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July 18, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-18

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 43-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 18, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
j..Explosion rips
through Tower
of London, 36
~u. turist hur

THE ART FAIR provides entertainment for everyone. Seven year old
John Kennedy explored a locomotive constructed by Merill "Sonny"
Dalton. The engine is made from flute parts and other found items.
Hundreds fl ck

to see
It's that time of the year again.
Ann Arbor's a n n u a I people-
watcher's and a r t enthusiast's
mind-boggler, the art fair, has
finished its first of four promising
ARTISTS, musicians, craftsmen,
gawking throngs, and miserable
children abounded in the 85 degree
heat. Flyers, balloons and booklets
seemed to flow in ever-present
One haggard mother weary of
her toddler's cries, alleviated the
situation by strategically placing
her spare diapers over the child's
Another woman found it quite
impossible to sit for a portrait
while being unmercifully torment-
ed by her peers.
A baby-sitting father seemed ob-
viously unimpressed w i t h his
younger daughter's artwork at the
Children's Open Workshop since
most of the color she was using
was accumulating on her arms
and face rather than on the
BUT MANY of the artists at the
fair appeared to be more experi-
enced. W e a v e r Jane Hawkins

F he fi
asserts she spent "many happy
hours" in preparation for the fair.
Hawkins, who is a weaving instruc-
tor in Ann Arbor, has been prac-
ticing her craft for 15 years and
has had a booth at the fair for 11
of them.
To obtain a booth at the Ann
Arbor Street Fair, located on South
University, newcomers must pre-
sent slides of their work to a
committee of experts who deter-
mine if the works are acceptable.
Judges periodically check on the
booths throughout the fair to make
sure the quality is maintained.
Leather craftsman Don Edwards
was unaware of the selecting pro-
cedure when he came to the fair
to sell his wares five years ago.
He - mounted his goods on his
back to sell them and was prompt-
ly arrested for not having a ped-
dlers permit.
Edwards has since been legally
accepted as the first leather crafts-
man to appear at the fair. He was
one of the spokesmen instrumen-
tal in creating the Free Arts Fair
which comprises the part of the
festival extending from East Uni-
versity to Main Street.
See FAIR, Page 10

LONDON (P) - A terrorist bomb ex-
ploded in the tourist-packed Tower of
London yesterday, killing one young wo-
man and injuring 36 persons, about half
of them children, officials said.
One of the injured was identified as
Edward Klein of Missouri. Hospital au-
thorities said his injuries were not ser-
ious and he was released after treat-
SOURCES SAID the dead woman was
believed to be British.
A spokesman for St. Bartholomew's
hospital near the Tower said a report
on the bombing victims would be releas-
ed today.
Scotland Yard experts said the time
bomb, about 10 pounds of explosive
hooked to a clock and battery mechan-
ism, was planted under an ancient mor-
tar in a basement armory.
THE WOMAN DIED while undergo-
ing emergency surgery four hours after
the blast. Police said several children
were maimed in the explosion, and they
found one child's severed foot in the de-
A survivor staggered out, sobbing, and
said: "They were mostly kids in there.
I saw a little boy aged about 6 cut to
pieces. He was almost sliced in two."
Beefeaters, the Tower's traditional
guards clad in red and white skirted uni-
forms, dropped theancient pikes they
carry as weapons and scrambled into
the debris to cary out bloodstained child-
ren. One was a 3-year-old girl.
THREE AMERICAN girls suffered
from shock and were releaseJ after hos-
pital treatment. Police said they were
Christina Grillo, Jacky Ford and Shelagh
Gray, all of Boston, Mass.
Home Secretary Roy Jenkins told
the House of Commons that a number of
the injured were in serious condition, and
called the bombing "a horrible outrage."
The armory governor, Maj. Gen. Dig-
by Raeburn, said about 80 tourists were
in the armory when the bomb went off.
Police said most were Danes and Ger-
RAEBURN SAID there was little struc-
tural damage to the 900-year-old White
Tower, heart of the fortress built by Wil-
liam the Conqueror on the banks of the
Thames and scene of some of the blood-
iest deeds of English history.
But Raeburn said valuable suits of
armor, cannon and other historic exhib-
its were scattered around the room.
The blast sent a huge nall of black
smoke billowing over the famous land-
A SPOKESMAN at nearby St. Bar.
tholomew's Hospital said two eye surg-
eons, a brain surgeon and several bone
specialists were working on bomb vic-
"There have been a lot of very severe

injuries to children, with a 1st of wood
splinters driven into their bodies," the
spokesman said.
"We may have to amputate some
Commander Robert Huntley, chief of
the Yard's bomb squad, toured the tower
after the blast and said angrily: "This
was totally indiscriminate, aimed at
causing injury and death."
THERE WERE strong suspicions it
was carried out b ythe Irish Republican
Army, or one of its splinter groups. The
IRA is battling to throw the British out
of Northern Ireland and unite the pro-
vince with the neighboring Irish repub-

POLICE CORDON off the White
Tower inside the Tower of London in
the wake of a bomb explosion which
injured 36 persons there yesterday.

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