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July 23, 1974 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-07-23

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t uesday, July L&, i i't

I 77F I '--,- -. - -

Fighting ends in'

(Oontinued from Page 1)
tourists, were stranded at Ky-
renia hotels.
The Turks claimed eight
Greek vessels were trying to
land troops in western Cyprus.
Nicosia, the capitol, was bomb-
ed by Turkish warplanes at
between Cyprus and the outside
world were spotty.
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger told newsmen in
Washington he expects the
cease-fire to hold. Kissinger
said the danger of war between
Greece and Turkey, allies in
the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization, had been overcome.
British Foreign Secretary
James Callaghan told the Com-
mon Market meeting in Brus-
sels, however, that Turkish in-
vasion forces were still initiat-
ing attacks after the truce
deadline because they had heard
reports that Greek Cypriots
were "committing genocide."
His remarks were made before
the U.N. announcement in New
ington said U. S. Navy helicop-
ters evacuated 378 American
citizens and Lebanese from
Cyprius before nightfall yes-

terday and any others remain-
ing on the island would be tak-
en off after daylight today
along with more Lebanese.
About 2/2 hours after the
cease - fire deadline, United
Nations Secretary - General
Kurt Waldheim told a special
Security Council session in
New York that fighting was con-
tinuing at that time. He said
the airport at Nicosia, Cyprus'
capital, was attacked by Tur-
kish jets and a U.N. installation
was hit by a bomb, wounding a
British soldier. He said fighting
continued elsewhere.
About 90 minutes after Wald-
heim's report, W. Tapley Ben-
nett, No. 2 man in the U. S. mis-
sion at U. N. headquarters, in-
formed the Security Council
that "to the best of our recent
information" the main opposing
forces "have begun to observe
the cease-fire."
HE ADDED that there was
"still communal fighting going
on - that could be the most
difficult to stop." Greek Cy-
priots outnumber Turkish Cy-
priots by about 4 to 1.
Heavy fighting was reported
yesterday before the truce
deadline around the northern
port of Kyrenia, in the area
where the Turks landed on Sat-
The Greek Cypriots claimed

they retained control of the
port. Travelers reaching Nicosia
from the northern coast before
the cease-fire said the Turks
controlled areas around Kyre-
nia and a corridor 10 miles wide
leading to the Cypriot capital.
of Turkey maintained, however,
that Kyrenia was in Turkish
"Kyrenia will forever remain
Turkish," he declared in An-
kara. "Kyrenia is entirely in
Turkish hands, but Nicosia is
The Turk corridor gives the
Turkish Cypriot quarter of Ni-
cosia a link to Kyrenia which is
but 45 miles from the Turkish
the United Nations, Osman 01-
cay, told the Security Council
meeting of a report of a Greek
attempt to land troops on Cy-
prus after the cease-fire dead-
"Ankara has told me that a
force of eight Greek vessels is
now at Paphos attempting to
land troops."
On Sunday, the Turkish mili-
tory command claimed it had
intercepted a Greek flotilla off ARRIVING in Washington for talks with Secretary of State
Paphos and stopped it from Henry Kissinger, Archbishop Makarios, the deposed president
landing troops. of Cyprus, chats with newsmen at National Airport.
Minority counsel defends
Nixon before House unit

Local mental center
probed by Senate

(Continued from Page 1)
ly taught by two licensed teach-
ers, "we play things like Mon-
IN°DENYING psychiatric li-
censing to the facility, the state
agency cited an improperly
trained staff, lack of individu-
alized treatment and inadequate
sanitation and fire protection.
According to several of the
institution's residents, d r u g
Co ni1blues fest
(Continued from Page 3)
Ward) and Roger Bertoia (R-
Third Ward) said that residents
in their ward, where the festival
would have been held, "don't
want it."
Council last night also re-
ceived a report from City At-
torney Edwin Pear stating that,
with the exception of one provi-
sion, Ann Arbor's $5 marijuana
law is legal.
PEAR ONLY questioned a
section of the City Charter
amendment which holds police
officers libel for a misdemeanor
charge if they arrested mari-
juana users under the harsher
state statutes.
Although Pear's opinion car-
ries no legal force, it does in-
dicate the city will probably not
try a court challenge if the
$5 measure approved by voters
last April.
Recently a District Court
judgevoverturned an Ypsilanti
law, very similar to Ann Ar-
bor's, because he deemed it in
conflict with the state penalties
for marijuana use.
Council also approved a reso-
lotion of intent to issue $800,000
in road repair bonds. If ap-
proved by the state govern-
ment, the money will come
from the local Weight and Gas
Fund and will be used to re-
furbish streets within the city.
Supporters of the measure-
the Republicans and Colleen
McGee (D-First Ward)-argued
that street repairs are long
overdue. But opponents claimed
the funds would be taken from
more important city services,
including snow removal.

trafficking, a prime concern of
the Senate probe is not nearly
as heavy as it used to be.
Two investigators on the sub-
committee staff spent 17 days
last May in the area talking to
local drug dealers and police
and concluded that the use of
heroin, cocaine and marijuana
is evident in the facility.
"IT'S VERY difficult to es-
tablish the credibility of a drug
dealer, but we are 90 per cent
sure that what we found out is
accurate," one of the investi-
gators said yesterday.
Although one of the residents
said that "grass and hashish"
are easily obtainable, "hardly
anybody gets a hold of heroin
or acid anymore."
Since 1972, two patients have
died in accidents while resid-
ing at the center. In February
of last year, Greg Ellis, 14, was
killed when he fell from the
ledge outside his second floor
At the time of the incident
Kamply reportedly explained
that residents would often climb
from room to room on the
ledge "as a lark" and added
that "accidents happen."
Just months earlier, Charles
Lipton drowned during what was
described as an unsupervised
outing during which he attempt-
ed to float down the Huron
River in a rubber raft that cap-
This story was written from
files compiled by Daily reporters
Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle,
Jeff Day, and Cheryl Pilate.

(Continued from Page 3)
ment are expected to come
early next week.
The House vote came after
committee chairman Peter Ro-
dino (D-N.J.) assured the House
the committee debate would be
broadcast from start to finish
and would not be interrupted by
AT THE START, each of the
38 committee members will
have 15 minutes to state his
views, for a total of nearly 10
hours. Then, there will be an-
other 20 hours debate devoted
to specific proposed articles of

During that period, members
will be able to offer amend-
ments to any of the pending
articles. Each member would
have five minutes to speak en
an article or motion.
Garrison sought to counter the
argument presented last week
by John Doar, chief counsel of
the impeachment inquiry, that
the President's refusal to com-
ply with committee subpoenas
was undermining the ability the
House to conduct its inquiry
and was threatening "the integ-
rity of the impeachment pro-
"For this most fundamental
reason the President's refusal

to comply with the committee's
subpoenas is itself grounds for
impeachment," Doar argued.
Garrison argued that "an ap-
parent noncompliance with an
impeachment committee's sub-
poena is the beginning, not the
end of the question."
He said the committee "lacks
any independent evidence that
that conversations or o t h e r
materials subpoenaed involved
the commission of a crime or
other offense."
For several years, race horses
have had identifying numbers
tattooed inside their lips to pre-
vent fixing.

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