Committee receives
impeachment articles
Ziegler slams Rodino
Presidential spokesman Ronald Ziegler sharply criticizes Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter
Rodino yesterday for "falsely presenting a picture of fairness" in handling the impeachment
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mmanyone do
Probably not. Al' things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken your job. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around. Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves it's costing us now for repairs and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strength inthecompetitive world trade arena. When
the balance of payments swings our way again we'll
all be better off economically.
5oyou see-the only person who can really
do what you doany better is you.
AAia. f olyworc
Consumer prices were 11.1
per cent higher than a year
ago, largely because of higher
costs of new and used cars,
medical care services, mort-
gage interest, household dur-
ables and fresh fruit.
AT THE wholesale level, the
annual inflation rate gauged by
the most recent survey was 14.5
per cent while the level and
rate as measured by GNP was
8.8 per cent.
Workers' average weekly pay
in June was about $10 ahead of
a year ago, but government
statisticians said it actually fell
3.8 per cent in terms of buying
power, largely because of infla-
tion. Average weekly hours
worked declined 0.8 per cent.
Fresh fruit prices rose rpore
than usual, and grocery goods
rose 0.3 per cent, more than
normal for June. Doctors' fees
and hospital charges were up
But dairy product prices were
down for the first time this
year and meat and poultry
prices continued declining al-
though they usually rise in June.
Daily Official Bulletin
Saturday, July 20
Day calendar
Music Sch.: Javanese music.
dance, Sch. garden, 7 pm.
Mich. Repertory '74: "The Tam-
ing of the Shrew', Power Ctr., 8
Sunday, July 21
Radio, Optical Observatories: open
hse., Stinchfield Woods, N. Terri-
lorialtd., 2-4:30 pm.
Mich. Repertory '74: Inge's "Pic-
nic', Power Ctr. 8pm.
Monday, July 22
WUOM: George Meany at Nat'l
Press Club, on American-Soviet de-
tente, 91,7 StIto. 9:25 an.
A-V Ctr.: Native American, Chi-
cano films, Aud. 3, MaLB, 7 pm..
Music Sch.: Todd Fair, carillon-
ear, aurton Tower, 7 pm.
Mich. Repertory '74: "The Tam-
ing of the Shrew", Power Ctr., 8
General Notices
ATT. Veterans: deadline to re-
quest Advance Payment on V.A.
Benefits for Fall Term, 1974, this
month alt veterans who wish to re-
ceive Advance Payment should com-
plete requeat form in Veterans
Certification Office, 4514 LSA 'Bldg.;
deadlite for Law & Dental stu-
dents is past; for others. July 31.
Career Planning & Placenent
3200 SAB 764-7460
Robert C. Schnitzer Internship
in .Theatre Mgt.: M's degree in
Thtre. '.or rel.. arts & exp: in
Thtre. Mgt.: (prof., or acad.), re-
quired; salary, $7K for 12 mos.; ap-
plic. deadline, Aug. , 1974; com-
plete info.&val~able&t_ .WPa
madmal commwm
" '