WASHINGTON - John Ehrlichman yester-
day filed a motion for either a new trial or
acquittal in the Ellsberg breakin case on the
grounds that the presiding judge made "facial
expressions and other "gestures" that reflect-
ed unfavorably on Ehrlichman's credibility.
Lawyers for Ehrlichman, formerly President
Nixon's domestic adviser, also claimed U. S.
District Judge Gerhard Gesell improperly in-
structed the jury which in part led to his con-
viction on conspiracy and lying charges.
WASHINGTON - A federal judge yesterday
refused to overturn a presidential restriction
barring former Teamsters chief James Hoffa
from returning to union office. U. S. District
Judge John Pratt said President Nixon acted
within his constitutional powers in commut-
ing Hoffa's prison sentence in December 1971
on condition that the former Teamsters presi-
dent not participate in union affairs until 1980.
WASHINGTON -- Government attorneys
rested their case against California Lt. Gov.
Ed Reincke yesterday after reading sworn
testimony indicating he earlier lied about the
date he first talked with John Mitchell about
an ITT offer to help finance the 1972 Republi-
can National Convention. U. S. District Court
Judge Barrington Parker also denied a second
motion by defense attorney James Cox to dis-
miss the perjury trial. Reinecke is charged
with lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee
about the ITT offer with Mitchell, who then
was attorney general.
DECATUR, Ill. - A string of tank cars ex-
ploded and burst into flames in a Decatur rail-
road yard yesterday, injuring more than 100
persons, causing extensive damage and wide-
spread evacuation. Hospitals said 120 persons
were treated for injuries and 15 victims were
admitted. There were no deaths reported.
Windows were shattered several blocks away
and some houses were damaged. A high
school gymnasium under construction col-
The weekend weather looks good. Today will
be sunny with a high in the 80's and a cool
and overcast night with a low in the 50's. To-
morrow will bring more of the same changing
to scattered showers by Monday with a high
again in the 80's and a low in the 60's.
Marilyn Young and Janet
Goldwasser will speak and show
slides about women's liberation
in China at 8 p.m. in the As-
sembly Hall of the Union. The
program is sponsored by US-
China People's Friendship As-
For free music and dance,,
stop in at "Lighthouse," at the
first Presbyterian Church on
Washtenaw between Hill and
South U. The special feature
this weekend is theatre read-
ings. The activities begin at 8
p.m. and last until 11:30.
Today at 3 p.m. WCBN, 89.5
FM, broadcasts Clyde Belle-
court's, American Indian Move-
ment Leader, speech before the
Third World People's Solidarity
Conference held at the Univer-
sity in February.
Volume LXXXIV, No. 45-S
Saturday, July-20, 1974
Is edited and managed by students
at the tUniveraity at Mchitan. News
phone 764-0562. Second clasa pootage
paid at Ann Arbor, Miichigan 48106,
Pubiahed da iy Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: S1t by carrier (campua area):
811 local mail (Michigan and Ohio):
612 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription ratea: $550 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio): $650 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
June, July, Aug.
207 [. Liberty'
6:30 4 13 NBC News
7 24 Reasoner Report
11 ensStNews
30 Enboqoiva ri
7:00 2 CBS New
4 George Plerrot
7 Towa Meetung
9 Pollee Sugeon
51 Hee saw
13 50 Lawrence weik
24 Wrestling
30 You Owe It To Yourself
56 Masterpiece Theatre
57 Behind the Lines
7:30 2 Wild, Wild World of
Anmais _
4 Johnny Mann's Stand Up
and Cheer
7 World or Survival
9 Beverly Hillbillies
30 Conaumser Glame
8:00 21SAll in the Family
4 13 Emergeney!
7 24 Partridge Family
o The Jury
20 Movie
"Invasion of the Saucer
Men." (1917)
30 Carrascolendas
10 That Good Ole Nashville
8:30 2 11 M*A*S*H
7 24 Movie
* Whiteoas of Jalna
30 37 Newport Ja zFestival
New York
56 Hollywood Television
9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore
4 13 Movie
"" l191
9:302 11Bob Newhlart
9 Bless This Hoose
20 Temple Baptist Church
30 56 57 Coming Asunder of
Jimmy Eright
10:00 2 11 Miss Universe Pageant
7 24 Owen Marshall
9 Inside Canada
20 Seven Hondred Club
50 Lou Gordon
16:30 9 I the Mood
11:0067 News
9 CBC News-George Finstad
24 ABC News
56 How Could I Not Be
Among You?
11:15 7 ABC News
9 A Look Back
24 Don Kirshner's Rock
11:20 4 13 News
11:30 7 Movie
"Cheyenne Autumn." (1964)
9 Canadian Open Golf
50 Movie
'world without End." 1956
11:50 4 Johnny Carson.
13 Movie
(English, 1961)
12:00 2 11 News
9 Movie
"The Sanish Main." (1945)
12:30 2 Movie
"Lafayette'> (French, 102)
11 Movie
"Man ian the Middle." (1964)
1:20 4 saturday Reek
13 News
1:30 7 Msvie
"Frontier Hellras."
(German, 1964)
2:30 2 Movie
"The Kansas." (1043)
11 News
Be carefulwith fire.
Remember: there are babes
in the woo.
And those baby fawns, rabbits, Follow all the rules of safety and
squirrels and trees need a safe, happy caution-just like any other place where
home. They need a place where they can there are children at play.
grow up strong and healthy.
Like babes everywhere.:
So, please, be careful with fire when
you're in the forest.-
transcendental meditation
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Henderson Room
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for additional information call 761-8255
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Michigan Repertory '74
Shakespeare's comedy
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Wlriing-cO:ntbato rtheoit pobtC gscp