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July 16, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-16

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Tuesday, July 16, 197 4


Page Three

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Colson testifies al
if contract
- .
aod wakou
Nearly 300 municipal workers, who
had threatened to strike in a wage dis-
pute with the city administration, rati-
fied a two-year compromise contract,
The employes represented by the,
American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) Lo-
cal 369 approved the pact by a 151-33<
TERMS OF the contract call for a 20
cent per hour wage increase and a cost ->
of living hike of tip to 10 cents per hour xms
to be added in December.
In the second year, the employes will
receive another wage and cost of living ;
jump. Disagreement between the city
and the union, however, arose only over
the first year figures.
Originally the city offered a 15 cent
wage increase, while the union demand-
ed four times that much. The compro-
mise was reached during a seven hour
bargaining session last week, after the
union had voted to strike unless the ad-
ministration improved its offer.
city and the union said they were "satis-
fied" with the compromise contract.
Nonetheless, the agreement may re-
sult in additional employe lay-offs. At
the time the city made its initial pro-'
posal, City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
rav said workers might have to be dis-
missed if the final contract exceeded the
15 cent level.
Currenttv the administration is cal-
culatin the siecific dollar amount the ;h
ne, oti ted hact will cost axidsvhere the
ftnds could >coie fron in the btid et.
THiE CONTRACT must stilt go before
City Council for approval. Murray said AP Photo
council will be consulted about the bud -FORMER WIITE HOUSE aide Charles Colson waits yesterday to testify before
See CITY, Page 8 a closed session of the Ihouse Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill,
women employes meet
to discuss union usefulness

WASHINGTON (A) - Former White
House aide Charles Colson said yester-
day that he had been told that President
Nixon once said he had approved "the
operation" in connection with Daniel
Ellsberg -- but Colson said he did not
know what operation was meant.
"It doesn't necessarily mean a bur-
glary," Colson tolds newsmen during a
dinner break from his closed-door tes-
timony to the House impeachment in-
quiry. Colson's testimony prompted con-
fusion among the House Judiciary Com-
mittee members.
SOME SAID they though Colson was
suggesting Nixon had acknowledged ap-
proving the burglary of Ellsberg's psy-
chiatrist's office. But most said the testi-
mony was either unclear or that it was
clear ('Olson had not specifically referred
to the burglary.
Members were expected to press (ol
son on what lie did mean when their
turn came, following comnuittee coun-
sels' questioning, to ask their own ques-
Rep. IHanilton Fish (R-N.Y.) said that
during questioning on -Ellser and the
Pentagon Papers ('olson testified that
former aide John Ehirlichman had told
him that Nixon had told assistant Att.
Gen. Ienry Petersen that he Nixon had
approved 'the operation."
BUT COLSON said in response to
newsmen's questions as he left the hear-
ig roon that he did not know what
Ehrlichman was suggesting the Presi-
dent might have meant by that.
"I just used the precise words lie
used,' ('olson sid.
Nixon said in a detailed statement on
May 22, 1973. that he did order an in-
vestigation by the White Iouse plumb-
ers unit of Ellsberg as part of the inves-
tigation to find out how the Pentagon
Papers had been leaked to the pubhlc.
Nixon said he could understand how
highl% ,motivated aides could miscon-
strue his order and go further than the
Presient had itended
FISH QUOTED Colon as quoting Ehr.
lichman as saving Nixon made the state-
mient of hosing approved "the opera-
tion" in April 1973 i-nearly two years
after the .llsberg Pentagon Papers in-
Rep. Delbert Latta (R-Ohio) said he
understood ('olson's testimony to go no
further than Nixon's own May 22 state-
ment that ie hid irdcreid the investiga-
ttiof Ellber ini cmniectiin witi the
Pentatgon Papsers letik
Earlier, Colson told the committee that
Nixon knew ahout and acquiesced in a
cover story fr the FBI itvestigation if
CBS newsman I)aniel Schorr, according
to three congressmen.
"There was a certain pride of author-
ship and there were some of us who had
wounded feelings," he said.
"But when you look at it in the cold
light of day I don't think anyone was
upset," he said. '
Dash acknowledged that after an in-
tensive investigation lasting more than
15 months, "you're damn sure that cer-
tain people are guilty of certain things.

