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July 19, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-19

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Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 44-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 19, 1974

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Nixon OK'd


former aide claims
Approval given 'after-the-fact'

WASHINGTON (P)-Former presiden-
tial aide John Ehrlichman says President
Nixon "indicated his after-the-fact ap-
proval" of the break-in at the office of
Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, according
to evidence released yesterday by the
House Judiciary Committee.
Ehrlichman's sworn statement, given
n April 26, contradicted the President's
view expressed at an Aug. 22, 1973, news
-onference that the break-in was "il-
legal, unauthorized as far as I was
:oncerned, and completely deplorable."
EHRIACHMAN quoted the President as
telling him on April 18, 1973, that "in
substance, that the break-in was in
furtherance of national security and
folly justified by the circumstances."
See related story, Page 3
The Ehrlichman affidavit was filed in
the White House Plumbers case, in
which the former Nixon aide was con-
icted last Friday on charges of con-
spiracy and perjury. It was included in
'ive volumes of evidence released by
the Judiciary Committee.
Other highlights included:
-A TOP-SECRET letter in which the
late .1. Edgar Hoover informed the
President that the FBI had learned
"from extremely sensitive sources," ap-
)srently wiretaps, that former Defense
Secretary Clark Clifford planned to write
in article for life Magazine critical of
the administration policy in Vietnam.
The Hoover letter triggered a series
>f White House memoranda discussing
how to counter such an article. They
:ulminated with a hand-written note to
H.R. "Bob" Haldeman from Ehrlichman
in which he noted, "This is the kind of
!arly warning we need more of-your
game planners are now in an excellent
position to map anticipatory action."
-.AN FBI INTERVIEW with former
Asst. Atty, Gen. Robert Mardian dated
May 10, 1973, in which Mardian described
how William Sullivan, former assistant
FBI director, sent him records in July
1971, of national security wiretaps in-
stituted at White House request, in an
effort to trace news leaks.
The interview quoted Mardian as say-
ing Sullivan told him "Mr. Hoover could
not be entrusted with this wiretap in-
formation. Mr. Sullivan continued in
conversation saying that Mr. Hoover had
used wiretap information to blackmail
3ther presidents of the United States
and was afraid that he could blackmail
Wr. Nixon with this information."
At the time, Sullivan was at odds with
Hoover and he subsequently was forced
out of the FBI.
The evidence volumes contained 133
statements of information from the com-
nittee's impeachment staff and 32 more
from the White House. Each statment
was supported by documentary evidence.
No attempt was made to say how any
->f the statements might fit into a case
for or against impeachment.

Beating the heat
Two hot, middle age spectators at the iSth Annual Stree t Art Fair find a way to escape the rising mercury. They
cool off with a popsicle-like treat, commonly known as "b omb pops."' The art fair continues its four day run today
and tomorrow. More fair festivities are pictured on pages eight and nine.
Makarios begsaid

NEW YORK (P) - Ousted Cyprus
president Archbishop Makarios arrived
at the United Nations yesterday to plead
for his political life,
Minutes after the former leader met
with Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim,
a U. N. spokesperson announced that the
new military regime in Nicosia had ask-
ed for a delay in a Security Council
meeting scheduled for today so that its
representatives could be present.
MAKARIOS HAS demanded the with-
drawal of Greek officers who led the
military coup on Monday. But on Cy-
prus it was, reported that Greek air-
planes were landing in the capital.
No information on the hour-long talk
between Makarios and Waldheim was
made available.
Meanwhile in the view of U. S. officials
the chances of Makarios recapturing

control of Cyprus are extremely remote,
but Washington has withheld diplomatic
recognition from the new leadership.
THE PRINCIPAL objective of U. S.
policy is to prevent a war between
Greece and Turkey over the island na-
tion. Undersecretary of State Joseph Sis-
co will probably be sent to both, coun-
tries in an effort to cool the volatile
situation in the Near East.
It was learned that there have been
at least two contacts between leaders of
the coup and Amnerican diplomats in
Nicosia. The meetings were initiated by
the Greek-led military forces. The U.S.
resnonse was said to have been cool and
As the high .official put it, the United
States is not particularly looking for op-
portunities to deal with those who over-

threw the Makarios government.
WHILE WASHINGTON is striving to
maintain a neutral position, Britain has
aligned itself with Makarios. Within the
State Department there is considerable
support for the ousted president, but at
the highest levels there is a growing
inclination to accept the takeover as a
Publicly the department contends that
Cyprus remains an independent nation,
without evidence of active intervention
from outside forces. But spokesman
Robert Anderson declined at a briefing
to comment on whether there has been
"political influence from the outside."
Britain, the Soviet Union, and a num-
ber of non-aligned countries have ac-
cused Greece of masterminding the
coup. The officers who led the takeover
are Greeks.

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