAFFILIATED with the University,

hits youth
the facility has been probed by the state DR. ARNOLD Kambly, owner
agency during the past six months after rector of the facility, has denied
applying for licensing as a psychiatric gations of improper treatment
hospital. The application was denied on testify today before the Senate
the ground of "very telling, very signifi- mittee.
cant deficiencies in the physical plant The Senate probe has centered
and programming." Civilian Health and Medical Pro
the Uniformed Services (CH
A report written by Dr. Thomas which partially subsidizes the
Schmitz, after he visited the center, medical care for military famili
states "the treatment goals and treat- year the center received over
ment plans were often not well defined million dollars under the prog:
and specific." care given dependents of U. S.
A series of reports cite insufficient psy- men.
chological service, "grossly inadequate Residents of the center cot
schooling program," and "casual, non- Kambly's therapeutic techniques
existent" staff supervision. "lock-up" and "corner confronta

and di-
l a lle-
and will
d on the
gram of
cost of
es. Last
half a
ram for
such as
tion" as

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