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July 19, 1974 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-07-19

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Friday, July 19, 1974
Hoover said Kissinger
authorized wire taps

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
on three occasions cited Henry
Kissinger as directly authoriz-
ing wiretaps on government of-
ficials and newsmen, according
to evidence released yesterdav
by the House Judiciary Com-
In separate memos dated Mav
13, 1970, concerning two dif-
ferent National Security Council
staff employes, Hoover wrote to
then Atty. Gen. John Mitchell:
"ON MAY 12, 1970, Brig. Gen.
Alexander Haig of the National
Security Council staff, advised
that Dr. Henry Kissinger,. .
tad requested that as soon as
nossible a telephone survelll.mcc
be instituted . .."
Nearly a year earlier, on June
1, 1969, H o o v e r told Mitchell
that in the interests of tracing
leaks of classified national se-
curity material "Kissinger has
requested that a telephone sur-
veillance be placed on" a news-
The names of the wiretap tar-
gets were deleted from the five
volumes of evidence released as
part of the committee's record
of hearings into the possible
impeachment of President Nix-
KISSINGER d en i ed under

oath during Senate hearings on
his nomination for secretary of
s t a t e that he ever directly
authorized. any wiretaps placed
on 13 officials and four news-
men in 1969 and 1970.
Some of the Hoover memo-
randa was previously published
and further questioning of his
role prompted Kissinger's threat
to resign unless he was cleared
in a new investigation by the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
Both former Atty. Gen. Elliot
Richardson and William Ruck-
elhaus, acting FBI director in
1973, have backed up Kissinger.
President Nixon has taken re-
sponsibility for authorizing the
KISSINGER has explained his
role this wav: In the spring of
1969 several leaks of classified
material to newsmen endanger-
ed crucial dimplomatic efforf-
This worried both Nixon and
Kissinger and promV ed a meet-
ing in May of that year in
which the President authorized
. phone taps. Kissinger said lie
provided the names of persons
whoin 1969 and 1970 had access
to the material.
No accusations were leveled
nor any action taken against
any of the persons under sur-

Bear feet
One of the Detroit Zoo's Kodak bears does toe-touches as he waited fur free handouts from yes-
terday's visitors to the park.
Gadaet aives callers Try"

'cold shoulder' tape

{ContinuediifromPage 3)
TIlE $80 "model 300" version
of the answering machine is
now' available at a discount
from the local Sears outlet be-
cause that line has been dis-
continued by the manufacturer.
"It was discontinued for rea-
soon, to b
tuwo colleges
(continued from Page 3)
THE MOVE of th art and
architecture school to North
Campus, though sorely needed
for the expanded space and fa-
cilities, has disgruntled some.
"Even though we'll have
three times the room, it's po
secret that many of us would
have preferred a central cam-
pus location," explained Prof.
William Lewis, associate dean
of the new School of Art.
Metcalf said that "I have
great concern that students will
be too remote from central
campus." He also stated that
most students in both schools
live on central campus and
will still take many classes
LEWIS ARGUED that the art
department is "severely cramp-
ed" and that the move to the
new facilities' "will open up
possibilities of offering courses
in jewelry making, textile de-
sign, and film-making that we
don't have the room or equip-
ment for now."
The new School of Art and
College of Architecture and Ur-
ban Planning will be housed in
a $8.5 million building on Boni-
steel Boulevard that can ac-
commodate a combined enroll-
ment of 1,200 students. The
present Architecture and De-
sign Building was constructed
in 1927, when student enroll-
ment was less than 400.

sons we were not informed of,'
a Sears salesperson says. "In
other words, they're trying to
sell their more expensive mod-
els." -
The new, improved versions
sport such additional conven-
iences as a signal flag that pops
up when a message is being re-
corded and the capability to
answer the phone after a pre-
determined number of rings.
Each model also comes with
a "remote system" that allows
the owner to call his own num-
ber and listen to whatever mes-
sages have been taken.
HOWEVER, according to a
Sears saleswoman, one draw-
back of the recorder is that
Michigan Bell charges those who
use the machine a monthly fee
and insists that one of its em-
ployes install the gadget at an
additional cost.
Apparently the telephone com-
pany will also cut-off service to
some one who installs the de-
vice and either intentionally or
inadvertently fails to notify the
local Michigan Belt office, a
saleswoman says.
"We've had a lot of people
return the machine because
they don't want to hassle with
the phone company," she adds.

$2.50 6 9
Columbia Record's

University of Michigan Gamelan Ensemble
A Concert of Javanese _
Music and Dance
Poolside 7:00 p.m.
-Admission Free-
In case of rain the concert wil be held the 21st, rain
(Recital Hall) a shine (Poolsidel.
"I've come
16 'xy

Gay Community Dance
Friday, July 19
9 P.M.
N. University t Fletcher
. Sponsored by
Donation $1.50
Come Out-All Welcome
INFO-763-4186, 761-2044

- I

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