Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 23, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages
U.N. says cease-fire
takes hold in Cyprus
'All quiet' 6 hours after deadline
By The Associated Press
Six hours after a cease-fire of-
ficially went into effect, the Unit-
ed Nations forces on Cyprus report-
ed all was quiet last night on the
embattled island.
But reports from the island said
battles continued at least two
hours after the cease-fire time, in-
cluding a Turkish air attack on
the eastern port of Famagusta.
THERE WERE these other develop-
-Britain set up a conference with
Turkey and Greece in an effort to bring
about a permanent peace. The meeting
will be held in Geneva either today or
-U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Wald-
heim decided to double the United Na-
tions peacekeeping force of about 2,300
men on the Mediterranean island and
met with the eight nations supplying
troops about strengthening their con-
-IN BRUSSELS, Belgium, foreign min-
isters of the nine European Common
Market countries called on Turkey and
Greece to observe the cease-fire and for
the re-establishment of constitutional
order on Cyprus. They said the mainte-
nance of the present military regime on
Cyprus isn't compatible with constitu-
tional order. Greece and Turkey are as-
sociate members of the Common Market
and get aid from it.
-Reports swept Athens about a coup
in the Greek capital, but the rumors
about a possible attempt to overthrow
the government could not be confirmed.
--Evacuation from Cyprus of thous-
ands of foreigners, including about 300
Americans, was begun.
-ON CYPRUS large numbers of sold-
iers and civilians were believed to have
been killed or wounded in the hostilities
which began with Saturday's invasion by
Turkey. No official figures were avail-
There were conflicting reports on
casualties in the Famagusta air raid,
which took place two hours after the
cease-fire time of 4 p.m. in Cyprus -
10 a.m. EDT.
Some said scores of persons were kill-
ed, most of them civilians and foreign
tourists. British newspapers said 50 per-
sons were killed, including 21 tourists.
THE TURKISH planes rained bombs
and napalm on the city, hitting large
buildings, stores and private homes. Ul-
la Jay, an Indian photographer for Stern
magazine, said an entire wing of the
luxury Salamania Hotel was brought
down by a large bomb.
Waves of Turkish troops were coming
into Cyprus all around Kyrenia on the
northern coast, witnesses said. Many
civilians, including some 250 foreign
See FIGHTING, Page 5
and Jazz
See story,
Page 3
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Three residents of the University Center, which has recently come under fire
for providing inadequate care for its adolescent patients, hurry inside with a
staff member (foreground) for a meeting.
Local mental center probed
The University Center, a local private
facility which purports to provide psy-
chiatric treatment although not licensed
to do so by- the State Mental Health
Department, has been attacked this week
by a Senate subcommittee for alleged
abuse of patients.
The facility, which has no connection
with the University, houses adolescent
male children of U.S. servicemen and
is partially funded through a federal
agency known as the Civilian Health
and Medical Program of the Uniformed
Services. (CHAMPUS).
THE PERMANENT Investigations sub-
committee headed by Sen. Henry Jack-
son (D-Wash ) alleges that conditions
within the center include:
-rampant trafficking of illegal drugs
by the patients;
-suspicious billing procedures on the
part of administrators; and
-lack of staff supervision and in-
adequate treatment.
Dr. Arnold Kambly, who runs the Uni-
versity Center, denied yesterday that
the patients receive inadequate treat-
An institution staff m e m b e r, who
praises the facility, believes that during
the investigation "the truth will come
out and everything will be okay."
The committee is also investigating a
similar facility in Orange City, Florida.
OVER THE past five years, the Uni-
versity Center has received over $11
million through the CHAMPUS program
to cover room and board of patients and
an additional $265,000 earmarked spe-
cifically for psychiatric treatment.
Headquartered in Denver, CHAMPUS
is supposed to monitor the quality of
health care that military families re-
Although licensed as a residential care
facility, the University Center was last
December denied status as psychiatric
hospital by State Mental Health Depart-
The institution is owned and operated
by Kambly who also serves as the resi-
dent psychiatrist.
SENATE subcommittee hearings are
scheduled to begin today in Washington
but will not focus on the University Cen-
ter until Thursday, when Kambly is
scheduled to testify.
While investigating the center, the
state authorities uncovered ,many of the
same conditions reported by Jackson's
subcommittee staff.
Five teenagers, who formerly lived at
the facility, have signed sworn affidavits
stating they were subjected to physical
abuse including "arm-twisting," isola-
tion in 8' x 8' cells for prolonged periods,
and purely liquid diets.
DESPITE Kambly's denials, children
presently living in the institution claim
that isolation techniques and physical
abuse are still used as punishment for
"infractions" of the center's rules.
"I was kept for four months in closed
unit," said a 15-year-old resident at the
center. "I really hate it here-one time
they kept me tied up in the living room
in front of everyone."
The patient also reported that during
the center's classes which are supposed-
See LOCAL, Page S