Friday, July 19, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three President opposed paying of 'hush' money -St. Clair AP Photo REP. PETER RODINO (D-N.J.) left and Rep. Edward Hutchinson (R-Mich), chairman and ranking minority member respectively of the House Judiciary Committee, chat prior to yesterday's meeting. White House attorney James St. Clair's presentation of the President's defense summation brought the committee to the final stage of its impeachment inquiry. A&D school to become two separate colleges in fall WASINGTON /1 - President Nixon yesterday sent the house Judiciary Com- mittee a new tape transcript his lawyer said proved Nixon was "not aware of and in fact disapproved' of hush money payments to Watergate break in defend- ants. But the eleventh-hour move protpted some Democrats to denounce the partial transcript as insulting, too limited and late. MEANWIILE, the committee's sec- ond-ranking Republican, Rep Robert Me- Clory of Illinois, predicted the cotit- tee will recommend impeacment and that the full Iouse will vote to impeach the President. McClory said that a meeting yester- day afternoon between Stouse Republi- can leaders and most of the 17 commit- tee Republicans showed that about four of the GOl' committee members would vote against recommending impeach- ment, four or five would vote for such a recommendation and that eight or nine, including himself, are currently undecid- ed how they will vote when the com- mittee begins formal consideration of articles of impeachmentnext week However, Rep Charles Wiggins, (R- Calif.), Nixon's leading defender on the committee, said he disagrees with Mc- Clory's assessment on the outcome of the impeachment inquiry. Wiggins pre- dicted that the tHouse will vote against impeachment by a 40 to 50 margin. Ie earlier had predicted all committee Re- publicans would oppose recommending impeachment. AFTER NIXON'S lawyer James St. Clair produced the tape transcript dur- ing his final arguments before the com- mittee, a number of committee Demo- crats denounced his action. Wiggins welcomed the new evidence, saying: "I'm happy to get any evidence bearing on the case." St. Clair said the 2%a-page transcript of a portion of a conversation between Nixon and former White ouse aide t. R. "Bob" Haldeman on March 22, 1973, showed Nixon telling Haldeman the day after $75,00 was paid to Watergate con- spirator Howard Hutl that blackmai "would not be paid" to Watergate de- fendants ST. CLAIR quoted Nixon as saying legal payments to support the defen- dants' families would be proper but that payments to induce silence would be improper. The transcript is of a tape subpoenaed May 30 by the committee but witheld from the committee by Nixon. Gizm1o gives cold shoulder to callers By STEPHEN HERSH There's a gizmo on the market that allows the owner to monitor in-coming telephone calls and then decide whether to answer personally or let the party o the other end deal with a frustratingly polite but unresponsive recorded mes- sage. And al that comes neatly packaged for a mere $80. EVIDENTLY people who are socially active or run businesses have more use for the device than other segments of :he population, as-testimonials from sat- isfied customers in the recorder's bro- chure indicate. "It's great! I was missing so many calls I wouldn't be without it." A Rudye Vallee of Hollywood, California says. The ad, however, fails to mention it that Mr. Vallee is THE Mr. Vallee. "The machine is the greatest piece af equipment for a one man office ever devised," says a businesswoman from Massachusetts. See GADGET, Page 10 By JEFF SORENSEN The College of Architecture and Design will be divided into two separate units this September-a School of Art and a College of Architecture and Urban Plan- ning. The division, approved at a Regents' meeting May 17, will coincide with the completion of a North Campus building that will provide new facilities for the programs in art, architecture and urban planning. LAST MONTH, President Robben Fleming announced that Prof. Robert Metcalf, chairman of the University Architecture department, will be named dean of the College of Architecture for a one-year term. The Regents are ex- pected to formally approve the appoint- ment at their next meeting, July 25. The Regents also announced last month that Prof. George Bayliss, chairman of the art department, will serve as Dean of the new School of Art. The change is basically an adminis- trative one, and will not affect academic requirements, classes or degree pro- grains presently in operation. THE NEW administrative set-up fol- lows the recommendations of a 13-mem- ber review committee, chaired by Dr. Geoffrey Norman director of the Insti- tute for Environmental Quality. The Norman report contended that the. departments of art and architecture now "have little common ground. The free- dom of each area to develop should pro- vide a more propituous setting than the present uneasy coexistence," Metcalf said that the departments "had gone separate ways in recent years." He added that the competition between the units had resulted in a "number of conflicts over the budget." THE NORMAN committee is also in- vestigating other possibilities for co-op- eration between the College of Architec- ture and Urban Planning and other de-. partments. - One proposal involves creating a Col- lege of Environmental Resources, Plan- ning and Design, that would encompass the present College of Architecture and the School of Natural Resources. Assistant Prof. of Urban Planning Paul Ray said the split in the Architecture and Design College will be "temporary. I'm hoping it will be a transition to a much broader arrangement." See A&D, Page 10 This new buiding on North Campus will house the recently re-organized College of Architecture and Design in September