The Michigan Daily OFFICE HOURS U.S. MARSHALS crouch behind cars last nignt at u.s. District court wnere two a victs attempted to break out through the building's air vents. The convicts surrende fully last night after the unsuccessful escape attempt. D.C. convicts surrender Circulation Dept. 764-0558 Classified Dept. 764-0557 Display Dept. 764-0554 r r 10 a.m.4 p.m. 12 noon-3 p.m WASHINGTON (/P)-Two arm- ed convicts who held seven hos- tages in a cellblock for three days surrendered meekly last night, ending a 105-hour reign of terror at the U.S. District Courthouse. Frank Gorham, 26, and Rob- ert Jones, 24, were driven to nearby Andrews Air F o r c e Base, Md., and put aboard a two-engine government jet for a flight to a federal penitentiary in Atlanta; Ga. Justice Department spokes- man John Russell said the men, who at first bargained for a flight to freedom in Africa, would be placed in maximum Please try to call our offices during thesel hours. V Qv-""Rp *' V. Q - R f k Lk4 ot cy/F Ftq Q fV 4th Annual Ann Arbor ON MAIN S7REET July 17-20-10 a.m.-10 p.m. AV *. kt APA TG4 Im Afil "CA AA Tel r. . V p*f V d V F, r9rjj55 Q. 4W 4F.1 V1 security detention. The surrender came after the men chopped their way into an air vent with axes in an attempt to escape from the 'asement cellblock. Russell said they were ;arced back into an enclosed area next to the cellblock after a's ex- change of gunfire and a burst of tear gas. They surrendered to Deputy District of Columbia Pclice Chief Maurice Cullinane, part of a combined force of police and US.mnarshals won took possession of the cellblocex. Cullinane said he persuaded the men they would not be shot if they came out. "I was just talking ,o them through the- door," 'it said. "Just rapping with them." Norman Carlson, director of the Bureau of Prisons, sai.d it was his decision to send the prisoners to Atlanta. He said the prisoners, who earlier at- "Alter Male 'DEEP THROAT anerT M EVIL IN MISS JONES' MeoRes' staes'. THREE IN A ALWGoLtsTeN CWtZ CINEMAI MEMORIES WITHIN MISS AGGIE artH CINEMA TEENAGE ® CHEER LEADER tempted to bargain far their choice of federal prisons, had no say about it. The 14seat Coast Guard air- plane took off from Andrews about 11:30 p.m. The man were ushered aboard the plane about SO yards from where President Nixon normally boards his pres- idential jet. . Art fair to be biggest, br'ightest yet (Continued from Pes3) Many local artists look for- ward to the fair with mixed feel- ings. "I love going to the fair to see what kind of stuff peo- ple are doing," said a Univer- sity art student. "But it makes me feel sort of jealous that I don't have my work together enough to exhibit. "Of course there's a lot of cheap, commercial-looking stuff that's made just for the money. But there's really some quality stuff also," she said. RENTALS STEREOS TVs AIR CONDITIONERS quoronteed repair service done right in our shop Hi Fi Studio 215 S. ASHLEY 668-7942 769-0342 MAIN STREET AS IT WAS AROUND 1900 .FEATURING: 250 ARTISANS Including: Special demonstrations of arts and crafts techniques; Raku and Stoneware Pottery; Watercolor; Sculpture; Drawings; Painting; Leathercraft; Jewelry, Photog- raphy; Weaving; Wood carving; AND MORE! * ENTERTAINMENT Including: Mountain Music, by Sherry and John, Wed. 6 and 7 p.m.; Jazz entertain- ment, by Ron Brooks of the Del Rio, 8-10 p.m. every night; The Extension: Special Extension Circus for children, 3-3:30 Sat.; Gemini, Wed. 4 p.m. Th-Fri. 6 p.m.; Rachel, Folk singer, Wed. 5 p.m., Th. 7 p.m., Fri. 2 p.m., Sat. to be announced; David Bernstein, sneak previews of the medieval festival; Your Heritage House Puppeteers, 3 p.m. Wed.-Fri.; Michael the Mime, Wed.-Th. 1 p.m.; Percy Danforth, Rhythm and bones, to be announced; Ann Arbor Squares, square dancing, participatory; AND MORE! A GOURMET REFRESHMENTS BRANDO * BRANDO * BRANDO! The Fugitive Kiid with Marion Brando, Joanne Woodward and Anna Magnani. Directed by Sidney Lumet Based on Tennessee;Williams' Greek-derived plav ORPHEUS DESCENDING. An inventive film. A caref retuitar-potkin' traveler wonders into a small town in Mississiepi. and falls into a love affair tracked by tragic fate. TONIGHT! July 16th only 7:15 & 9:30 P.M.$1.25 the Gnn arbor fim6Coperatie Tomorrow Eveninq-LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD Coming Thursday-Ja'ne Fonda, Lee Martin in CAT BALLOU 'cl& J."