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July 20, 1974 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-20

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Saturday, July 20, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY F age Eleven

Saturday, July 20, 1974



page Eleven

Sports of The Daily
Abdul-Jabbar leads all
NEW YORK - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Milwaukee's towering
center, has replaced another giant, Wilt Chamberlain, as the
player with the highest lifetime scoring average in the National
Basketball Association.
Official NBA statistics of all-time rankings and records re-
leased today showed the 7-foot-2 Abdul-Jabbar with a career
scoring average of 30.5 points per game compared with 30.1 for
the 7-1% Chamberlain, who jumped to the American Basketball
Association in 1973 after 14 years in the NBA.
Abdul-Jabbar also moved ahead of Los Angeles' Jerry West
with the highest lifetime scoring average in playoff competition,
29.7 points. West, the veteran Lakers' guard, has 29.1.
Over-all, 32 records were set and five tied during the 1973-
74 season, the NBA's 28th year
Rick Barry of the Golden State Warriors became the all-time
leader in free throw accuracy with an .88369 percentages, surpass-
ing the .88361 mark of Bill Sharman, formerly of the Boston
The Houston Rockets set a club record for free throw accuracy
with an .812 percentage, up from the .798 established by Golden
State in the 1972-73 season.
Ranger Sundberq picked
NEW YORK - Jim Sundberg, rookie catcher for the Texas
Rangers, was named Friday to replace Ed Herrmann of the
Chicago White Sox on the American League All-Star team.
Herrmann was chosen as a reserve catcher but withdrew for
personal reasons, the AL office said..
Carlton Fisk of Boston ,was chosen in nationwide balloting
by fans to start as catcher but was replaced by Thurman Mun-
son of the New York Yankees because of an injury.
The other reserve catcher is Darrell Porter of the Milwaukee
Sets up pickets... traded
GREENVILLE, S. C. - Veteran Atlanta Falcon cornerback
Ken Reaves, a leading member of the 'National Football League
Players Association, helped set up a picket line outside the team's
rainingcamp yesterday then learned he had been traded.
Reaves and guard Andy Mao-,
rer wer sent to the New Or-
eans Saints for guard Royce
Smith and linebacker Dick Pal-
;n~er. Michig
The trade brought immediate
:riticism from Ed Garvey, ex-
!cutive director of the NFLPA,
who issued a statement in Wash-
"Reaves was traded because
:>f his labor activities as the
?layer representative," Garvey
-aid. "He stood up to Falcon
Coach Norm Van Brocklin, so he
ad to go. It's outrageous."

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One Tiger is oung
BY JOHN KAHLER gie Sanders (whom the Tigers obtained in a
DOES NOT take a great genius to figure deal from Oakland) says it's better than Oak-
out that the Detroit Tigers are an old ball land's, at least."
ub. Seven members of the 1968 World LANE DID NOT particularly mind that it
ampions still hold down key positions on took him so long to make it to the majors.
e 1974 Bengals. Even the Tiger caricature "It's best that you not come up until you're
the Detroit scorebooks looks old. ready. If you aren't ready, you aren't going to
But the Tigers are not charter members do well, and you'll lose confidence."
the old age home of the American League. But this is not the first time Lane has been
r example, there is Marvin Lane. Two in the majors. He was up for three short Sep-
onths ago, Lane was playing outfield for tember trials the past three years.
e Evansville Triplets. Last night, he was. Following a .312 season for Double A Mont-
e starting leftfielder against the supposedly gomery in '72, Lane was brought up to sit on
ajor league Minnesota Twins, the bench during the Bengal pennant drive.
It would be a great exaggeration to claim As a pinch runner, he scored what proved to
at one outfielder, playing only against left- be the winning run in the victory over Boston
nders, represents a youth movement. But, that clinched the East title for Detroit.
mpared with recent years, it is a start. However, next spring, he was cut by mana-
It took Lane five years to get where he is ger Billy Martin after only two weeks of spring
day, and he is enjoying the experience. "The training. Like many of the Tiger veterans,
ajor leagues are one hell of a lot better than Lane prefers not to talk about Billy Martin.
e minors. There. you're playing in front of Ralph Houk is another matter. "Ralph's a
0-500 people, and here, you've got crowds of good manager. This spring (Lane was one of
000. Big crowds make you want to play the last cut) he told me what the situation was.
tter. They help you get up for the game. I really expected to be called up sooner than
at least it does that for me." I was. I got off to a real good start, but was
Lane, a righthanded hitter, is a native De- in a slump when I finally came up."
)iter and a graduate of Pershing High. He Having spent time in holes like Rocky Mount
as batting .280 for Evansville when he was and Toledo, Lane has no desire to go back
lied up to replace troubled Ron Cash on the "I've just got to work on every aspect of my
g league roster. game. The pitchers are a lot tougher up here
The Tigers are a wealthy organization, and than they are in the minors. If you've got a
e not shy about spending their money on weakness, they find it out.
eir farm system, which makes the lack of "The guys on this club are just great. They
od players produced by that system even treat rookies just like everybody else." Lane
are mysterious. Lane, a recent graduate of does not pretend to superstardom. He would
e system, has no complaints. just like to be around long enough to be clas-
"The Tigers have a good farm system. Reg- sified an "aging Bengal."

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Littlest Ram
Gilbert Ledezma, who first tried to make the pros in 1967, gets his 5-2, 122 pound frame into a
practice kick at the Los Angeles Ram training camp for rookies in Fullerton, California.
Ledezma was signed by the club a few days ago as a free agent.

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