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July 16, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-16

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Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXIV. No. 41-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 16, 1974

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Guard ousts
Makarios in
Cypriot coup

NICOSIA, Cyrpus (A} - The Cy-
priot National Guard, seeking un-
ion with Greece, forced President
Makarios from power yesterday
and plunged the Mediterranean is-
land republic in civil strife.
The rebels claimed Makarios had
been killed in the coup, but a Unit-
ed Nations spokesman in New York
said late yesterday that the British
district commander in the town of
Paphos had seen Makarios alive.
Makarios asked to arrange a meeting
with higher U. N. officials, a British
official at U. N. headquarters said.
Britain is one of eight countries par-
ticipating in the multinational U. N.
peacekeeping force on Cyprus.
Pooled news dispatches said earlier
that the 61-year-old archbishop broadcast
an appeal to the Cypriot people "to re-
sist and fight."
FIGHTING WAS reported in Nicosia,
Limassol and other cities between Ma-
karios' national police forces and the
National Guard.
The reports said the military coup had
been preceded by a m a s s i ve police
crackdown on members of the EOKA-B,

'Don't let the glasses fool ya ...
. . . It really is David Bromberg behind the specs. Bromberg and his band
are in town to play four shows at the Ark, two last night and two tonight. The
Ark is one of Bromberg's frequent stops on his tours across the country.

Record number of strikes
hits employers nationwide

the clandestine Greek Cypriot organiza-
tion sworn to "enosis"-unity of Cyprus
with Greece.
More than 200 suspects were reported-
ly detained before the National Guard,
led by officers of the Greek army, rolled
tanks into the streets.
THE NATIONAL Guard announced the
coup in an early morning broadcast and
said Makarios had been replaced by
Nikos Sampson, a 39-year-old former pro-
Greek resistance leader.
Sampson promised elections within a
year, declaring: "Unity and tranquility
will now be restored among the Greek-
Cypriot people in the army."
Fighting subsided last night and citi-
zens were warned to stay in their homes.
Ambulance and military vehicles raced
through empty streets during the night.
IN NEW YORK, the Cyprus ambassa-
dor to the United Nations said he had
received a message through U.N. chan-
nels purporting to be a request from
Makarios for an urgent session of the
Security Council.
At the Western White House, a spokes-
person said President Nixon was-inform-
ed of the Cyprus developments by Sec-
rct-'ry of State Henry Kissinger, who
telephoned from Washington. Kissinger
met with the Cypriot ambassador yes-
terday morning.
Press Secretary Ronald Zieger said
the State Department repotred the situa-
tion in Cyprus was unclear and there
were no specific details to provide.
THE SOVIET Union, through its offi-
cial news agency Tass, expressed sup-
port for Markarios. Tass said the Soviet
government saw the coup as "acts open-
ly violating the U.N. charter," and ob-
servers said this could be preparation
for a council summons.
One U.N. source explained the appa-
rent lack of movement by the U.N.
peacekeeping force on Cyprus, saying
the crisis appeared so far to be an in-
ternal clash between Greek Cypriots.
The 2,400-man U.N. force is responsible
for keeping peace between Greek and
Turkish Cypriots.
Pooled news dispatches reported that
three hours after the tanks rumbled into
the streets, key government buildings
were under army control and the presi-
dential palace was burning.
The controlling army declared yester-
day, "The Cyprus National Guard is in
full control of the situation. Makarios is
already dead. Whoever offers any re-
sistance will be shot on the spot."
The communique, broadcast over
Radio Cyprus, said that political pris-
oners opposed to Makarios had been re-
leased from jail and "are in good
health." It said the National Guard-
actually a 6,000-man Cypriot army led
by 650 Greek army officers-had formed
a "government of national salvation."
The broadcast claimed the army acted
because of "the tragic situation created
on the island . . . and the chaos within
the ranks of the church." It accused
Makarios of "usurping authority" and
attempting to "establish personal re-

By The Associated Press
Public employes in Ohio vowed yes-
terday to extend their strikes against
prisons and mental health facilities, and
a walkout by some 1,600 mechanics
forced cancellation of all National Air-
lines flights.
A wide variety of strikes across the
nation cut public services and interfered
with private industry during the day as
a quarter-million workers were reported
off the job in 603 separate strikes.
The Federal Mediation Service in
Washington said there were 593 strikes
involving 255,000 workers nationally last
week, the largest number of strikes in
the post-World War II era.
But a spokesperson said the number
of workers was not a record because
many of the strikes were small.
PROGRESS IN some labor disputes
was reported yesterday:
-About 3,000 garbagemen and other
city workers in Baltimore agreed to end
a two-week walkout, and a tentative
agreement was announced last night in
a separate four-day strike by about 600
police officers. Striking police were not
expected back .on their beats until after
a ratification vote today union officials
-Kennecott Copper Co., one of four
copper producers struck early yesterday
by a 26-union coalition, reached a tenta-
tive .settlement with its employes yester-
day afternoon. Union officials said the

agreement could pave the way for settle-
ment with the other three firms;
-A tentative agreement was reached
in the 121-day-old strike at Dow Chemical
Co.'s facilities in Midland, Mich. The
strike by 5,310 United Steelworkers has
been marked by violence and numerous '
arrests of pickets. Details of the agree-
ment were not released; and
-In Ebensburg, Pa., about 700 striking
coal miners returned to work yesterday
after settlement of a dispute that began
Thursday over the location of showers
for three women miners at Bethlehem
Mine Co.'s No. 3 mine.
HOWEVER, several major strikes con-
-National Airlines said all 155 of its
flights to 45 American cities and London
had been canceled until 6 a.m. this
morning because of a strike by the
International Association of Machinists.
A company spokesperson said the strike
could cost the airline $1 million a day in
operating revenues; and
-Ohio's state government was threat-
ened with a massive shutdown by some
of its blue-collar workers today after a
7,000-member union voted to strike at
midnight. Several thousand prison guards
and blue-collar workers have been out
since July 6 in a wage dispute.
IN THE copper strike, a spokesperson

for the 26 unions involved said the pre-
liminary accord with the nation's No. 1
copper producer was subject to ratifica-
tion by a steering committee. He said
picket lines will stand until midnight
Sunday-the date the tentative agree-
ment calls for the strike to end,
"Kennecott is the industry bellweather
and we hope the others come forth with
suitable offers as a result," said spokes-
man Cass Alvin.
"I think there's reason to hope this
may turn out to be the shortest copper
industry strike in history"
A strike in 1971 shut down copper
operations for seven weeks and workers
were off their jobs for eight months dur-
ing a strike in 1968.
Some 32,004 union employes, about
one-third of whom are Kennecott work-
ers, began an industry-wide strike at
midnight Sunday. Only Anaconda, which
settled two weeks ago, escaped the
The average industry wage is $4.5 an
hour, and Alvin had said the goal was to
put it on a par with the steel and alumi-
num industry settlements; amounting to
about $1 more an hour.
No agreement has been reached with
Phelps. Dodge, Ameri"oan Smelting &
Refining Co., Magma Copper Co. and
two independents, Inspiration Copper Co.
and Cities Service Co., the latter two
based in Miami.

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