Women workers from across the Uni-
versity gathered Saturday to discuss the
importance of unions as a bargaining
Although the conference, sponsored by
the American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME),
was open to anyone, it was clearly aimed
at University clerical workers whom
AFSCME and the United Auto Workers
(UAW) are vying to represent.
THE MICHIGAN Employment Rela-
tions Commission has scheduled an elec-
tion between the unions for September
16 through 23.
A keynote address given by AFSCME
member Nancy Perlman argued for col-
lective action to deal with a management
"convinced by power, not by nice
"It is easy for the University to deal
with one, but they cannot ignore 3,000.
Recognition is something that comes by
muscle, you've got to demand it," ex-
plained Perlman.
SHE CONTENDED that although the
University has made some concessions
to women's demands, the majority of
women workers are still suffering from
sex discrimination.
"Remember that in negotiations wie
must be seen as equals, not as slaves,"
she toM the 60 people at the conference.
Following the keynote address, the
participants split into two workshops,
discussed problems of working wonen
and reached some tentative conclusions.
about possible resedles.

ONE WOMAN told of a friend with a
masters degree in microbiology looking
for a research position before she began
work on her PhD. However, when she
applied for a job, she was immediately
asked about her typing skills.
Another woman said her prospective
employer, fearing that she would become
pregnant, asked her what sort of con-
traceptive she was using. The woman,
who was unmarried, neither answered
the question nor took the job.
Many women advocated abolishing
female-type casting, providing equal pay
for comparable jobs and creating more,
child care, and maternity and paternity
They said they needed better evalua-
tion procedures that would take the re-
sponsibilities of hiring and promotion out
of the realm of supervisory whim. They
also asked for more interesting work.
ONE WOMAN complained that despite
the fact that the majority of the people
in many departments are female, the
heads of the same departments are us-,
ually male. "It's like a master-slave
relationship," she said.
Several representatives of the Coalition
of Labor Union Women (CLUW) were
also present at the conference. CLUW is
a nationwide multi-union organization of
working women.
CLUW member Mary Jane Wyers said
she feels that eventually the majority
of union women will belong to the Coali-
tion. "This is what we have to do if
we are to have what is comingto us as
women workers," argued Wyers.
She explained that CLUW is a way of

"warning the nation that women are on
the move'for more equality."
Although she said that a union grie-
vance procedure is the quickest way of
getting things done, she pointed out the
Coalition also works to improve affirma-
tive action programs, to see that existing
legislation is enforced and to educate
both female union and nonunion mem-
bers about the problems they confront.

Art fair to return bigger,
more colorful than ever

The city's annual street art fair will
be more festive than ever this summer.
Not only will the tremendous crowds
be present, pushing past booths crammed
with every kind of artifact imaginable:
jewelry, paintings,,sculpture, glasswork,
leather and fabric work, but this sum-
mer's fair will also feature musical per-
formances and will include a colorful
celebration of Ann Arbor's sesquicenten-
The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair and the
Free Fair conglomerate will' also be
bigger than it has been in the past. The
fair will spread from its usual site at
East University and South University
Streets to encompass much of Main
"We're going to be working with the
1690's theme on Main Street," said Vic

Gutman, coordinator of the University's
Artsists and Craftsmen Guild, which or-
ganizes the Free Fair. "There's going
to be a whole lot of red, white and blue
-flags, bunting and the like.
"And we're going to have I890's-style
entertainment on stages-jazz, square
dancing, folk singing."
The fair, scheduled for July 17-20, will
include 850 exhibitors, coming from all
over the country.
The vendors of organic, exotic and just
regular old food will be more numerous
than they have been in past years.
The Free Fair will offer an area where
fair-goers will be able to leave their
children to paint and play under super-
The Street Art Fair is now entering
its 15th year, and the Free Fair its 14th,
. See ART, Page 8

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