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July 13, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-07-13

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Soturck-y, July 13, 1974


Poge Three

Cavanagh to sue; Staebler

calls charges

By CHERYL PILATE tion during the eight years he was De-
Former State Democratic Chairman troit's mayor, met with his lawyer Thurs-
Neil Staebler of Ann Arbor said yester- day.
day that charges of libel, slander, and Officials and supporters in Canavagh's
conspiracy leveled at him by guberna- gubernatorial campaign have called for
tonal candidate Jerome Cavanagh are an investigation to determine whether
.both "ludicrous" and a "purely diver- Rome's charges were made at the
sionary tactic." prompting of Staebler.
Cavanagh, who was accused by for- "I made two attempts to get Cavanagh
mer state crime commission chief Louis concerned about this before he filed,"
Rome of maintaining underworld can- said Staebler, "It's a difficult situation
tacts while mayor of Detroit, announced when you have to deal with these kind
yesterday he plans to file a $15 million of facts - if you release them, some
suit for defamation of character against people will call it a smear campaign-
Staebler and Rome. if you don't, some people will call it a

EARIIER this week, Cavanagh said
the allegations were "absurd" and liken-
ed the charges to the "horrors of Wat-
Rome said 'Tuesday Cavanagh was
unfit to be governor because of his
"proxinity to Detroit's underworld."
Staebler, who told Rome that "lse
owed it to the public" to come forth
with the allegations if they were strong-
ly substantiated, said that he was "very
impressed" with the "evidence" against
"Ite (Rome) is a person of strong con-
science," said Staebler. "When we first
conferred (mid-March) I told him to
put together his charges more firmly-
now lie has apparently substantiated
CAVANAGH, who said there was "no
scandal of any kind" in his administra-

STAEIIBER refused to comment on
whether the charges wvould impair ('va
nagh's chances whets he faces Sander
Levin in the Aug. 6 Democratic primary.
"I'll leave that for sou people to de
cide," he said. "l'mnot supporting any-
levin has issued - statement denving
any connection with ome, delaring
that his canaign swv's devoted "solely
to the issues."
Romeo wits executive director of the
Michigan Commission on a Enforce-
ment aid Criminal .Justice from 196 to
lIe resigned nder pressure from Re-
publican Governor William Milliken
shortly before* being convicted of owning
student housing in Ann Arbor that vio
lated the building code. He was fined $70.
Rome is now a private consultant on
law enforcement in Est Lansing.

NEIL STAEBLER, former state Democratic chairman, responds to charges
leveled at him by gubernatorial candidates Jerome Cavanagh. Staebler called
the charges "ludicrous".

oca hypnologists claim
power to conquer vices
By BILL IILENAN rette smokers wosld be instructed to saying," tie reveals.

Tihrough hypnotism chances are SO per
cent or better that you can cure your
bad habits-or maintain the good ones-
sy local hypnologists.
Despite hypnotism's "hocus - pocus"
reputation, no pocketwatch wielding doc-
tors lurk behind, the walls of the Ann
Arbor Hypnosis Center. Located in a
drab, combination apartment-office build-
ing, the center is the only clinic in the
city devoted exclusively to hypnotism.
The atmosphere is informal, with
"clients" addressing the three staff mem.
hers by their first names.
"THEY'RE CLIENTS, not patients,"
said co-director of the center, hypnolo-
gist Doug Beltz. "Patients implies that
we're handling medical problems, which
we're not."
Beltz claims 80 per cent or better ef-
fectiveness in controlling errant "beha-
vior patterns"-notably weight, smoking
and general "uptightness" problems. He
claims a 100 per cent cure rate for in-
somnia and impotence.
"In order to help the client we must
get him to relax and concentrate on the
problem," Beltz says. "Our purpose is
to help him learn how to exercise the
power of the mind to solve problems;"
tinues Beltz is 'suggestion'-any spoken
remark or command serving to rein-
force the desired goal.
For those who wish to quite smoking:
"Picture yourself as a non-smoker,"
"The process is continual, and we may
see the client for four to five sessions,"
he continues. -
In conjunction with his office efforts,
Beltz teaches customers self-hypnosis by
explaining the various relaxation stages
involved. At home, he says, the subject
reads the. suggestion to himself. Ciga-

practice self-hypnosis three times a day,
ic adds.
THOUGH hypnolgists disagree on the
exact niumber of hynotic levels, most
concede that there are light and deep
states. Under light hypnosis, Beltz ex-
plains, the subject focuses his attention
on the thought without being critically
aware of his surroundings.
"Students often unwittingly become,
the victims of this 'waking, hypnosis'
when furiously taking lecture notes with-
out analyzing what their professor is

Other characteristics of light hypnosis
include catalepsy (inability to move
eyes), memory blacks, or a change in
smell or taste senses.
Deeper hypnosis is characterized by
subject amnesia, an absence of pain sen-
sation, and hallucinations.
Only 20 per cent of the total popula-
tion enters deep hypnosis, Beltz contends.
WITH A note of cynicism Beltz com-
ments: "Maybe there's no such thing as
hypnotism, maybe people are just pre-

State legislature
passes tougher,
new rapebill
LANSING (UPI)t-The State Legislm-
ure yesterday approved a revamp of
the state's century old rape law which
would prohibit defense attorneys from
revealing a rape victim's sexual history
in court.
THE SENATE gave the bill a final
nod on a 27-6 vote after the Iloise ap-
proved it Thursday. It now goes to Gov.
William Milliken.
The bill is aimed at protecting the
victim's rights while making it easier
for prosecutors to convict rapists. It
provides a maximum penalty of life
imprisonment-as does current law-
even though an earlier Senate version
set a maxinum prison term of 40 years.
WOMEN'S GROUPS supporting it com-
plained that under current law, the vic-
tim is put on trial by defense attorneys
who bring out the victim'seconsensuat
sexual history and attempt to smear her
In addition to outlawing testimony of
a victim's sexual history, the bill divides
the crime into four degrees and classi-
fies it as a crime of assault rather than
a sex crime.

Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
IYPNOLOGIST DOUG Beltz relaxes in his office at the Ann Arbor Hypnosis
Center, The clinic is the only one in the city devoted exclusively to hypnosis.

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