Oil power: Boom in Black Africa By BARRY RUBIN GIGANTIC OIL rush may turn 1000 miles of West African coastline into a petroleum producing region second only to the Middle East. But, as Culf and others are hitting gushers in any number of potential "new Kuwaits." oil is mixing with national ambition and revolution to create a new politics in Black Africa. Nowhere is this more evident than in Nigeria, Africa's most populous state, and Portugal's co- lony of Angola. NIGERIA-OIl AND POWER With reserves estimated at 20 billion barrels of oil and 100 trillion cubic 'feet of gas (sod more being discovered every day), Nigeria could become Africa's Saudi Arabia. The United States is the country's best customer, taking some 35 percent of the 3 million barrel a day production-even more during the Arab oil boycott. Oil price increases have brought real benefits to Nigerians-their income trip- led in 1973, and is expected to top $7 billion in 1974 Nigeria's importance on the continent would be assured without oil. Its wealth is vast compared to the rest of Black Africa, and its population of 60 million equals one-fourth of all Black Africans. But the oil boom has put the country on its feet again after the bloody war over Biafra's secession, and oil revenues now underwrite the efforts of Nigeria's presi- dent General Yakubu Gowon to stop in- ternal struggles and ensure Nigeria a major role in African affairs. WITH YEARLY OIL revenues e i g h t times total World Bank grants to Africa, Nigeria has begun its own foreign aid program, and Gowon is pushing for de- velopment of -a West African common market, which Nigeria could be expected to dominate. Even more important, Nigeria has be- gun to use its oil as a political weapon, against the white-ruled colonies to the south. It threatened Britain with an oil boycott after that country gave heli- copters to South Africa. It also com- pelled Brazil, dependent on imports of Nigerian oil, to reconsider its invest- ments in Portu'gal's African colonies. ANGOLA-OIL AND REVOLUTION While the coup in Portugal has en- hanced the possibility of independence for its African colonies, the public is still unaware of oil's role in this struggle- particularly in Angola, where rebels have continued fighting. Late last year, two well known inter- national journalists, Arslan Humbarachi and Aquino de Braganca,ffirst reported in the Observer that Gulf Oil had made spectacular strikes in the waters off Cabinda, a Portuguese enclave just north of Angola. (Gulf Oil's magazine, Orange Disc, later reported that some of these wells "are among the most prolific south of the Middle East.") Both Gulf and the Portuguese have tried to keep the finds secret because guerrillas are operating only some 70 miles from the off-shore wells. 'AT STAKE FOR Gulf is an investment of over $200 million and 7.5 million tons of oil a year. The company's contract with Portugal calls for Portugal to "un- dertake such measures as may be neces- sary to insure that the Company may carry out its operations freely and effic- iently," and "to prevent third parties from interfering with the Company's con- tractual rights." In practice, this has reinforced Portu- guese attempts to suppress the forces of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). To support this ef- fort, Gulf pays taxes and supplies oil to Portugal. The Gulf agreement also provided that Kz -z 41't< d5p UKMH.14A'fiZK JOUNNAL F IIWQ.,l. san d., a Latest Tang o In Wasbington the Portuguese take 50 percent of the company's production in normal times- up to 100 percent in emergencies. Nor- mally, both find it more profitable to export the crude oil to refineries in the United States, Canada, Trinidad and Japan and to buy Middle East oil for Portugal's needs. During last fall's Arab oil boycott against Portugal, however, oil from Cabinda was diverted to that country. Gulf's Cabinda oil is also shipped to the Sonarep refinery in Mozambique and supplies, despite UN sanctions, 35 per- cent of consumption in Rhodesia. GULF IS NOT exclusively interested in Angola. A thin slice off Zaire on the coast is also rich in oil, and two of Gulf's strikes are here. Although Zaire's president, Mobutu Seso Seko, takes the stance of a radical nationalist, he has cooperated with both Gulf and t- Portuguese According to Humbaraci, Gulf has persuaded Mobutu to allow construction of a pipeline to link its two wells in Zaire and others with its terminal in Cabinda. REBEL THREAT ON TWO FRONTS Threatening Portuguese rule in An- gola, and therefore Gulf, is the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which is supported by the ra- dical Congo Republic, north of Cabinda. The MPLA is only one of two major rebel forces which Portuguese leaders must deal with in deciding the future of Angola. The other, the National Libera- tion Front of Angola, (FNLA), is headed by Mobutu's protege, Holden Roberto, and has been given full cooperation by Mobutu-including free access to the 1250 mile long Zaire-Angola border. (Reports before the coup indicated that FNLA was often more inclined to fight its rising competitor, the MPLA than, the Portuguese). OTHER OIL COMPANIES, notably Shell and Texaco, have been exploring large areas of Zaire's interior and Zaire has predicted, its total oil production will soon reach some 16 million tons a year, which should give it a start as an im- portant oil exporter. Two other adjacent oil-producing coun- tries have contrasting oil policies. Ga- bon-where 1973 production was 8 mil- lion tons, slightly higher than Angola's- takes only 10 percent of the companies' earnings. The Congo Republic - which produced only 2 million tons in 1973 (though production is expected to triple within two years)-is determined to im- pose government control on the oil com- pames. During the oil shortages last year, the companies approached Congo president Marien N'Gouabi two times for a price increase. iV'Gouabi launched an investi- gation and fotnd stocks sufficient for 16 months. Angered at "blackmail pure and simple," the Congo government nation- alized the holdings of six major com- panies, including Shell, Mobil and Tex- aco. At present, while the oil boom has proved a bonanza for independent states, it has merely prolonged colonial rule in contries like Angola. Just as oil mixed with politics during the Middle Eastern crisis, so now oil mixes with neocolonial, nationalist and revolutionary politics to determine the future of Black Africa. , Barry Rubin, a New York-based free- la-cve writer, has been working on the politics of oil in Africa and the Middle East for over a year. THE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Saturday, July 20, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552